Urgent overdose (b1, prog)
Don’t understand why progest E worsened symptoms for me
@bioenergetical Im glad your okay that sounds scary
I’ve been drinking oj. I took 4g sodium bicarbonate and I felt weird. Shortness of breath
No, I’m not really okay. I’m tense, on edge. I don’t know what’s gonna happen
I feel warm and im not convulsing. But I feel like I can’t breathe that great. It just feels off
I took a manganese capsule and I feel more relieved… I did see something about excess B1 causing manganese deficiency. Not sure if it depleted anything else
@bioenergetical Try magnesium and riboflavin.
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the manganese seemed to have stabilized me for the night, my blood pressure normalized (slightly lower than normal but that’s fine). But now I woke up with higher blood pressure. Feeling kinda desperate
@bioenergetical how did you take that much especially transdermally
I don’t know if doctors will be able to help regarding this situation. Bioenergetics is a more obscure practice. Wouldn’t they put me in a more critical state?
Should I take more manganese?
I took manganese, made me feel relief. Later on, I started feeling cold and stressed. Maybe it’s because the B1 is stimulating my metabolic rate and causing other deficiencies
It’s still in my body, continuously burning through everything. Sometimes I am able to guess what and I feel warm and relaxed. But it only lasts for so long
@bioenergetical youll probably be fine in like a week
Good thinking on the manganese.
@bioenergetical Try magnesium and riboflavin.
Yes, good thinking there too. Mg as a cofactor. Riboflavin as a cofactor and because of the flavoenzymes displacement. More thoughts are a low amount of P5P as a cofactor and potassium chloride rather than sodium, and a lot of carbs/glucose to feed that PDH stimulated by thiamine. Which also synthesizes Acetyl-CoA for acetylcholine in the cytoplasma and therefore depletes choline. That's double-edged, too, because more choline may enable yet more acetylcholine.
Uridine 5′-triphosphate (UTP) acts as the preferred substrate for TPK1 for thiamine pyrophosphate synthesis needed as the cofactor for PDH activity. More uridine/cytidine would therefore increase thiamin clearance through the TCA but also exacerbate an already high PDH activity for even more CO2. Not sure about that, therefore.
Because of the sulphur moiety in thiamin it's also important to think of molybdenum for its clearance.
@cs3000 IME you can't "starve out" a thiamin-induced rise of carbohydrate metabolism. It's awful, keeps you nervous, "on edge" and incessantly irritable until you finally give in to e.g. cook and eat yet another pot of pasta after the previous two you've already had.
I feel like the B2 only works if accompanied by niacinamide. I took B6 already, not sure about taking more cause I heard that one should be more careful with that one. I was freaking out but I stabilized for a little while. Now I can tell that I’m losing homeostasis again… getting colder and more anxious. I’ll start convulsing and freaking out soon if I don’t recover whatever nutrient I need
I felt toxic after taking B2 by itself but the niaicnamide seemed to get rid of that sensation. But I’ll have to test more
sometimes I feel that way, other times I feel like I’m done for
I don’t know if hospitals would be able to help me in this situation. It’s just completely unconventional