Glucose loading cures everything?
@CrumblingCookie OMG. Have you tried H202?
@GlucoseOrBust I'm wondering if you got more purified hemp oil than ozone. My understanding is that it doesn't remain in solution long, but once it's infused, the "carrier" will be very pure. Does this seem probable or am I mistaken?
@S-Holmes Some rave about drinking hydrogen water. My experience with it about 10 years ago was terrible. I may give it another go with the glucose therapy and see what happens.
@S-Holmes The smell of ozone coming off of these suppositories is overwhelming. Not to be gross, but the little bit that you get on your fingers stays there for hours. The ozone is extremely strong. Also, (incoming grossness again), your BMs after using the ozone smell like ozone and have no typical BM foul smell to them whatsoever. The ozone concentration is plenty high, at least with regards to the highly unscientific smell test..... sorry
@GlucoseOrBust Interesting.
@GlucoseOrBust One more question. I learned from a doctor who does alternative therapies (friend of my RN daughter) that therapeutic ozone MUST be mixed with oxygen. Many ozonators operate without an oxygen tank, like the one I use for room purification (I leave the room, close the door, and then air the room out afterward.) He said that when ozone mixes with nitrogen in the air, it becomes toxic. This is probably a stupid question, but do you know HOW the oil was infused? Did they use oxygen?
@GlucoseOrBust said:
For what it's worth, Stephens talks about glucose, oxygen, and water being the three critical factors of energy metabolism.
I think this is an oversimplification, as studying things like Buyteyko breathing shows that air hunger is a subjective experience based on an individuals tolerance to CO2 build up in the lungs and blood.
! Thanks. Wow. It fits together. Now I feel the need to read up on Buyteyko breathing.
I've heard military special forces apply very specific breathing techniques in high-stress situations which probably limit the glucose-inhibiting aftermaths. Is that the Buteyko?
It's very important that you mention the 15-20% of people who dropped out of the glucose protocol even with DS. They could very well all be nonresponders because of missing links.@S-Holmes said:
OMG. Have you tried H202?
I am looking into that now and am open to try it orally.
Maybe as small volume H202 enemas every other day, too, instead of GlucoseOrBust's suppositories. I either need the H202 solution free of stabilisers or find out whether I can neutralise the common phosphoric acid stabilisers with calciumcarbonate.
The recommendations are to use distilled water and definitely no minerals, proteins or vitamins with H202 as they can become much stronger oxidants than the H202 itself. Glucose, however, appears to be fine to be concurrently combined with H202?
As far as I understand so far, the catalase in the stomach lining needs to gradually increase its activity and will convert pretty much all of H2O2 to oxygen? But even in IVs, the H202 is said to be converted to oxygen within a fraction to a couple of seconds. -
@CrumblingCookie said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
@GlucoseOrBust said:
For what it's worth, Stephens talks about glucose, oxygen, and water being the three critical factors of energy metabolism.
I think this is an oversimplification, as studying things like Buyteyko breathing shows that air hunger is a subjective experience based on an individuals tolerance to CO2 build up in the lungs and blood.
! Thanks. Wow. It fits together. Now I feel the need to read up on Buyteyko breathing.
I've heard military special forces apply very specific breathing techniques in high-stress situations which probably limit the glucose-inhibiting aftermaths. Is that the Buteyko?Buteyko is about reducing the volume of each breath in and out your nose. Over time, this resets you CO2 tolerance (level at which you experience air hunger) and allows you to breathe less air breathing less air allows more carbon dioxide to remain in the blood, which transports more oxygen from the blood into cells.
@S-Holmes I'm not sure about this. I haven't heard that it matters. Ozone is O3 (three oxygen atoms), so technically made "with oxygen."
@CrumblingCookie I tried food grade H202 in water a few times, and again recently. I can't do more than 3 drops without feeling sick.
I like the idea of increasing C02 and I make fizzy water for my glucose syrup. But I wonder if acetazolamide would work even better. I remember that there's a B vitamin similar to acetazolamide. Will need to look it up.
@S-Holmes said:
I tried food grade H202 in water a few times, and again recently. I can't do more than 3 drops without feeling sick.
