Definitely could be

Posts made by nate
RE: Women staring at me for longer after taking progesterone
I think about two drops rubbed onto my neck and yes just progest-e by itself. I definitely notice a difference between topical and oral. Oral feels much more vivid, increased perception of my environment and calm feeling, less so topically.
RE: Women staring at me for longer after taking progesterone
I’ve had a similar experience. Once I went to meet a group of girls with some guy friends and I’m always pretty outgoing around girls but I immediately noticed something felt different in how they responded. I was playfully attacked immediately, like I was being targeted or singled out. I’ve had this sort of thing happen several times before but something about this time in particular was extra dramatic and over the top. When I got home I realized I rubbed progest-e on my neck.
The same thing happened around other girls when I used progest-e another time. Not sure how much it even had to do with the progest-e but I would imagine there could be some kind of pheromonal effect as many have speculated before.
RE: CO2 bath
Very nice post. I’d be curious how much the warm water had an effect on raising your temperature it would be interesting to see what would happen with lukewarm water.
RE: Dribbling Urine: A Sign of Hypothyroidism
@zeal actually notice it most at night, it seems to fluctuate with the state of my gut and stress
RE: Peaty Body Wash
@Delphik I've been experimenting with baking soda to wash hands, body, and hair, occasionally and it seems very effective. Usually I use shea butter. My friend Peatler on Twitter/X suggested baking soda as a milder "soap" to saponify the oil on your skin. I imagine you might know that saponified soaps can disrupt the endocrine system.
Ray Peat:
"I don't think it's a problem. The soaps and shampoos people use are worse problems. Just washing the skin with pure soap alters the skin's endocrine function for days. and doing it every day is an "endocrine disrupter," even if there are no toxic additives in the soap."
RE: Dribbling Urine: A Sign of Hypothyroidism
@Fructose I was just about to mention T cells. The connection between thyroid, immunity, and TLR is starting to become a lot more clear to me. It really is amazing to see Peat's work reinforced.
RE: Dribbling Urine: A Sign of Hypothyroidism
@Fructose thanks for this, nice share
RE: Dribbling Urine: A Sign of Hypothyroidism
@donovan I notice the same. I could be wrong but I think Ray said something like the benefit of taking a substance to prevent inflammation from occurring in the first place usually outweighs the downsides. Sometimes I’ll preemptively take aspirin or something on a day I know I’ll be stressed and I find that helps.
RE: Dribbling Urine: A Sign of Hypothyroidism
Hey thank you for that. I think thyroid would help a lot long term, but it seems that it may take a while to see improvement. I’ve been dealing with this issue personally and I’ve seen benefit from the things I’ve mentioned, but haven’t noticed much improvement from thyroid in particular quite yet. Been trying to find the right dose of T3 and T4 for a while now, my focus with thyroid is mainly on improving digestion (which seems to be where a lot of this starts, as mentioned above)
Dribbling Urine: A Sign of Hypothyroidism
As some of you may know, Danny Roddy posted this on his Telegram not too long ago "Dribbling urine can be a sign of hypothyroidism." and a lot of people seemed confused.
This study that I found does a good job laying out the pathology of prostate issues and may explain why something such as dribbling urine would develop in the first place.
"Available evidence shows that a three-hit hypothesis can be drawn. An overt, or even a subclinical, bacterial or viral infection could induce prostatic inflammation (first hit) that could be autosustained or exacerbated by the presence of an altered metabolism and in particular by hypercholesterolemia (second hit). Hypogonadism and/or hyperestrogenism could act as a third hit, favoring the maintenance of this inflammatory state. The combined action of all three hits, or even two of them, may result in overexpression of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), transformation of prostatic cells into antigen-presenting cells and activation of resident human prostate-associated lymphoid tissue ending in overproduction of growth factors which, in turn, will induce prostate remodeling and further prostate enlargement."
Bacterial infection (caused by slow gut motility) seems to be a key factor leading to prostate inflammation, and as many of us know, endotoxin (LPS) is also highly involved in this.
As noted in the study; prostate inflammation, hypercholesterolemia, hypogonadism and/or hyperestrogenism (all connected to hypothyroidism) may activate the TLRs, further feeding this vicious cycle.
I also found a Haidut post on the old forum discussing how "Prostate Enlargement (BPH) May Be Due To Endotoxin" D, vitamin K2, aspirin, pregnenolone, progesterone, methylene blue, carrot salad, may be useful in treating prostate issues through several mechanisms. Although, supplemental thyroid would probably be the best thing to look into.
Vitamin D and K2 both antagonize TLR4, oppose estrogen, lower inflammation. Vitamin K2 helps to dissolve calcification, vitamin D is androgenic. can lower inflammation by opposing the COX enzymes, antagonizes TLR4, and promotes proper blood flow. and progesterone are both anti-inflammatory, antagonists of TLR4, anti-estrogen, reinforce metabolism, lower cholesterol and promote steroid synthesis. blue lowers inflammation and serves as an anti-microbial. many may know, Ray's carrot salad is anti-microbial, improves gut motility, can lower estrogen by supporting the liver and digestion, which can lower inflammation and LPS.
And most notably... thyroid supports this entire framework of lowering inflammation, promoting gut motility, lowering cholesterol, promoting steroid synthesis, and ultimately improving metabolism.
I may have missed a bit, so please feel free to correct me on anything and/or add your own thoughts/experience/feedback.
RE: Bowel Movements: Sh*tmaxxing Strategies
@Skysnek Magnesium (several forms), cascara, carrot salad, well cooked white button mushrooms, bamboo shoots, psyllium husk, carbonated water, aspirin, coffee, T3, sugar, B1, B3, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, pau d'arco, methylene blue, ginger, digestive bitters, rhubarb, senna, aloe vera, wheat bran is my general list of laxatives, along with an overall Peaty diet.
I also talked about improving digestion here: -
Proposal: Twitter/X Account Link
I think it could be good to include an option to add a checkmark next to your username linking to Twitter/X for easy back and forth between platforms, given how interconnected the community is.
Just a thought, interested to hear what people think.
I think it would be useful to connect.