Here I will be logging my experience taking a low dose of topical DHT alongside some of the other supps that have been in my stack for a while. I already have about the first week written in my notepad so I'll be transcribing that all here now and then updating as the experiment goes on.
Background: I am a mid 20s man in good health by normie standards. I have no specific symptoms I'm looking to treat, though I did in the past and peatosphere recommendations have mostly corrected those: Through my teens and early 20s I was unmotivated, prone to staying up too late, oversleeping, and eating infrequently and in too-large quantities at once. I've always been mentally sharp, emotionally mostly normal if a bit awkward/ mild nerd sperg type shit. From around 2020 to 2022 I developed severe skin issues that were basically an extension of the sebbhoreic dermatitis on my scalp but affecting my face, chest, and groin areas. Hygeine has always been good so wasn't that, and numerous crunchy oils and shit didn't do anything either. These skin issues were finally greatly ameliorated by adding liver to my diet, diminishing the seb derm as well. Through 2022 I did not have any active symptoms but my body composition was shifting more feminine (I have always been around the upper range of good bmi, with body comp being decent in months where I'm physically active for example rowing, and getting poor in times where I'm sedentary like covid era). In 2023 I began to feel existential anxiety and obsession with topics like death and the afterlife. This evaporated when I began supplementing tyromix and progesterone. Since then my emotional state has been excellent, motivation levels moderately high, and body composition moderately androgenous and on the huskier side (i.e. masculine arms, feminine torso, ~20-30% bodyfat).
Basically, I believe I have a history of serotonin dominance since adolescence, and was never significantly hypothyroid but for some reason in the past few years experienced an uptick in pituitary/adrenal activity due to some stressful relationship and life circumstances and poor nutrition and digestive habits.
In the last few months I have added haiduts DHEA/Pregnenolone mix Pansterone, occasionally a little topical preg on its own, and some topical vitamin K to my stack. Since using these I have reduced tyromix dosing and frequency with no negative effects and have experienced further decrease of seb derm on the scalp, plus positive mood and body comp changes (though ive simultaneously increased OJ and gelatin intake so there are many factors at play). Currently I use bloo shampoo and with use every 2-3 days, there is no noticeable dandruff at all, which is significant as I have had consistent dandruff since age ~14 with nothing working to consistently reduce it.
Anyway I know that's a ton of preliminary stuff before I even talk about androgens or why I'm trying DHT but I wanted to give a fairly detailed picture of the state of my physiology so that people who are considering also trying DHT can make a more informed decision based on how their starting point compares to mine.
As far as what my health goals actually are: Ultimately, Ideally, I want to be immortal and young forever. I mean I'm not gonna be torn up if that doesn't happen but I figure to aim for the moon and maybe land among the stars. More realistically, I want to maintain a physiologic state where elation comes easily, it is easy and joyful to live in this body, and I have the time and energy to fully commit myself to my relationships and my many passion projects. As such I am interested in experimenting with ways to reach or hopefully maintain an androgenic state to see if some of the things people report about such a state might be conducive to those goals. Specifically I am interested in mood, resilience, cognitive benefits, athletic and sexual performance and body composition, social and relationship benefits of a youthful masculine appearance, and of course the usual peaty counteracting of estrogen/cortisol/serotonin to protect tissue from stress and degradation.
So, I acquired a solution of 10% DHT in DMSO, following many positive testimonies and favorable studies. To be perfectly honest, I was seeing decent androgenic effects from DHEA, and part of my rationale for wanting to experiment with DHT is specifically the many claims that exist online that it can measurably grow penile tissue. However I've more or less given up on that aspect as I'm not willing to try the large replacement or superphysiological doses that seem to be needed for it; I very much want to avoid HPTA suppression, which is the other part of why I am experimenting with quite low doses. There are so many accounts online that that state directly contradictory things about whether DHT is suppressive, some say "yes, very," some say "not at all in doses below like 50mg." So far I think the conclusion that passes the sniff test based on the studies I've seen and the anectodal claims of no suppression is that DHT isn't gonna like "no russian" your leydig cells but it does lower LH, FSH, and considerably lowers T. Though I cant find a straight answer if it lowers T because your body stops producing it in response to the high DHT presence or if the DHT strongly signals any present T to convert into more DHT, as I believe Haidut or someone has claimed that DHT promotes its own synthesis similarly to progesterone.
Finally before we begin, I'll also say I'm being stupid and flying just by taking close account of my feelings and symptoms and I don't have bloodwork done, and if I was smarter I would have spent 100 big ones on a hormone test instead of a black market bitcoin bought steroid shipped overseas.
Mg conversion of 10% gel: 0.10 mL liquid = 100 mg liquid, 10% DHT = 1mg active dht per 0.01 mL (Abt 1 drop)
Will post each day as a comment for easier organization.