What Causes Haunting and Incessant Memories?
For a long time now, I have been experiencing very irritating memories of when I was disrespected, insulted, or patronized by rude individuals. All of these memories pertain to people in the workforce mistreating me. In a way, I was paralyzed by how I was being spoken to and put down by these people during such interactions. Frankly, it doesn't come naturally to me for me to stand up for myself. But I've certainly learned the importance of adopting this tendency and not tolerating disrespect. However, these events from one and two years ago still bother me to this day. They have an emotional burden on me which seemingly drains my energy. Every other thought is within the same category. In retrospect, these moments seemed like mini-traumas that I'm still processing subconsciously. I am curious as to what causes haunting and incessant memories from a bioenergetic perspective. Obviously, the most simple answer possible would be insufficient energy. But you could theoretically say that about any problem. I am looking for additional details and perspectives. Has Peat ever said anything about this? I wouldn't classify my situation as PTSD. I am of the camp that the body is extremely intelligent and holds on to events and moments for specific reasons. For the record, I want to resolve this on my own via specific exercises, supplements, or understanding whatever it is that I need to understand. I don't believe in talk therapy.
@renaissanceman there is a book called The body keeps the score, its not an easy one but you can look for psychosomatic literature. And in the psychosomatic, soma means body. First thing you can do is write about your day and thoughts, realize that all is coupled with your first 7 years of experiences on the earth, All these events had events coupled with your past experiences where you felt judged abused and/or neglected and you are an adult, Thats not an easy job it takes time and it aint for weak of heart, The last thing is do your best for your health by sport, diet and supplements so at least this do not stand your way and Enjoy the bumpy ride.
@renaissanceman Hi, we can exempt ourselves from all the lingering negative emotions we feel, very very quickly, in a matter of seconds/minutes/hours/during our sleep, the most impacting is to eat things that contain elements we don't have enough of relative to our needs, potentially to stop eating foods that can limit us, to feel united or in cooperation with people who increase your feeling of energy and power, and certain life factors such as optimizing sleep and dreams
I'm sure there is an incredibly extensive list of things that can cause this...
I've had the same problem with obsessive rumination, and it turned out to be caused by borderline hypocalcemia and a chronic vitamin D deficiency. My calcium was so low it was causing tetany (muscle tension) and incessant memories.
Taking glycine dissolved in water really helped me with the symptoms but only about 30%, but the symptoms didn't fully resolve until I fixed my vitamin D and calcium levels.
This is unlikely to be your case, but you never know.
@Vasi1311 The Body Keeps the Score is a good book. James W. Pennebaker's research is what everyone needs to look up. You can basically write trauma out of your body.
@Norwegian-Mugabe possible for me psychotherapy is like at least put all in your heart on a paper, workout, diet and call the things with their real name, In a way its like Peating look what your body is comfortable with and go with it. Different people, different life styles, different perception and understanding of the world around. Some are on the path of healing some are on the path of life of a victim.... I wish all was like take Vitamin D and all is as I think it should be.
@deliciousowl Thank you for the info. I'll experiment with vitamin D supplementation.
low metabolism
@renaissanceman np, although I'd like to mention that it didn't get better on vitamin D alone, I had to add about a gram of supplemental calcium a day as well as more dairy products