Trump/RFK’s health policy advisor may be a peater
Ive been imformed from a user on twitter who is a big ray peat advocate that he has a line to Trump/RFK’s health policy advisor. He can get some good changes made if he’s elected. Ending the corn/soy/wheat subsidies and ending the incandescent light ban for example. I heard rumors that RFK's team was aware of ray but I guess this basically confirms it. If trump is in office we can possibly get RFK and his peaty advisors to heal our health system. Vote for trump and get your friends to vote for trump - peaters in control.
There's a new Joe Rogan podcast (Caley and Calley) which sum up Peats views on the medical industrial complex quite well and talk a lot on how Trump/RFK are looking to tackle the systemic corruption in it that has up eating crap and taking poison pills, if that camp doesn't have Peaters they certainly share a lot of his philosophy.
@DkJoe2 Yea for sure. Im almost certain RFK himself has atleast dabbled in peat's work or knows of it.
Peater in spirit no doubt when they talk about metabolism.
And about how Casey wonders how there would be any person or group that does not want us to develop to the best we can be as God intended.
I consider the siblings pretty well connected to very credible movers and shakers in the worldwide power dynamics, in the alliance between RFkJr and Trump. There is a genuine spirit of bipartisanship here that is not born out of the usual expediency of short term political tactics, but a strategic shift on grassroots support.
It could be a tired rehash of Ivan Ilich's book, but set into an awakened consciousness in the aftermath of widescale and undeniable tyrannical power abuse in both the COVID hoax and succeeded by a total loss of institutional credibility and respect from the election theft that followed, it could very well be a watershed moment.
Messenger and audience in tune with the spirits of truth and courage. A change in the power center is afoot in a seismic shift.
I'll believe it when I see it. Does this health policy advisor have a name?
It’s just the grifter grifting harder. Trump really needs to lose so we can move on. Dude has created a new level of political hysteria to where people will vote for the guy no matter what he’s done. Jan 6 indictment anybody? Really nobody cares?
He’ll get RFK to wake everyone up to big pharma and big ag! See he really is on our side!
Don't forget the great work of Alison McDowell
Do you really think any of these lizards have give a shit about your health?
If you want to start at the beginning:
and don't miss this one on "water programming"
The team that's driving health policy includes Casey and Calley Means.
@DkJoe2 Here's a great clip here you can check out. They talk about xenoestrogens being behind early puberty rate in girls and other issues:
This interview also shows how the Meanses have reviewed Ray's work:
It's very exciting stuff. If you have any other people you would like to recommend to the RFK/Trump team then you should put them in this forum thread.
I haven't been able to confirm it but when JD Vance was first selected many people on Twitter were saying that he followed a "Ray Peat fans" page.
@JamesL Maybe he megadosed aspirin to get such blue eyes
I find that no matter how Peaty advisors are, they all demonize sugar, and many carbs. As for sugar, I believe that is the case with Casey and Calley Means.
@Mossy Here's Calley Means' blog: He (both he and Casey?) like omega 3's and don't really understand sugar. So I don't think either of them are followers of Ray Peat. they're trying. They just don't know what they don't know.
@mostlylurking said in Trump/RFK’s health policy advisor may be a peater:
@Mossy Here's Calley Means' blog: He (both he and Casey?) like omega 3's and don't really understand sugar. So I don't think either of them are followers of Ray Peat. they're trying. They just don't know what they don't know.
Good point you make at the end. Hopefully their earnest pursuits will bring them to at least consider positions against the long standing health narratives.
@Serotoninskeptic If people remember, Ray did speak highly of RFKJr’s book and of his understanding of vaccines, just a few years ago on Danny’s show.