New "Mission" of RPF
@yerrag said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Are you saying this because you trust everyone and you leave your house doors and car doors unlocked? Either you live in the boondocks or you are too smart for your own good.
You seem to be assuming too many stuff and on defense mode man, relax, I was not talking about you but about Tara.
I will make it clearer since you didn't understand: Tara used to be a wise member, but when the covid craze hit, she got into full paranoia mode, probably because she is a nurse and everybody around her got afraid. Fear can be very contagious, and make smart people act stupid, especially for women who are usually more easily scared than men. I still remember perfectly when this pandemic hit, everyone around me was freaking out and completely irrational, so I'm not surprised at all that she would act this way.
Not saying that your hypothesis about her or Charlie are necessarily wrong by the way, even though I don't think the likelihood of this happening is high.
@yerrag “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”
― Ian Fleming, Goldfinger -
@Creuset said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@yerrag said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Are you saying this because you trust everyone and you leave your house doors and car doors unlocked? Either you live in the boondocks or you are too smart for your own good.
You seem to be assuming too many stuff and on defense mode man, relax, I was not talking about you but about Tara.
I will make it clearer since you didn't understand: Tara used to be a wise member, but when the covid craze hit, she got into full paranoia mode, probably because she is a nurse and everybody around her got afraid. Fear can be very contagious, and make smart people act stupid, especially for women who are usually more easily scared than men. I still remember perfectly when this pandemic hit, everyone around me was freaking out and completely irrational, so I'm not surprised at all that she would act this way.
Not saying that your hypothesis about her or Charlie are necessarily wrong by the way, even though I don't think the likelihood of this happening is high.
Sorry for taking your words out of context. I couldn't see thru the forest here, thanks for clarifying. You make a good point about Tara. Being in the trenches would be traumatic, and her perception could have been affected greatly.
It's still hard to think she could be so rattled. My impression of here was that of someone who has a moderating demeanor, and not one to easily be influenced by noise around her. She was nice to be around, like a fixture at RPF.
@DavidPS said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@yerrag “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”
― Ian Fleming, GoldfingerDid Bond say this? In the book, or in the movie? Nice quote.
@yerrag - Here is the quote:
“Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action'.”
― Ian Fleming, GoldfingerI do not remember if it was in the movie. Fleming was a navel intelligence officer and so he may not have originated the quote. But he certainly popularized it. On Youtube.
Someone on RPF is putting his 2 year old child on a low VA diet.
@DavidPS said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@yerrag “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”
― Ian Fleming, GoldfingerIan Fleming was a spy - a good read
I am with you on this @yerrag I don’t believe any of this is coincidence or just stupidity. I believe there is a concerted effort to discredit Dr. Peat on all levels and to destroy the community that has been built up around the RPF.
@DavidPS said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@yerrag - Here is the quote:
“Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action'.”
― Ian Fleming, GoldfingerI do not remember if it was in the movie. Fleming was a navel intelligence officer and so he may not have originated the quote. But he certainly popularized it. On Youtube.
I suppose this was referring to the women turning gold? Have to watch the movie again. Those were the days I would line up with my dad on opening day for a Bond movie, though I wasn't sure if I was old enough to watch Goldfinger.
It is definitely a suspicious timing. While Dr. Peat was alive, he flew under the radar, relatively speaking. Someone like Masterjohn might have mentioned him a few times, but otherwise there wasn't much talk about him in the mainstream.
Then he dies, and in the years after his death some big names suddenly jump on the bandwagon and discover "The Ray Peat Diet", while simultaneously controlling the narrative and pointing out his "flaws".
How many people read Ray Peat's articles and newsletters in the original? Who still has the mental capacity to do this? I read some time ago, which has nothing to do with the topic, that fewer and fewer people are watching entire basketball games and instead only individual highlights on youtube. If humanity doesn't even have the attention span to watch a fucking game anymore, who has the attention span to read Ray Peat? I suppose in the future (and present), people who find "Ray Peat" will get their information from people like Mercola, that Carnivore doc or - the worst option of all - "Ray Peat" will then be about eating beans and how toxic milk and eggs are.
Way to go on destroying the legacy of a great man.
@yerrag said in New "Mission" of RPF:
If you remember Tara at RPF, during the COVID Hoax years, she came to defend the COVID vax. Since I remember my start at RPF with Tara as embracing the side of Peat that favored a healthy lifestyle based primarily on good nutrition, I viewed her in a very positive light. That changed when her representation at the forum turned into a reverse mirrored image of her alter ego. I suspected her online self was hijacked, and not long after she no longer was a member, even thoufh at one time she served as an admin. The true Charlie was still firmly at the helm, and tara was gone - presumably banned.
The problem with being anonymous and hiding behind a handle is that it is not inconceivable that the powers that be could hijack the persona of the main admin, disposing of the original real person behind the persona. It isn't far-fetched to see this happen to Charlie's online persona.
As much as I've come to dislike the original owner of the Charlie online persona, I don't think he would have allowed RPF to sway from its original mission. I'm afraid that site has been hijacked recently, which would explain the inconceivable transpiring now at RPF. So much member posts and shared knowledge on bioenergetics and allied disciplines are stored there, and eradicating it is favorable to the powers that be. It would be a big loss if all of that treasure trove would simply be wiped out.
Am I alone in thinking a deeper conspiracy is at the heart of RPF's recent change in direction? If what I fear is true, what can be done by @brad in preventing a future RPF-style meltdown?
