DHT with test?
@risingfire When you were injecting, from where did you get the powder, how did you formulate it, what was the excipients? What was the dose you took both injection and transdermally
I ask because never have I heard of anyone being lethargic from taking DHT. Only from progesterone or androsterone.
@Bye4ever it was pre-formulated. I bought it from a vendor already in a suspension. It's not as commonly known but T/DHT ratio is extremely important. Have you known anyone to inject DHT without test?
@risingfire I will reply, for the sake of other users reading this. There is some potential for misunderstanding.
You bought a pre-formulated injection of DHT - I assume we have had the same experience. Is this the Russianstarpeptide injectable DHT? I took it some years ago, I remember it made me extremely ill like you have described..overpriced it was as well. Formulating your own will prove you wrong that the ''injectable DHT'' was actually DHT. This comes after close to 3 years of topical use.
There are also extremely many positive anecdotal reviews on DHT cream on many forums, these were even above the physiological dose recommended by Ray (1mg).
DHT/T ratio does not exist in the terms of the physiological doses that this subject is about.
If anything DHT, would increase androgens given that it has a self-sustaining cycle when applied topically (increasing local 5-AR, decreasing aromatase, which increases its intermediaries like testosterone). Its effect on biological hormones makes it a pro testosterone, pro progesterone amongst other things.
This is all hypothetical, since taking 1mg would not do much in terms of skewing any favourable ratio.
DHEA with DHT would also further compound androgens synthesis.
''Have you known anyone to inject DHT without test?'' - Yes plenty, including myself to inhibit estrogen related side effects when taking steroids, since DHT-derived AAS are notoriously good at suppressing estrogen levels.
This notion of DHT/T ratio stems from the AAS communities....The general norm from there, is nowadays to co-administer equivalent or higher doses of testosterone to e.g. primobolan which is DHT-derived. Which fundamentally is sound if taking anabolic steroids...Even tho you are looking at extreme suppression and more side effects, since the threshold for testesterone utilisation is typically around 100-200mg, which is only a rookie start for most. A bit is key, just like taking DHEA and pregnenolone and/or hCG is also recommended - if taking anabolic steroids, which...we are likely not even discussing.
I would consider myself a testosterone connoisseur (unfortunately). Having trialed topical testosterone in many different carries, to different injectable testerosterone consisting of many different esters, I haven't shied away from +500mg...It is all a fairy tail when it comes to testosterone. It is not the protagonist or the main character in males. People need to revise this idea. Never ever have I yet seen more people buying testosterone (not from me
) and injecting dubious amounts in hope of it being the elixir of their long awaited epiphany
Hope this give some clarity to anyone reading
@Bye4ever @risingfire Russian Star Peptides are known scammers. Someone or rpf said their dht gel contained caffeine and finasteride instead of dht, dont know if thats true, but someone else on reddit had it tested at Janoshik and it contained no dht.
So it wouldnt surprise me if their injectable dht is fake too. -
@pannacottas There you go, thank you for the clarification. My anecdotal experience with his products fits this very well.
@Bye4ever were injecting dht or taking it orally/transdermally? I started taking Keto DHT with 1 or 2mgs transdermally years ago. I moved on to alpha gels transdermally and anavar orally and never experienced the lethargy and weakness that I did during July. I lost my resiliency and couldn't sleep well. I was injecting from AVG not Russian Star Peptides.
Once I added test into the mix I instantly felt better. I most likely crashed my estrogen
@risingfire transdermally.....
I think you are wrong, considering the plethora of stuff you are taking or took in unknown doses from unknown sources, in also synthetic forms. This is what most people end up doing, trialing bunch of stuff, going off by their feel of it, hoping for a miracle.This approach is futile. Anavar alone is an estrogen blocker btw
@risingfire how was ur anavar experience, what dose were u taking and w what other steroids?
@Bye4ever wdyt about low dose topical T and if high E symptoms show up maybe add in progesterone or low dose anavar? Im asking if one cannot access DHT if this is feasible or not, since as someone here said topical T mainly becomes DHT anyway. so perhaps 5 mg topical T w some aspirin beforehand (to turn off aromatase to an extent) can be a viable strat or it wont work for some reason?
@thyroidchor27 If you cannot access DHT, then just take DHEA. No topical T does not MAINLY become DHT. DHEA does what testosterone does but better. Worse case you can try androsterone, it is very potent as an DHT precursor, but it can cause some mental drawbacks, and the dosing is not straightforward.....would stick to DHEA raises all androgens. If you do not notice an effect from it after say 2-3 weeks, in my experience the conversion is impaired. Topical usually favours proper conversion and prevents DHEA-S pool instead of free DHEA.
No need to complicate things and start taking synthetics too. These do not express the whole genomic expression and therefore may inhibit normal homeostasis. Not to mention they are very suppressive at active doses.
@Bye4ever thoughts on 10%DHT/10%Test hybrid gel? I have it in my hands, and thinking of applying 1ml daily (0.5 am 0.5 pm). would this go well with topical DHEA? or take DHEA after to counter supression? only planning on using for a month or two. thanks
@Bye4ever hahah ok buddy