@Kvothe He needs content creators to drive traffic to the forum and his store. Ray is gone so he can’t leech off his media presence anymore. He hopes to convert Haidut, Hans, etc. Right now he’s trying to leech off Garret Smith, but Smith already promotes his own community so it’s not effective. Because of that, he’s hunkered down on SEO which is partly why the forum did a dramatic 180 except the url name he refuses to let go.
Posts made by Jaffe
RE: I have been banned on the RPF for posting this study on Vitamin A...
RE: I have been banned on the RPF for posting this study on Vitamin A...
@Mauritio said in I have been banned on the RPF for posting this study on Vitamin A...:
Haidut is posting on both forums as well.
He needs Haidut, though.
RE: Open discussion on walking
Yea walking is extremely underappreciated.
Walking will override terrible metabolism and get things moving in the right direction. One of the fastest drug free ways to lose weight without feeling terrible in the end. Just need to make time.
Dropped ~30lbs in 3months averaging 2hrs/5mi a day. Ate around maintenance calories +/-200. Most importantly, I didn't feel like shit or have to deal with rebound that comes with crashing calories to get the same fat loss rate.
A 'W' all around.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
Some of you guys sound paranoid. Charlie isn't Agent Smith from The Matrix to the point he's omnipresent. You're giving him too much credit.
He's just a simpleton who found a new diet theology to cling to.
The way he's morphed the forum, enacting rules, answering questions... it's all copy/paste.
The "you don't disrespect me in my house" is a Garret Smith saying he uses for trolls on his youtube page and LYL program.
The answers to he gives to questions are dumbed down Garrett Smith answers. When there is no answer to copy/paste, he leans on religion.
The forum payment plan is a rip of Garrett Smith's network you have to pay into. Difference is Garrett Smith provides exclusive content. Charlie doesn't provide a damn thing AND content is viewable without paying. Do you see why he wants Haidut, Hans, Mercola etc to get onboard? It would validate the forum and drive traffic off of other content creator's work.
The bannings of dissentful dialog. Again that's a Garrett Smith position for his private network. How that applies to a Ray Peat Forum that's not about Ray Peat anymore is comical.
Remember those new rules everyone had to agree to a month or so ago, calling the forum a "Private Virtual Country Club?" That was pulled verbatim from another bible-thumping health forum he visits.
Again, you give him too much credit. Everything about this transition was clumsy and obliterated the forum's traffic. The gaslighting "we're stronger than ever" isn't fooling anybody.
RE: I have been banned on the RPF for posting this study on Vitamin A...
Cross-posting probably didn’t help. Although, you have to ask yourself: Was anything lost?
The brain trust left. The forum is dying. Activity is being driven by 3-4 people.