Any experiences with DHT?
@BeamsOfEnergy Yes always topically. I tried the powder orally as an experiment but the effect was mixed at best (small, high and mega doses). Topical effect is very consistent. I apply it anywhere usually lower neck area, inner arm area. The absorption rate is pretty high with ethanol so don't worry, no need to apply it to the scrotum or navel. Consistent usage is key, not area. Lastly, don't worry about it touching clothes. 2 drops smeared effectively will stay and absorb quickly.
@Bye4ever thank you. Do you just take dht?
What is the point of adding Vitamin E to the ethanol? Is that just to make the solution thicker for easier application?
@BeamsOfEnergy I take DHT, DHEA and Progesterone. I took DHT alone for some months before resume the other 2 hormones.
@Crypt-Keeper The point is to prevent evaporation of ethanol off the skin after application. I cannot remember the numbers mentioned from Georgi, but I think the absorption % is significantly diminished if it is just ethanol, as in under 10% absorption
@Bye4ever Thank you, that is very interesting info. That could explain why my 100% DMSO solutions don't perform well. I think the DMSO evaporates so quickly. Sometimes there is a very faint, barely visible white residue which means some of the powder is not penetrating.
@Crypt-Keeper I formulated Test, DHT, DHEA in DMSO last year. I did not like it. In my optics, I think ethanol/tocopherol is safer for the skin, leaves no smell, and absorbs quickly enough. If you have residues from DMSO application, it could be the concentration issue. I just don't like DMSO it's too abrasive long term on my skin.
Do you think using Pansterone + kuinone topically on scrotum at a few drops/day is a sustainable way to get a boost of androgens?
And what could you recommend for an acute boost pre workout for increase aggression and power? It would likely be sublingual/buccal, right? But what androgen in particular would you think would be best 1-2x/wk? DHT? Anadrol? Var? Tren?
@jamezb46 You're better off just taking steroids, feel the pain, touch some grass, and come back down to your senses
Haven't found a pure pregnenolone product ever. I've trialed a couple of brands. So I do not take pregnenolone. This is also what you will hear Ray and Danny say.
Scrotum application is totally unnecessary if you are aiming at absorption - which presumably is the goal.
All suspension steroids, in conventional doses, are more than enough to give you higher blood pressure/NO boost, you might have to read that twice...Enough..DHT cannot be compared to Anadrol or Tren.
Focus on proper gut health, insulin sensitivity and keeping your endogenous hormone in the upper range. Steroids are not the way long term, never will, and never can - from a long term perspective that is. That is just my opinion, after 12 years of trial and error.
bio-identical DHT:
-makes you calm en sleepy
-you feel very happy
-Obvious dopamine increase- better focus
-more anti-estrogenic than proviron (probably because metabolite androsterone)
-better vision
-joke around alot
-very social
-not liver toxic
-increase in respect
-makes you smarter/ increased creativity
-makes things bigger downstairs
-gives me less vasocontriction
-makes skin ticker too - no disire for sex at all
- high confidence
- increase in leg and arm hair
- weirdly enough made me feel even stronger than proviron
- better focus
@wester130 how much did you take? Orally or topically? Thanks
@wester130 Proviron is not DHT? It is like comparing masteron propionate injection to DHT topical application.
Some of the things you are describing are very loose and subjective. Overall I think DHT is a strong anti-stress hormone. Mentally very calming.
@wester130 interesting how dht turns down desire for sex, it seems most libido nowadays is estrogen induced
@BeamsOfEnergy I was quoting someone else
@thyroidchor27 Totally on point. This is my conclusion as well. Esp. if you're also taking progesterone. Today the men are hyper-sexualised. When I was in the business of hormones...Clients were basically assessing if their dose was correct based on their horniness, which usually meant taking over 150mg of testosterone, usually 250-500mg pr week...which is crazy
why does dht reduce spinal bone density?
@wester130 Probably because T and especially E2 were reduced by DHT:
DHT treatment increased serum DHT with complete suppression of serum T, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and estradiol throughout the 24-month study resulting in reduced spinal bone density.
Sounds like 70mg transdermal DHT daily is bad for your health.
@Bye4ever any comment on dianabol?
Dbol + DHTE makes my mouth water
@jamezb46 would probably be quite euphoric