Ashkenazi jew ahh looking coworker made fun of me for peating
Why are u eating just raisins and honey for lunch? Trying to be hungry in an hour?
Also doesn’t the spike in insulin without balanced aminos increase tryptophan uptake in the brain increasing serotonin?
@Jakeandpace said in Ashkenazi jew ahh looking coworker made fun of me for peating:
Yea a lot of white supremacist nonsense on that aesthetic thread as well. should be some rules against this kinda stuff or else it will give the forum a bad rep and I assume most of the people in here don't agree with that kind of stuff.
You assume correctly j&p.
But attempt can be made of this and other obscenity to talk it in to dust. It's only logic really. If a person won't engage in that or present constructive retort to a previous instance. They're bannable. Try and wall them off without doing this. And something bad will probably happen.
When a person's misdirecting anger, they're essentially sat by the side of the road with their arms crossed, relentlessly whining. Lacking the energy or wherewithal to get the hell up. And trying to convince other people to sit down with them and be mad. This metaphor has been sponsored by God.
@hwisdom said in Ashkenazi jew ahh looking coworker made fun of me for peating:
look at wtat the bible says (revelations 2-3:9)
As far as I can tell, it's telling you in no uncertain terms to be very very careful throwing the J word around. And think twice.
Take a look around you in earnest. To this casual observer at least, it would appear they take their roll un to us quite seriously. It's probably not a good idea to try and demoralise or demonise them. Please have a think about that.
- ashkenazi jews decsend from 350 mfs so they're sightly retarded so nah I aint ”jealous” of their intellect
2.ashkenazi jews originate from EUROPE and NOT from "israel"
todays israel has NOTHING to do with biblical Israel
israel was the other name for prophet Yakub
the rothschilds were the ones who INVENTED israel since they OWN EVERY CENTRAL BANK
3.palestinians are the real SEMITES and the ashkenazi jews are LITERALLY just invaders
arabs (middle east) are the real semites so brad won't ban me for "Anti semitism"
- Im NOT white in fact Im quite literally an immigrant so nah this aint about ”white supremacy”
And in fact no matter how you look at it, the 🧃 are literally trying to ethnically cleaning the white race
Schlomo judenstein attacks the middle east + africa and they get fucked bcus of that
Schalomon judenberg spreads around democrat propaganda claming ”we want to be humane
open the borders for the 3rd worlders! This will totally not result in only importing the high testosterone(estrogen) military aged males that will literally commit half the crimes (look at france)not to mention how their 3rd worlder lifestyle and selfish mannerisms (that were required to survive the 3rd world) will be imported to the west and thus ruin it
And bcus democrats hide behind ”beeing humane and inclusive
” yr gonna be called evil if u oppose that
The avg whitey will barely have 2 kids since he got brainwashed by the democratic propaganda to ”have fun and that kids are tiring and that you should travel the world” and the avg african will have 8 children and make them sleep in 1 room, which will result in having these mfs only care abt survival (which they have always done so they’re like complacent) and not living a normal whitey life
Which will eventually lead to the enthical cleansing of the white race and why the fuck is this thread suddenly filled with ((()))
”-Bogdanoff another post came out hwo should we take care of this””-send tree3 mossad agents to manipulate ze public opinion and to keep israels image in good status”
So like fuck off fed boy
Calm down, call a spade a spade and review the hamsters posts. To be fair "fed" and "thick" are probably synonymous regardless of payroll subscription.
No really. Chill.
@ThinPicking idk man but if I was a fed I wouldn’t just create an acc with 0 posts and would insteas try to make it seem like an actual acc otherwise the cover would be blown off IMMEDIATLY
So like nah fed boy I aint gonna chill out
Anyways mr mossad agent Im bouta sleep tonight and hope ur gonna be able to since like ik yall lizard ppl only sleep like once every blue moon
Very funny wizdom ha ha ha.
If you don't want to negate the validity in your own statements, take the advice about address. And qualify it.
From your current position, you may as well use preferred pronouns and ask a thief if he wants fries with your wallet.
I doubt he's a Ashkenazi jew if he's working at a meat factory lmao
@hwisdom Such a weird and feminine overreaction to a joke at work. Why are you thinking 'oh nooo not those jooooos again'? Vulgar antisemitism is so boring and reserved for people who work at meat factories.
@lanadelesoteric dont care mr fedboy + i only just turned 20 like wtf you want me to work with?
Au contraire, a wino rattling about their lineage on the back of family folklore, genealogy and/or personal genomics services can be found almost everywhere.
@hwisdom said in Ashkenazi jew ahh looking coworker made fun of me for peating:
@lanadelesoteric dont care mr fedboy + i only just turned 20 like wtf you want me to work with?
There's nothing wrong with working in a factory Wisdom. In fact that there's an honesty in such things that can easily make an accidental careerist like me jealous.
If you do pivot to the ladder at some stage, you'll be needing to be a little more handy with your speech.
@BroJonas im trynna make my hair grow out asap so eating only sugar to upregulate thyroid + pretty sure insulin won’t spike taht hard if you eat ONLY sugar but I could be wrong
- aint serotonin in the brain a good thing? Or is ALL serotonin bad? Serotonin is a melatonin precursor which is basically the conciousness molecule imo
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@ThinPicking Snooze I'm just saying a ashkenazi jew would not be working in a meat factory.
@ThinPicking There is no inherent value in work. Whether you work at a meat factory or a office.
@lanadelesoteric Yawn I'm just saying a wino yappin about their lineage from some bs can be found packin meat. To be fair to you this type of individual is more likely to be found in factories making urinal cakes. Metaphorically or not.
@lanadelesoteric You reap what you sow. Clearly.
@ThinPicking Most antisemitism is just for idiots and scitzo's. Ashkenazi Jewish people are very high iq and successful people. A lot of it is just a politics of envy. Ashkenazi jewish people will be in Israel working a tech start up or in Brooklyn working as a psychotherapist.