Sleep Paralysis Stories
@natureman this is indeed the standard secular explanation. It does explain well what the body is doing during this state — but I don’t think that means that that’s not simply how the spirit realm works. It’s actually just decent extrapolations and assumptions. For instance, it doesn’t explain seeing a demon with the naked eye while wide awake.
@LetTheRedeemed said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
For instance, it doesn’t explain seeing a demon with the naked eye while wide awake.
I thought my whole paragraph was about that
. How do images form in your dreams or from psychedelics? It happens the same way. You associate something scary from the situation of seeing your surrounding without being able to move. Your subconscious creates whatever image you associate with the situation. Usually something in the center of your vision because you usually wake up with lazy eyes creating a dark blur in the center.........
@natureman I get that, but that’s scientists assuming they know what the person is seeing. I think the scientists who suppose this, believe people are seeing sorta blurred blank spot of any color (usually white or black or pulsating) with vaguely defined traits, due to extreme stress and psychosis and the eyes/brain essentially being retarded, aka a hallucination — then a paranoid schizo interpretation of it (essentially those “what do you see” inkblots)?
I don’t think this explains seeing a spiritual being, well defined, plain as day in the daytime. Or two people seeing the same thing at the same time. Or a picture of it (a friend showed me one). Or being physically harmed by one.
Imagine being the only one on the planet that saw a cow, but we can’t find it — everyone would make up an explanation for why you were crazy because cows don’t exist. If you painted it poorly it would be a hallucination, if you painted it excellently it would be a delusion.
I think an interesting point is that while every religion has a version of a benevolent spiritual being in their mythology, all I could find on the internet is that Christians are the only ones who report seeing angels today, while people of all religions (or none) report seeing demons. I’m welcome to be proven wrong of course.
@LetTheRedeemed it's just brainwashing.... from stories, books, movies, art.
A paranoic hallucination of a being in a setting where there's no influence from our society would be something resembling another animal/human, because that's the only thing that would scare us.
It could be seen as some demonic entity, but the term alone is already so loaded with programming, difficult to discuss without establishing clear context first.
Sleep paralysis was always an extremely harrowing and traumatic experience for me. I was never able to calm down when I'd entered a state of paralysis, even when I was fully cognizant that I was in paralysis. I would wake up, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to speak. Below are a few different experiences.
A vivid experience was when I awoke with paralysis and a dark shadow figure looked like he was leaning over my face and staring down it me. I could feel the tilt of the bed as it's hands pressed into the bed so it could support itself as it leaned over me. I was absolutely convinced it was a person in my room too dark to see.
Another experience I had was a series of deep hallucinations while in paralysis. I woke up and was in the state of paralysis, and I slipped back into a dream that I had woken up from that night and decided to explore around my block. I entered someone else's apartment (an apartment that I'd never been in before), and proceeded to collapse on their living room and reenter a state of paralysis. Then I slipped back into a dream that I had woken up in my bed and walked to the kitchen of my apartment and once again collapsed into paralysis. Some variation of this continued on for what what felt like days/weeks. When I actually woke up, I had no idea what was real anymore. The hallucinations had genuinely felt like they had happened to some extent. This was by far the worst of all of them. Would not wish it on anyone.
@natureman said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
it's just brainwashing.... from stories, books, movies, art.
If you have a scientific explanation for artistry that doesn't hinge on assumption, I'd love to read it. If it's original, computer science would also like a word and there's probably a buck in it for you.
I think someone can get there. I'm just not aware it exists right now.
@ThinPicking most art that people got to see was comissioned by the ruling class. Imagery is the easiest way to imprint your brain.
I think you have a wild imagination. Commerce is commerce. And even if not, your position is still ridiculous.
If I show you an image, an animation, play you a song, read you a passage, act out a play, assuming you're paying attention, who is it that's exercising discernment around it. And if you're not paying attention, who is responsible for its passive effect. Some art was always there to make you uncomfortable. Some is just shit in my opinion, but maybe not in yours. Maybe we discuss it. And so on.
Expression is part of the human condition. Whether you like it or not.
I think you have no idea what I'm talking about.
Letheredeemed wrote his own proof: Only religious people have visions of angels. These visions are based on depicitions. These depicitions were initially comissioned by the ruling class. You think the famous paintings and statues are just things that independent artists made for themselves?
Horror movies, just another example, same concept. Who owns the studios? Who are they connected to and what can they all gain from it? And what is the effect that such a movie can have when combined with certain metabolic states? Whatever they cause is what they were designed to do.
@natureman said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
I think you have no idea what I'm talking about.
It was crystal clear. I just blew it out of the water and your ego is whining.
Letheredeemed wrote his own proof: Only religious people have visions of angels. These visions are based on depicitions. These depicitions were initially comissioned by the ruling class. You think the famous paintings and statues are just things that independent artists made for themselves?
Horror movies, just another example, same concept. Who owns the studios? Who are they connected to and what can they all gain from it? And what is the effect that such a movie can have when combined with certain metabolic states? Whatever they cause is what they were designed to do.
Listen to yourself.
@ThinPicking said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
@natureman said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
I think you have no idea what I'm talking about.
It was crystal clear. I just blew it out of the water and your ego is whining.
Letheredeemed wrote his own proof: Only religious people have visions of angels. These visions are based on depicitions. These depicitions were initially comissioned by the ruling class. You think the famous paintings and statues are just things that independent artists made for themselves?
Horror movies, just another example, same concept. Who owns the studios? Who are they connected to and what can they all gain from it? And what is the effect that such a movie can have when combined with certain metabolic states? Whatever they cause is what they were designed to do.