Interesting observations Mr Yerrag. To me it is consistent with his "prophecy" based worldview that he might repurpose an account to do that. Or someone he knows.
This kind of person tended not to write off Trump for his involvement in "project warp". For they see injury as self inflicted without nuance, and the "medicine" as a plus for dealing with the left hand of corporatism (apparently we're calling them "liberals" these days).
Yerrag I'm curious, have you ever actually read the Talmud? I might give it a read. It probably contains some pieces of their puzzle. And these "prophecy" believers tend to act in a way that would bring it about.
@Peatly - Thanks for the book recommendation. Once a spy, always a spy.
Two quick things:
1- If Danny can stay “underground”.
He is a good one to articulate and stay true to Peat.
I say this as no Danny stan.
But I listened to some of his recent short content
And it was a breathe of fresh air.Felt grateful. Felt Peatful….
Ha.2-not hyperbole
I went to write a note to both of my girls today.
And ffs
It felt like I forgot to write!
To write?My job
My life
All keyboard, smartphone etcWhat a wake up call
@ThinPicking said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Yea... what the hell.
These people are in the green poo cult lmao. Notice how none of these people report "feeling good." Wasn't that like one of the issues he had with bioenergetics? Few people ever reporting success stories. Although I must say the ambiguity around the word success here troubles me.
Success of what? When someone says "Greetings, I have now achieved superior health and the optimal human form." then you know you're dealing with a nutjob, lol. Health can be hard to reclaim, even harder to maintain, and its something we all end up losing towards the end.
I remember he had some bullshit assessment that people should be living to 120, and if they don't, then you shouldn't be taking advice from them. Yeah, well, not only will Garrett or Charlie not live to be 120, I have my doubts that they'll ever see their 80s.
Linus Pauling, while far from perfect, would mega dose vitamin A daily and he lived to be like 93, lol. And I don't even think people should be mega dosing vitamin A, just making a point with regards to how stupid this toxin thing is.
@Mulloch94 yeah they seemed to define success on the peat diet based on weight loss, and complained there is no pictures to prove success, not everyone is targeting the same issues. How do I take a picture of my mental health and autism related issues improving lmao. Improvements will look different for everone, for me gaining weight was an improvement because I came to peat as an anorexic, addressing the delusional thoughts and OCD typical of anorexia seems like a success to me, considering plenty never recover or continue to relapse repeatedly. Some people may be severely disabled so improvement won't be six pack abs, it will just be getting out of bed or having the mental energy to face daily life. But no green poop means we have all failed.
@yerrag said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@Creuset said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@yerrag said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Are you saying this because you trust everyone and you leave your house doors and car doors unlocked? Either you live in the boondocks or you are too smart for your own good.
You seem to be assuming too many stuff and on defense mode man, relax, I was not talking about you but about Tara.
I will make it clearer since you didn't understand: Tara used to be a wise member, but when the covid craze hit, she got into full paranoia mode, probably because she is a nurse and everybody around her got afraid. Fear can be very contagious, and make smart people act stupid, especially for women who are usually more easily scared than men. I still remember perfectly when this pandemic hit, everyone around me was freaking out and completely irrational, so I'm not surprised at all that she would act this way.
Not saying that your hypothesis about her or Charlie are necessarily wrong by the way, even though I don't think the likelihood of this happening is high.
Sorry for taking your words out of context. I couldn't see thru the forest here, thanks for clarifying. You make a good point about Tara. Being in the trenches would be traumatic, and her perception could have been affected greatly.
It's still hard to think she could be so rattled. My impression of here was that of someone who has a moderating demeanor, and not one to easily be influenced by noise around her. She was nice to be around, like a fixture at RPF.
No offense taken, thank you for your respectful reply.
I know what you mean about Tara, I was also very surprised by how she reacted. However I've observed intelligent and wise people snap under specific circumstances already, so wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened to her.
@abhi said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@C-Mex Nope, its still like that
And someone mentioned "Lifegivingstore" so i tried access it and got exactly same message as with RPF
Welp!So if I understand correctly, people here reporting still being blocked are all from Russian IP addresses? I do find this interesting from a political angle as they are still trying to perpetuate various versions of the Russian hoax (accuse of 'disinformation', etc.) here in the US. I'm sure it's just another coincidence...
I wouldn't worry about reading the mess that the RPF has become today, but i understand your concern for older content. Luckily some people have made backups -- I do hope they'll be offering access freely and easily in the generous spirit of Ray Peat.
@C-Mex Yes, totally agree with you
@Barghest Yeah, it kinda goes back to something I started noticing several years ago. A significant majority of forum users in health spheres are there because they already don't feel well. On average, health forums don't attract healthy people because healthy people have no interest. They attract sick people trying to become healthy. And when there is no unified theory as to what health is, except for the possible vague term "lack of sickness," no two people are going to be after the same thing.
Also, fat people will probably hate me for saying this, but losing weight is actually one of the more easier things to do. Correcting chronic aliments is what's hard. If all someone needs to do is lose weight then cut the fucking calories. If you can't do that on your own, then hire a personal trainer and set up a meal plan and exercise plan. There's plenty of people in bioenergetics that can help someone do that. Hans being a perfect example.
@Mulloch94 yeah you can lose weight following literally any diet, you don't need Ray or paelo or vegan, Ray was focused on different issues, not weight loss and bodybuilding