@Nikolai Main issue I had is it was causing joint pain, dehydration no matter how much I drank (even with electrolytes) to the point my lips were bleeding, and various other things but besides that the cause of the issues was because it crashed estrogen too much which was an issue as mine is naturally slightly low, so if you plan to take it start with a low dose like 6mg daily or e2d and ease into it.

Posts made by shedim
RE: Enclomiphene thoughts and experiences?
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
@basednigga2006 I said it because for over a week now all you've been saying is "Cope", on this thread and others relating to the same topic. I can read perfectly dumbass, maybe you should learn to read better.
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
@basednigga2006 Absolutely, you've done such a great job so far, not even debating the original study but instead just saying "cope", "you're wrong", etc. Well, I don't expect much of an intellectual response from a child who isn't even 18 yet anyways, judging by your username.
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
@basednigga2006 I am absolutely shocked about the amount of effort that went into this thought-provoking and paradigm shattering response of yours.
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
Judging by the year the study was made in and the fact it's not mentioned it's also implied that porn wasn't a factor here, so again the topic is solely masturbation. Not touching your dick isn't gonna give you superpowers and if it somehow does, you're suffering from a bigger issue.
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
@milkgains_bro Never implied PORN wasn't harmful, porn is definitely a big no, I just said masturbation isn't the devil you make it out to be. I find it interesting how you immediately assume someone's pro-porn the moment they say masturbation isn't unhealthy. Porn is definitely an entirely different issue which has a plethora of negative effects, however if ones endocrine system was in a good state they wouldn't get any "side-effects" from it the same way they wouldn't get any side effects from sex (unless they are unhealthy and have POIS or something), ejaculation is ejaculation.
RE: Dental X Rays
Gum recession is a pretty alarming sign. You can try the following for about a month and see if it helps.
Mix baking powder/soda in water and put a small amount of turmeric and swish it around your mouth for at least 5 minutes and then do an oilpulling motion with it for 3 minutes after. Then you can spit it out (Careful you don't get it on your lips as turmeric can stain) and use coconut oil for oilpulling for about 3-5 minutes. Then after about 20-30 minutes, clean your mouth thoroughly with water. This should kill a vast amount of bacterias in your mouth and teeth.
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
@thyroidchor27 You're right it definitely seems like it. I'm all for some actual discussion and actual proven opposing viewpoints but it seems their prefrontal cortexes just shut off the moment they hear anything that suggests their copetention isn't true and they jump to insults. Pretty ironic we all moved here since Charlie was censoring opposing view points and trying to dilute things and yet here they are trying to do the same thing.
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
@milkgains_bro Precisely why you replied and got so offended.
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
@milkgains_bro You should join Charlie back at the RPF if an echo-chamber where you can circlejerk to your beliefs is what you want. I'll bet low vitamin A and semen retention is the cure to everything on earth!
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
@milkgains_bro So now you immediately jump to trying to insult me and can't come back with an intellectual retort. Nice one. Quite interesting how this has your feathers so ruffled. I'll bet you probably ascribe everything in your life to semen retention aka being a volcel, and it hurts to see that delusion shattered.
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
Your evident pick and choosing which studies are good and which should be disregarded just to fit your own personal bias leaves much to be desired. Trying to impose censorship on even studies just so they can fit your opinions. Typical Ukrainefag behaviour.
RE: Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
@milkgains_bro Lol no, I'm simply posting a study, if you feel an immediately combative way about it then it says a lot more about you. This forum and section is for posting and discussing studies, I didn't say my own opinions on the matter but you immediately jumped to try discredit me rather than discrediting the study.
You are an interesting specimen.
Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
This study shows that masturbation heavily boosts pregnenolone, testosterone, DHT, and more. It does also show that it boosts cortisol and estradiol, however I would say the DHT boost would solve that.
This also reminds me of a haidut article which states the following:
If the government holds the firm belief that sexually satisfied soldiers are happy, anti-war, and disobedient and the govt has openly pushed the incel “phenotype” on its soldiers as far as back as WWI, then it does not seem too much of a conspiracy to assume the same would be (or has already been) attempted on a nationwide scale, and not just in regards to military service.
RE: Theory on why gooning feels bad for some people
@basednigga2006 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/135817/
Boosted testosterone, DHT, LH, and more. And you can't cope with muh estrogen because the boosted DHT would counterract that, only issue would be prolactin but regardless the question is if it boosts test or not and it evidently does.
RE: Theory on why gooning feels bad for some people
Ejaculation literally boosts test and dht so makes sense.
RE: Tendon Repair
@donovan Pretty sure you'll need to inject as close to the area to get the specific effect, oral would still have to work via the gastric route which is where bpc is naturally produced anyway so I don't imagine it'd be as significant.
RE: Enclomiphene thoughts and experiences?
Way too many side effects in only 2 days, definitely not taking again.
Enclomiphene thoughts and experiences?
Been seeing a lot about Enclo recently and its ability to raise test quite well (at the cost of some aromatisation which I assume an AI could solve), was wondering everyone's thoughts on it and if anyones had any experience with it.
RE: Skinny/thin phenotype who can eat all junk food and not put on weight
Yep this used to be me a few years ago, it was caused by constant high stress exposure leading to being in a constantly activated SNS state. It got fixed after I moved country so I assume it was almost all mental.