Dismantling Charlie's words and deeds on the "raypeat "forum and here
These are strange times. And this person has no idea he's on the wrong side of them. To be continued...
I do not feel any anger towards Charlie. It is just sad that people favour profit over truth and justice. I also think we owe Brad a thanks for creating this forum.
@Harlock He's getting more delusional by the day. Wtf even is the "low vitamin A low toxin movement"? A few people on twitter that have been conned by GS? I'm looking forward to the end of this saga because it can't possibly end well.
@sphenoid Maybe he is thinking, that he's leading a holly crusade against VA... and he will save the whole of humanity and become a hero for eternity
Or it's all about money...
Or just a bunch of morons, who can't grasp anything beyond reductionistic scapegoating on VA... -
He always struck me as one of those classic RP Forum users who flits from one thing to the next, and each time he is convinced he's found THE answer, and makes a long-winded, definitive post proclaiming x is bad and y is good, and his whole life has changed as a result. Then a week later, y is bad and z is the holy grail.
He is a genuinely terrible administrator and the Christian stuff is so deeply at odds with Ray Peat. It's a shame because that forum is actually the most incredible treasure trove of info going back years. (God bless the soul who created a mirror!)
@Truth I had to chuckle when reading that he eats 4 apples and 3 banans per day, while being anti-fructose.
I am pro fructose and dont eat that much fruit.The toxic bile movement is interesting, mostly because it brings more attention to the gallbladder and bile. I have been reading a lot about it these past months and discovered that it seems to be an "upstream" thing that affects many downstream issues.
Like the FX-receptor (bile acid receptor) is as interesting as it gets in terms of receptors. The whole "X" family (FXR,PXR, RXR,LXR) of receptors is really worth looking into. Ironically Vitamin A activates the RXR, which is good for liver health.
@BlueMeth A few years ago he was convinced B2 and B3 supplementation cures every gut issue IF you only take it long enough.
What has happened to that cure-all? -
@BlueMeth said in Dismantling Charlie's words and deeds on the "raypeat "forum and here:
He always struck me as one of those classic RP Forum users who flits from one thing to the next, and each time he is convinced he's found THE answer, and makes a long-winded, definitive post proclaiming x is bad and y is good, and his whole life has changed as a result. Then a week later, y is bad and z is the holy grail.
He is a genuinely terrible administrator and the Christian stuff is so deeply at odds with Ray Peat. It's a shame because that forum is actually the most incredible treasure trove of info going back years. (God bless the soul who created a mirror!)
Could you share the mirror’s link?
@Mauritio Hi, Charlie is even in a cognitive dissonance where he says "yes fructose is a poison, the benefits of potassium in bananas and fiber in apples outweight the poisonous effects of fructose"
Perceiving things in terms of "POISON" and non poison, is sub-optimal, it cultivates a higher degree of confusion, of fear of experimenting with things that would be beneficial to us, of "orthorexia", of being influenced by influencers who are in sub-optimal health and energy themselves and who make emotional claims that lack experience and discernment.
"Fructose", "vitamin A" are names given to theoretical fictional elements that we have potentially never experienced, we eat foods and potentially take supplements, which allegedly contain these elements, believing in the effects that are attributed to these theoretical fictional elements, believing that these effects are absolute and/or applicable in the majority of cases, can commonly contribute to limiting our experimentation and going against our instincts, and therefore limiting and/or having a negative impact on our health
For fun, in other words, "fructose" and "vitamin A" don't exist
@BlueMeth Hi, That's what it is in part, i suggest that it's not his fault, a degree of energy and health not high enough, increases our propensity for sub-optimal ideas to enter us, remain there, and influence us, because they have aroused certain emotions, negative emotions that we can take a long time to free ourselves from until we reach a high enough degree of energy
Some of his beliefs, which he associates with religion and/or Christianity, seem to be at least partly cultivated by these lingering negative emotions
we can free ourselves from these lingering negative emotions very, very quickly if we eat what is optimal for us
took 200k IU Vitamin A just now, in his honour
@lutte RIP
@mostlylurking glad to see your name here! I got banned today for questioning Mr. Law and Order.
@ilovethesea said in Dismantling Charlie's words and deeds on the "raypeat "forum and here:
glad to see your name here! I got banned today for questioning Mr. Law and Order.
Hi there! It's important to always question "authority".
I got banned twice. The first time was because I said something about Authoritarianism, with a link to the definition, for the slower ones who Rule to help them get it. The second (and final) banning (I didn't last but about an hour after being released from the black pit the Lord threw me in; I didn't even get to respond to a couple of private messages) was because I piped up and had the audacity to post that I didn't mention anyone by name the first time I was banned. I've moved on with my life.
Such a ridiculous situation over there. It really is sad. And to think I actually paid that maroon money....
Well, I'm glad you are here. Yeah, that's why I didn't read his contract to get back in. It would be a malign hoover if I dared speak anything close to my mind.
I noticed how he hoovered Georgi with his bro announcement how he lifted the ban. Only to not back off at all. -
Charlie's current behavior seems to indicate too much estrogen and too much serotonin, etc. "Low VA diet" failed him...
@Kvirion Hi,
Making claims in a sensationalist manner, and/or exaggerated claims with a disparity between those claims and reality can be a common phenomenon when people have a suboptimal degree of energy, and their primary interest is trying to influence others for their own benefit in terms of "self-esteem", "recognition from others", "feeling of power" and potentially receiving money from others, rather than others well being
Of the few people I've seen commenting that they eat a diet of mainly rice and muscle meat, this is a fairly common phenomenon
@Kvirion Seems more and more to be intolerant of opposing views, even when they are respectful.
He also doesn't seem to even 'consider' an alternate view/s without immediately replying with (sometimes) nonsense. -
This degree of idiocy is inherently taunting.
@Regina said in Dismantling Charlie's words and deeds on the "raypeat "forum and here:
Well, I'm glad you are here. Yeah, that's why I didn't read his contract to get back in. It would be a malign hoover if I dared speak anything close to my mind.
Thanks! I'm glad you made it over here too. Witnessing the destruction of that place where I spent time (a LOT of it) for 10+ years was somewhat traumatic.
There was a "contract to get back in"? I missed that entirely. Oh, well... I wouldn't have read it either.
I tried to watch a Garrett Smith video to better understand Charlie's obsession, but Smith's dogmatic angry delivery was a turn off so I turned him off.
After thinking about it, it seems to me that I'm pretty sensitive to carotene/vegetable vitamin A and I've instinctively avoided it for a very long time (8-9 years). I had to soak/rinse/squeeze dry my shredded carrots in order to successfully eat them. But I'd never tell Charlie that.