@Chud Beautiful. Thank you for sharing

Latest posts made by interpsychic
RE: What has Peating done for You?
RE: Dribbling Urine: A Sign of Hypothyroidism
Hi Nate, will preface by saying I enjoy your content on Xwitter, and your video with Georgi was very helpful for me to get situated with the principles of bioenergetics. This dribble has been an issue for me for a while now and I honestly feel that since Peating it has become a bit worse. Still, I feel markedly better in basically every other category. Will thyroid (I have been meaning to by IdeaLabs T3 and T3 + T4 for a bit, am broke college student) address this? I know there is seldom a one-stop solution to things as complex as thyroid but it is an area I am a bit deficient in more advanced knowledge.
RE: What has Peating done for You?
@The-New-Sun Ive heard a lot about the childlike state and have tried to focus in on what makes me feel the closest to it, for me probably has to do with stimulus/activity preceded by metabolism/hormones being in check. I certainly agree with the serotonin feedback loop, being able to nip it before it becomes detrimental has been huge for me too. I think what you describe is likely a part of my previous issues in my OP as well.
RE: What has Peating done for You?
@Fructose I have always been a bit cynical and also found a bit of an increase. As for learning, I feel that peating has enhanced the effectiveness and ‘speed’ if you will of the flow state. Most noticeable for me doing Uni assignments, if my nutritional ducks are in a row it is much much easier to lock in.
What has Peating done for You?
Relatively novice peater here. I was led to peating/bioenergetics by our horny bulgarian friend, Landshark. I was experiencing terrible feelings as a result of what I believe to have been blood sugar crashes, estrogenic states due to PUFA, and low energy in general manifest as rage and at times an existential + pessimistic disposition that was harmful to myself and those around me. Simply understanding how vital metabolism is largely freed me from these states, and I was freed further by focusing on things I learned: Sugar = Good, Sat. Fat importance, listening to my body/examining responses to food etc.
In short, Peating made me much more emotionally stable. Also I can tolerate dairy and have a newfound love for it after avoiding milk for my whole life. What has peating/bioenergetics done for you?
RE: How can i gain 75 lbs in a year?
@Ray-Jeet Quitting nic will certainly help as your appetite will grow. I imagine better circulation helps too but only intuition.
Am formerly 6’4” ~170 from abt 1.5-2 year ago. Was 220 end of day on scale yday. If you can tolerate dairy, slam milk (raw best, grassfed whole second best) and slather everything in butter — ideally eggs and beef. These foods have been my staples for calorie and protein and along with white rice and copious OJ I have put some meat on my lanky frame. Good luck friend.
RE: Ice Cream Evening Chat
Currently eating grassfed gb and rice w tart cherry juice for bulkslop but soon the Double Belgian choc Zoggen Das will enter me. Cheers frend.