The peatiest form of studying would be not having to study anything that one doesn’t want to but I know how you feel because most students etc have to do it anyway and I’ve been in medschool for more than three years now and even before that I hated studying and I hate the pointless classes I have to study for to this day. I’m very lazy to study.
I think as long as you have to drag yourself to it and rely on „discipline“ you will struggle with laziness which in that case is just you avoiding doing the task because you don’t like it. But we have to do it anyway so;
What I cannot recommend are those repetitive, serotonin type study routines such as „Study a little bit every day!“ or flashcards (Anki etc) because this is just brainless repetitive behavior that is unnatural and not peaty.
But what I can recommend are shorter-term bouts of hard study sessions before an exam. Just spam every and any peaty supp you know 1-2 weeks before an exam and study everyday in a library; Caffeine, chocolate, redbull, NDT, T3, any B vitamins, fruits, meth blue, anything dopaminergic; everything really. Don’t eat any grains for those two weeks.
Peaty study methods; those would be the ones that maximize creativity and thinking; try to understand the concepts; write down questions about the study topics and answer them; make mind maps; think, think about your thinking, how you get to those conclusions; analyze the info - sort the info; what is the same, what is different?
And break free from any routines and tasks which restrict you. Be free, that is peaty. I for example made a commitment to go to lectures as little as possible for the upcoming semester, because it doesn’t matter anyway. Then, at the end of the semester I will commit for 3 weeks or so to study for the exams.
I hope this helps