starches ive noticed make my extremities cold, and my nose, so that means a lower metabolism yes?
Why does my bowel movements speed up with this starch intake? if im cold?
I had oatbran, sugar n milk then im cold
oatbran sugar n water = cold also
Milk makes me warm, but then my bowel movments slows
I've cold turkey stopped milk, my bowels now seem to be well formed... after 3 days of stopping. What is this indicating?
starches ive noticed make my extremities cold,
What kind of starches? Both potato and bread / pasta?
oatbran is rich in phytates.
I'd change for Jordan’s simply Crunchy oat granola with hazelnut milk. No milk during a few days (lactase insufficiency makes digestion complicated). Moderate cow milk then.How is your bowel move. Feces 2x/day, every day or nearly. Doesn't it stink or not (sulfur?). Solidity (well shaped) and color.
@LucH Yes oat bran and bread, I like jam on toast, easy carbs and feel good on it
This is in jordnas simply cruncy oats, i wouldnt eat these...
Wholegrain Oat Flakes (81%), Sugar, Vegetable Oil (Rapeseed and Sunflower in varying proportions), Honey (1%), Sunflower Seeds, Natural Flavouring -
This is in jordans simply crunchy oats, i wouldnt eat these...
My portion is 4 big tbsp (50 g). Twice a week. Here, a portion is 45 g / 188 K/cal.
So, here for the fats we get 5 g:- SFA 0.6
- MUFA 2.8
- PUFA 1.3 (bag 700 g)
Pufa’s come from colza and sunflower oils, and from pumpkin seeds, which are good for the prevention of prostatitis.
Added sugar come from honey (1%)
So you decide not to take 1.3 g PUFA (well-balanced between omega-3 and 6 (could be avoided, yes it’s better) but you accept sulfite from ham, excess phytates from oat brans, and probably refined cane sugar in your bowl (?)
By the way, I set my targets at 4.5 LA and 1.5 ALA in Cronometer. No need to be so high, I agree.
0.5 g of omega-3 is more than enough. But we are amazed by linoleic acid (W6). Every time I have PUFA, I take a teaspoon of coconut, to limit its impact on the tissues.NB: When I can limit my amount of PUFA to 2 g per meal, I'm OK. The least, the best but the balance and the upper level (not to reach) are my usual targets.
I repeat: I take one tsp coconut oil to limit the impact of PUFA + 2x/wk vit E (mixed toco). Not perfect, I agree.
I can develop this last point if wanted (integrity of membranes) or give a link. -
I dont seem to be reacting to it
Everybody does. You don't notice the problem because the body repairs itself during the night. Let's say your capacity to repair is strong if you don't feel it. Fine.
How long will it last if you do it so at 3 meals + eventually a snack?
10 to 20 % people are concerned by a hyper-reaction.
You'd better anticipate. Lower your load wga. See the picture beneath.
You could eat 2 fruits at breakfast for carbs + ham or cheese for protein.
This morning, it was on bowl with blueberries (4 oz) and Greek cheese (125 ml). When I need sugar: it's coconut sugar (GI 55) or brown maple syrup (not light). As syrup is high in fructose, only at breakfast (free place in liver). -
@LucH I need about 140g carbs for breakfirst
zero milk intake = stopped hair shedding too
May have to stop either coffee or white sugar, or histamine foods to fix this skin issue in my chin
removing milk has def made me ice cold feet
When I haven't protein at breakfast, I get cold hands. Optimal when from meat.
When a person consumes a protein-rich meal, the body initiates a complex process to break down and digest it. Protein digestion requires more energy than carbohydrates or fats, as amino acids break down into smaller components. This is called a diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT), and it causes body temperature to rise. -
@LucH Think i need to stop white sugar i thought coffee was causing it, but looks like white sugar is causing seb derm and fiberous foods make me stink
looks like white sugar is causing seb derm and fiberous foods make me stink
When I need added sugar, I use most of the time coconut sugar. It has several qualities (Mind the way it has been manufactured => origin. Glycemic index 53, with all cofactors).
At breakfast, I may use 1 tbsp maple syrup (the dark one) when I eat white soft cheese (to vary). Only at breakfast since this syrup is rich in fructose. To keep it a long time ( more than one month), I add 2 drops lemon EO.
When my strawberries are not fine enough (lack of taste), I use muscovado sugar (not refined). I only use white sugar for my kombucha.
Note: sugar cane, even the brown one, is a fake. They just added a little molasses to color it.
If I summarize: the less added sugar, the best it is. But there is still the hidden sugar in manufactured food. Keep that in mind when buying jams, biscuits and pastries.
If you stink, you have to define the odor: If it smells like rotten eggs, it could be sulfur produced by gut bacteria. But this would also be the case for stools.
What about the digestion when drinking milk. We are limited in lactase enzyme. By the way, cow milk stimulates acne or small pimples, in some people (mostly teens, but not only). -
it fixed constipation
What about your MMC? Motility seems lazy or erratic.
MMC = The migrating motor complex. Interprandial bowel move.Useful info:
The migrating motor complex (MMC) is an electrical and contractile activity of digestive motility which takes place in the inter-digestive periods (between two meals), and interrupted by food intake. Each MMC is accompanied by an increase in gastric, pancreatic and duodenal secretions. They are thought to serve to evacuate contents in the small intestine between meals, and also to transport bacteria from the small intestine into the colon. An alteration of this phase notably favors the development of chronic bacterial colonization of the small intestine, a source in particular of bloating, diarrhea, or even steatorrhea, of the majority of food intolerances. When contractile activity is low, we then speak of lazy intestines. Support and rehabilitation is often necessary, with a prokinetic.
NB: I’ve used Resolor 0.5 mg, as prokinetic (1 tablet 1 mg cut into 2 pieces) which is classified as laxative but not used so). -
@LucH no idea
but im getting worse after 7 years on this diet
orange/yellow hands /palms
yellow scela in right eye
I stink from fiberous foods
Sulphur smell from eggs and meat
red rashes on face and dry from fiberous foods.. -
Ok I think the rash in my beard is coming from coffee/caffiene, its almost an instant rash and gets more red/dry inflammed the more coffee i consume...
Mold?What else could it be causing a reaction to it?
I dont know