@evan-hinkle @Uroš I've been gelatin-maxxing with homemade oxtail broth and jello today so hopefully this helps.

Latest posts made by PrinceMyshkin
RE: Nasal congestion remedies
RE: Nasal congestion remedies
@CO3 Not regularly. On rare occasion I might have a soda or juice drink with citric acid. I've never noticed any obvious issues after consuming but I do my best to avoid.
Nasal congestion remedies
I've had lingering mild nasal congestion on the back end of having a cough/cold. It's not bad but it's been lingering for nearly 10 days. Any peaty remedies that have worked for people?
Aspirin/baking soda/OJ seem to help. I've tried big doses of thiamine hcl (800mg) which helps me sleep but hasn't solved the issue. I've also done some facial massages to drain sinuses which gives temporary relief but I want to find a solution to the root cause to fully clear it.
RE: Is this peaty enough?
@PeaterDinklage This looks pretty good but I think you may be consuming too much starch. I know this varies from person to person but a peat inspired diet is generally pretty low in starch. As it can slow gut transit and increase endotoxin etc. Try to reduce to one serving of starch per day, maybe potatoes with lunch and replace those calories with citrus fruit, OJ, and/or more milk. More milk is generally good, Peat generally recommended around 2qt a day, this will keep stress hormones down. I don’t really trust sourdough unless I bake it myself and even then it’s hard to find good flour that’s not fortified with junk, might want to avoid that. For cheese you might try a parmigiano reggiano as it’s made the traditional way with animal rennet rather than GMO enzymes. Little changes like these can add up. Also I think supplementing zinc long term can lead to issues with copper levels, I’d be careful with that. Best to get zinc from oysters if you can as it’s balanced with other minerals.
Something as simple as eating less starch and drinking more milk/OJ could start to turn things around for you. Best of luck.
RE: TMJ (temporomandibular) disorder and teeth grinding
@mostlylurking So we got some thiamine hcl and my wife started taking it. First dose was 200mg and the next day she already started feeling relief. She’s worked up to 400mg/day and it seems to have almost completely resolved the TMJ. It’s also helping with the teeth grinding and jaw clenching at night. Amazing. Thanks again for the advice.
RE: Orange juice causes white tongue, how do I destroy the Candida within me with absolute prejudice and malice?
@Key-2 do you swish the baking soda around your mouth or just swallow it?
@Seam I find adding a bit of baking soda to my OJ not only makes it taste great with a fizzy top but helps with digestion. Also I’ve been chewing mastic gum every day and it is helping with white tongue.
RE: Liver and oysters? Vit A supplement?
@Kenji liver and oysters provide a lot more nutrients than just vitamin A. Liver is loaded with B vitamins, copper, selenium and more. Oysters are high in zinc and also provide copper, selenium. These are essential for good metabolism and the advice to have weekly liver and oysters is simple straightforward advice to make sure you’re getting these nutrients without having to take a fat stack of supplements - better to get as much as you can from food before supplementing. Vitamin A is important of course but it’s not the only reason to eat liver.
RE: White tongue
@skylark I do take kuinone sublingually, perhaps swishing it around mouth/teeth/gums could be therapeutic for oral health.
RE: White tongue
@buckminster I do eat white rice and we’ll cooked potatoes on a weekly basis. This could definitely be a contributing factor but I have a hard time eliminating starch completely, potatoes digest very well and make me feel good.
RE: White tongue
@wamantah no sinus issues, I’m generally breathing pretty clear