Which percentage of H202 did you use 3 drops of and was it pure or with stabilizers?
Some nausea is always to be expected from oxidative therapies, unfortunately. The use of GI binders can help it go away until the dose can be increased.
But what if glucose will substantially help with such nausea, as it nourishes the essential liver functions AND prevents the BG from dropping which causes nausea?I'm becoming really excited about what you guys can figure out and how this can also help me.
And perhaps even accelerate and complete the results for the 80% and enable the 20%. All of whom are good people, I hope. I only want the intrinsically good people to be finally helped. Not the nasty ones in their capacities. As the nasty ones demand stupendous gains even among themselves, I like to imagine that the odds are in my favor and word of mouth could spread like wildfire among the remains of humanity. -
@CrumblingCookie I concur. I love RP people, and especially the ones posting in this thread (since the antagonists left and started their own).
@CrumblingCookie Purechem 35% food grade, zero stabilizers.
Can someone please fill me in on the thought process behind oral H2O2 therapy and a good resource(s) to learn more about it? I assume one of the benefits is to improve overall tissue oxygen levels within the body?
@GlucoseOrBust As I review information, I'm not 100% sold on drinking peroxide. It damages tissues and should not even be used topically daily.
Chlorine dioxide is likely safer. I use it twice daily as a mouthwash. I used to take it internally but
. I can send information about it if you like.
On the RPF I've found a link to this ebook and website and mentioning of "The One-Minute Cure, The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases" as a pdf floating on the internet.
Oral H202 seem to be a neutral-tasting, deeper and rougher precursor to the CDS.
You will find many more people taking CDS as per one of the many protocols. I myself simply can't stand the taste of CDS anymore.
There's also oral sodium chlorite, which is to be taken with a stomach acid buffer (potassium or sodium hydrogencarbonate) and named Chlorite In Soda Solution. That's also almost neutral-tasting and much longer lasting with once or twice a day being sufficient and reacting with acidic microenvironments in the body over many hours. Half a drop of 25% solution is enough to start with.@S-Holmes
Here's an article on its dermatological use: The 1-6% gel concentrations actually seem to more successful and more tolerable in treating acne than common other creams. -
This post is deleted! -
Stick with chlorine dioxide and ozone if you’re going the oxidative therapy route. More versatile, less abrasive, ime.
And high h2o2 doses taste awful.
@Jaffe Good advice
I've been waiting to post about this to see if I would recover. I have (and am).
Last week, I noticed a not unpleasant sensation extending from my upper cervical neck area to the top of my head and over to my ears. (The back of my head hit a concrete step many years ago.) A couple of days later (after the weird sensation) I began developing symptoms of shingles virus. Long story short, I lost the use of my left arm and had severe pain (level 8 by Friday). I called it panic pain...pain so bad it induced panic. My RN daughter said it COULD be heart failure so I took a dose of homeopathic glonoinum (nitro glycerine). I took a lot of aspirin, ibuprofin, and some Tylenol, lysine, famotidine, cemetidine, Antimonium crudum, and Hypericum, all for shingles. I also continued the glucose therapy.
By the next morning the pain had been reduced significantly (!) but it has taken a few days to regain normal use of my arm.
Tbh, I have been amazed at how quickly it has healed. The last time I had frozen shoulder (15 years ago) it took weeks of therapy to be able to regain pain free function. I have also had a major reduction in length and severity of tinnitus. That's HUGE. (We'll see if it lasts.)
I believe this was a breakthrough herxheimer reaction. Dr Stephens said I might have been able to bypass the episode with enough glucose. He asked me if I had been under any unusual amount of stress. I laughed and said we had a family reunion at our farm the Saturday before. Maybe if I had doubled up on the glucose?
I have long believed that a virus is at the root of my health issues. If glucose can control viruses without the side effects of antiviral drugs, what a breakthrough!
I'm 6 weeks in, up to 5 Tbsp per bolus, and feeling very encouraged. No recurring hopeless or dark thoughts since I began. No weight gain so far.
Will keep everyone posted!