Wilhelm Reich, Vril, Esoteric Peatlerism
@Sugar I made some orgonite recently, but i screwed it up somehow, probably didn't stir the epoxy enough, it ended up being a gluey mess. I wanted to test it anyways. I put a banana piece on it, and another piece away from it. The banana on the orgonite is rotting faster than the other banana. Maybe it's generating evil orgone
I have read of people resetting bad vibes orgonite by leaving in the sun, maybe i try that. Or maybe i start over and make a nicer one.
@boats Evil orgone might make you racist, beware.
@PissBoy womp womp
"Orgonomy has contributed some major insights into this riddle by disclosing the transitions from reasoning to emotions, from emotions to instincts, from instincts to bio-energetic functions, and from bio-energetic functions to physical orgone energy functions."
Just found this quote reading Ether, God and Devil : Cosmis Superimposition by Reich. Felt very peaty, similar to what you were saying @jens great read, would recommend thus far.
https://archive.org/details/ether_god_and_devil-cosmic_superimposition/page/n21/mode/1up -
Robert Sepehr has a lot of videos discussing orgone energy, vril, chi, etc in depth if anyone is looking to learn more, it comes up a lot in his work. Also the Kate Bush song Cloudbusting is about Wilhelm Reich if anyone is familiar with it lol. He's a very interesting and underdiscussed figure
@greg great song brother, hadn't made that connection before very cool.
@jens Just Shungite I purchased off Amazon. It was not verified by any governing body or organization (to my knowledge).
@sladerunner69 I want this to be true. I find I can trick myself into thinking the shungite is being effective based on weird anomalies with the reader, depending on how I'm holding it, like my field or body is interrupting the reading, not the shungite. But if I place the piece of shungite on a table and set the reader down, there is zero effect. I'm using a trifield and have used multiple pieces of shungite, including some coming directly from a main source in russia. I had a friend who sold shungite and discovered this independently, and then stopped selling it.
Either way, your results got me questioning myself enough that I'm going to try again. This was a while ago.
funniest reich story: he gave a copy of his new book, The function of the Orgasm to his mentor freud, who only had this to say: "that thick, huh"
Peat mostly mentioned him in regards to character enarmorisation, like in "Listen little man" or "The Mass psychology of fascism", or an approach through making a system out of autonomous nervous system etc.. I recommend the latter book if you actually want to read his stuff, except all the orgone/orgonite things
thought I would share some interesting tables and charts from "the function of the orgasm"
This image is detailing the continual increased sexual energy in an unhealthy person. They are stimulated but they do not see a full drop down to baseline. This chart is strikingly similar to how prolactin and estrogen behave in a hypothyroid person. As mentioned in the OP, the inability to offload estrogen, and to return to baseline prolactin levels leads to sexual dysfunction, nymphomania, as well as the many other health problems associated with estrogen and prolactin dominance. Reich had the same findings as haidut, but through a slightly different lens
In this image reich outlines his observations of the "sexually inhibited" state to the "sexually liberated" state. or the "sympathetic effect vs. the parasympathetic effect" Notice how similar it is to operating in the stress state (PTH, cortisol, NO, estrogen, serotonin) opposed to operating in the euthyroid state (C02, T3/t4, progesterone etc..)
The findings are very similar, the flow of energy are central to both disciplines. It is remarkable how similar it is.
I have yet to construct an orgone accumulator because I am looking for a material that will be a suitable outer shell, the material used in the handbook is no longer attainable in my understanding, so I need to do more digging in obscure corners of the internet.
if the orgone chamber works I will make a cloudbuster and turn the high desert steppe into a lush oasis for peaters to start a breakaway civilization.
@jens yea exactly what I was thinking when i read this, made a thread on this but your commment is much better , I have personal experience with t3 and lowering prolactin with bromo and my orgasms became much more satisfying . Before I was also on nofap train simply because of how I would feel right after.
I've always asked my self why I knew of both Reich and Aajonus long before I had heard of Peat. I have had a physical copy of the orgone accumulator handbook for years now but never ended up finishing it and I had also planned on buying an orgone blanket from his store but never got around to it. Did you know that James Demeo passed away just 7 months before Ray Peat, and they were both from Oregon?
@Dakota I was unaware that his passing and his home were both so close to peats. I think they were definitely up to some funny business there.
Reich founded the practice of "vegetotherapy" its the belief that emotions and past experiences manifest themselves physically in the organism. Reich claimed to have cured many clients physical and psychological defects. The practice involves the "breaking up and releasing" of the biological damning of orgone throughout the bodies tissue. Stress causes the hardening and rigidity of the organism as a protective mechanism, only through allowing the flow of energy to flow uninterrupted can the organism reach its optimal state. Very similar to peats idea of "energy and structure are interdependent at every level." I will post some of the more interesting case studies later.
@jens I would love to see those case studies, where can I find more information about the vegetotherapy? I like the idea of breaking the "dams" that impede energy flow, sounds like there is much overlap between TCM, Peat, and Reich.
Interestingly enough, one of the primary noticeable effects of Reich's orgone accumulator boxes was that it would heat up the user's body quite dramatically, but never in a way that was uncomfortable. Very reminiscent of Peat's thoughts on metabolism.
Someone on here should make one and test it on themselves. -
@Dakota I read about it a lot in his book "The function of the orgasm" I think out of all of his books that one is likely the one that covers the most bases. I also think that his book "character analysis" talks about it quite a bit. I think both can be found for free on archive.org. Also I don't think it is difficult to find physical copies of the books, from what I've read so far it can be very dense at times.
@ATP yeah lots of crazy experiments done with them. I plan on making one as soon as I can source absurd amounts of steel wool.