Listen to yourself.
Why comment without contributing anything for your argument? Worthless.
The two prior comments already cornered you. Have a nice day.
@ThinPicking cornered me? This type of thinking says more about you than anything else.
I see you have a bladerunner avatar. Btw this is an incel programming propaganda movie, normalizing digital waifus, prostitution and sex robots. That's just one of it's agendas. It's crazy to me that some people here still don't get what the actual purpose of the entertainment industry is.
@ThinPicking said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
ego is whining
Still going.
@natureman said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
I see you have a bladerunner avatar. Btw this is an incel programming propaganda movie, normalizing digital waifus, prostitution and sex robots. That's just one of it's agendas. It's crazy to me that some people here still don't get what the actual purpose of the entertainment industry is.
You don't think much of people do you chap.
@ThinPicking said in The ethics of having children while in sub-standard metabolic condition:
That is your image, not mine. Aside, the film itself is brilliant. And steeped in metaphor for the avoidance of the very thing you're clearly desperate to hang on to.
@ThinPicking said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
Some art was always there to make you uncomfortable.
What's your diet and temperature like? You seem like high serotonin, stuck in some deep denial state about how society functions. I've seen these people around 9/11 and around covid. I'm always open to have my mind changed, so it's funny to see you talking about others ego while so desperately clinging to yours.
@natureman said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
What's your diet and temperature like? You seem like high serotonin
Epic burn, deep cut. I'm bleeding a chuckle.
@natureman said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
deep denial state about how society functions
As far as I can tell, 'society' is a series of inanimate legal instruments and adversarial interests, 'it's just business'. You want me to think 'the ruling class' are unified and well oiled. I did for a while. Maybe you can walk me back with a convincing diatribe.
As you know how 'society functions'. Could you tell me how you'd like it to function? Have you seen 'Equilibrium' with Christian Bale. It's amusingly bad but contains some relevant memes about art.
@natureman said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
so desperately clinging to yours
Yes I'm absolutely desperate natureman. Clutching for dear life.
well dam
@LetTheRedeemed it's just brainwashing.... from stories, books, movies, art.
"Well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man."
A paranoic hallucination of a being in a setting where there's no influence from our society would be something resembling another animal/human, because that's the only thing that would scare us.
Maybe the natural realm is a shadow of the supernatural realm? That's a typical Christian belief, after all. Would you expect a 2D being (could it possibly exist) to have a reasonable interpretation of a 3D world outside its context? And it would be completely reasonable for the 3D being to create concepts on the 2D canvas, drawing inspiration from the nature in his dimension. I'm not saying I'm right. But, the mainstream answers seem contritely thought terminating -- in the face of true childlike curiosity.
That leads me back to my confounding questions:
*I don’t think this explains seeing a spiritual being, well defined, plain as day in the daytime. Or two people seeing the same thing at the same time. Or a human being physically harmed by one. Or a picture of it -- a friend showed me a picture they snapped of a dragon with a rat tail and bat's head and wings in the sky above his friends - this was not interpreting a funky clowd+shadow formation...If one stepped into a field and saw this, as is, it would be real, plain as day... (I can only assume you're thinking I'm describing the shadow/blurry images common where people extrapolate what it must be).
I think assuming everything is programming takes individuality and agency from individuals. I mean, I saw a demon right in front of me, every detail, and had no context for that kind of imagery before. I never before thought they had hair, and I never saw an animal that could portray that kind of predator imagery or induce such fear at the same time -- I never had that kind of fear of an animal.
My friend, in broad daylight, saw a muscle bound demon, 6ft3in, in his sister's bedroom, when it saw him, it freaked out and disappeared. He prayed for it to leave and then told his sister what he saw. it turns out his sister was seeing it nightly but thought family wouldn't believe her. She would just burry her face in the pillow til she fell asleep. My bro was hanging with a good friend in their car, talking about things of the Lord, and one passed a gum container to the other, and accidentally dropped it, but then it floated up into the hand of the other guy... they both just busted out with deep belly-laughing for 10 minutes. When I was 13-14, I was taken to a different church by my sister one night with a prophetess speaking over people's lives -- I wasn't comfortable with it, and I also had never been exposed to that kind of stuff before. That didn't stop a 2 week cyst from falling off my nose into my hand and then disappeared! I went to the bathroom to check in the mirror, and it was gone -- pink skin, zero bump or pain; the spot on my nose looked perfect. There's more.
Letheredeemed wrote his own proof: "Only religious people have visions of angels. These visions are based on depicitions. These depicitions were initially comissioned by the ruling class. You think the famous paintings and statues are just things that independent artists made for themselves?"
That wasn't supposed to be proof, per se, but food for thought -- a point raised to ask, "why?"
I don't mind being proven wrong on any count; my God is big enough to defend himself, and He will prove what he needs to to me... but I don't hear earnest inquiry that would at least say, "I don't know," just theories that are portrayed as fact. I think if there's one thing you're missing, not logic or proof, I believe it's a comprehensive, all encompassing love from another dimension, that can't be described with human words, and makes everything else feel trivial. I believe you can have that, now.
@ThinPicking you already erased yourself from any meaningful discussion with your useless ad hominem "ego is whining". Which is again only saying something about you and no one else. Still waiting for some counter argument, which you can't provide.
@natureman said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
you already erased yourself from any meaningful discussion
Oh dear.
@natureman said in Sleep Paralysis Stories:
Still waiting for some counter argument, which you can't provide.
Two are right there, with humour. You don't seem to like that there are discoveries yet to be made.