DHT as an alternative for TRT
DHT has a binding affinity twice that of T, so 5mg of DHT is equivelent to 10mg of T and D bol has a binding affinity 5 times that of testosterone, so 34mg of Dbol is equivelent to 6mg of T.
So the androgens you will be taking MIGHT be equivalent to 16mg of T. I have no idea, I am just referencing cell studies and binding affinity of steroids, not their activation of the androgen receptor or their transcription of the androgen receptor.
So 160mg of pregnenolone.
Don't know why you are taking dianabol... because it doesn't significantly lower LH, even though it cuts T in half? It is liver toxic, and it creates such shitty side effects in people.
People are always trying to find something that is safer and better than simply taking testosterone... Dianabol is not the way to go.
@sushi_is_cringe Probably have shrunk, but I don't think I would of noticed my nut size change or semen volume change, if I didn't know I was on gear.
@sushi_is_cringe I haven't got a good physique. I can dumbell press 110lb dumbells, but I don't know what my bench or squat or deadlift is, as I don't enjoy these exercises / care about anabolism and therefore don't take the gym seriously. I have never mentioned anything about anabolism in these steroid debates, as I am not interested in anabolism. If you want maximal anabolism, then take a bunch of estrogenic steroids, HGH and insulin bulk with a lot of food, sleep well and train very hard. Very boring to talk about and the results do not look appealing.
I simply discuss the metabolic, genomic, pharmacokinetic, and psychoneuroendocrinology aspects of steroids, amongst other topics. If my lack care about anabolism, means you are not convinced by my arguments and the studies I reference, so be it.
Edit: I have had nothing but positive experiences of running this much gear for nearly a year. I have no estrogenic symptoms; no hair loss, no water retention (in fact it was lowered by testosterone), no gyno, no roid rage, nothing negative. I also have no estrogenic symptoms that may been seen in a positive light, such an excessive sex drive, mania, disinhibtion, excess anabolism.
I simply have a good sex drive, confidence, masculinity and okay anabolism from this dose. Nothing else. The best way I can describe this cycle, is how people describe being on primobolan or masteron.
I am doing this all without an AI; I would be much more interested, about how I can handle this much test sustainably without an AI and estrogen issues, than anabolism or my physique. Just saying.
Well since most of the pregnenalone that is taken orally is converted to progesterone derivatives, I'm not sure if that would confound the calculation.
If 10-15x pregnenalone in circulation is what is needed to prevent testicular atrophy, then you're probably never going to be able to get there with oral supplementation since most of it is converted to progesterones. But, maybe that's fine because progesterone can also save the testes.
Why not just do transdermal pregnenalone or testosterone to the testes (or both) together with an AI like androsterone? If someone wants to try this, it would be very useful.
@jamezb46 Good thought, Haidut recommended that in the comment section of the original thread on the low toxin forum.
@alfredoolivas oh, ok. thanks for the explanation
Where to get real pharma andracrim dht ? I have ppl but I am afraid an dont take. Possible to get rx from hormone doctor? is idealab androsterone equivalent ?