Limiting salt consumption for infants?
"In the fetus and the newborn baby, sodium promotes growth. . Progesterone, sodium and glucose are often limiting factors in the growth of the babys brain; when they are deficient, cells die instead of growing." - RP
Is there anything to the conventional wisdom that babies under 1 should have little to no salt in their diet? Ray’s quote seems to contradict this commonly held belief. Personally I feed my 9th month old salty things all the time (butter, cottage cheese, ricotta, soups) and she seems to love it. Should the sodium intake be limited to a certain amount or can salt be eaten liberally at that age?
I doubt it. Once they're onto solid foods I'd say it's safe. Obviously don't go overboard.
They also say this about adults. "Limit salt intake to avoid heart attack". "Low salt diet is healthier". It's the opposite. Low salt intake has higher deaths in cvd patients. Higher salt intake has lower deaths. Our heart and muscles need salt to function. I would say a large portion of people eat way too little salt, and would be healthier if they increased their intake.
Almost everything is opposite world with mainstream institutions. They do not want us to be healthy.
This abstract seems to corroborate what Ray was saying that inadequate salt intake is more of a concern.
@Hearthfire exactly, my opinion as well. Ray always talked about how the low salt diets people are told to eat are actually damaging them.