Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave
Good content
@yerrag said in Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave:
Contrary to the delusional claim of @Truth that I wasn't successful in achieving optimal metabolism, I have achieved that already long ago. And it is by following Ray Peat. Certainly it is hard for health coaches to sell their clients on the idea that 4 years is needed to really get rid of PUFA stores, but the reality may be that. Unless otherwise proven.
As sure as the sun rises and sets, people who can't accept the long time it takes to get rid of PUFA stores in order to live a healthy lifestyle that relies on sugar metabolusm primarily- they would have to embrace the false nutritional lifestyles centered on keto and carnivore. But for their lack of the patience of a turtle, they won't have the kind of health that comes from being less stressed, as their body would have to rely on adaptations that necessitate the production of stress hormones to keep their body in survival mode. On vicious cycles instead of virtuous cycles. One is low energy and shorter lived. The other high energy and longer lived.
It's better to keep your confused comments on the other post, you clearly said weeks ago that the practical application of an "optimal sugar metabolism" is what's missing from Raymond Peat's ideas, and didn't answer when I asked if you reached it practically, and now you claim you reached it through Ray Peat's ideas, no sense.
That's what you said weeks ago, either you're confused, or you're lying, or you don't know how to express your ideas:
@yerrag said in Banned from RP forum : Can you do better than this.:
RPF, as I said in previous a previous, has been a failure. Its main pillar is that optimal sugar metabolism is the key to health. Yet the site is vexed and stuck in not knowing how to make its members transform themselves from being poor sugar metabolizers into optimal sugar metabolizers. Ray Peat spoke only about the superiority of having optimal sugar metabolism, bit never spoke how to go about making that transformation. The site could have provided that a workable blueprint on how to go about that transformation, thus enabling many members towards the path to metabolic health. But it never got that going. There was a member named Cirion. He was piling on weight taking in lots of sugar because he believed sugar was good, but his body did not metabolize sugar well, and so he suddenly dropped out never to be heard from again. We don't really know if is still alive.
I feel charlie would be better off refocusing the website towards making the transformation to optimal sugar metabolism be a key goal before he embarked on his anti-peat mission
DanDare looks to be a new alt account
I have my reasonsā¦..
@Truth said in Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave:
@yerrag said in Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave:
Contrary to the delusional claim of @Truth that I wasn't successful in achieving optimal metabolism, I have achieved that already long ago. And it is by following Ray Peat. Certainly it is hard for health coaches to sell their clients on the idea that 4 years is needed to really get rid of PUFA stores, but the reality may be that. Unless otherwise proven.
As sure as the sun rises and sets, people who can't accept the long time it takes to get rid of PUFA stores in order to live a healthy lifestyle that relies on sugar metabolusm primarily- they would have to embrace the false nutritional lifestyles centered on keto and carnivore. But for their lack of the patience of a turtle, they won't have the kind of health that comes from being less stressed, as their body would have to rely on adaptations that necessitate the production of stress hormones to keep their body in survival mode. On vicious cycles instead of virtuous cycles. One is low energy and shorter lived. The other high energy and longer lived.
It's better to keep your confused comments on the other post, you clearly said weeks ago that the practical application of an "optimal sugar metabolism" is what's missing from Raymond Peat's ideas, and didn't answer when I asked if you reached it practically, and now you claim you reached it through Ray Peat's ideas, no sense.
That's what you said weeks ago, either you're confused, or you're lying, or you don't know how to express your ideas:
@yerrag said in Banned from RP forum : Can you do better than this.:
RPF, as I said in previous a previous, has been a failure. Its main pillar is that optimal sugar metabolism is the key to health. Yet the site is vexed and stuck in not knowing how to make its members transform themselves from being poor sugar metabolizers into optimal sugar metabolizers. Ray Peat spoke only about the superiority of having optimal sugar metabolism, bit never spoke how to go about making that transformation. The site could have provided that a workable blueprint on how to go about that transformation, thus enabling many members towards the path to metabolic health. But it never got that going. There was a member named Cirion. He was piling on weight taking in lots of sugar because he believed sugar was good, but his body did not metabolize sugar well, and so he suddenly dropped out never to be heard from again. We don't really know if is still alive.
I feel charlie would be better off refocusing the website towards making the transformation to optimal sugar metabolism be a key goal before he embarked on his anti-peat mission
No sense at all talking sense to you. You've drawn a line in the sand. My attempts at correcting your abject lack of comprehension fail because of your insistence that your interpretation of what I said is what I meant. How is that for being exhibit A for being anal? I am the source of a ststement that you ask me to clarify, and deapite my doing so, you doggedly insist on tour interpretation.
I will just shake the dirt off my sandals and say anathema with you! May I be the last to cast you as good riddance! Have a nice life.
@yerrag said in Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave:
@Truth said in Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave:
@yerrag said in Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave:
Contrary to the delusional claim of @Truth that I wasn't successful in achieving optimal metabolism, I have achieved that already long ago. And it is by following Ray Peat. Certainly it is hard for health coaches to sell their clients on the idea that 4 years is needed to really get rid of PUFA stores, but the reality may be that. Unless otherwise proven.
As sure as the sun rises and sets, people who can't accept the long time it takes to get rid of PUFA stores in order to live a healthy lifestyle that relies on sugar metabolusm primarily- they would have to embrace the false nutritional lifestyles centered on keto and carnivore. But for their lack of the patience of a turtle, they won't have the kind of health that comes from being less stressed, as their body would have to rely on adaptations that necessitate the production of stress hormones to keep their body in survival mode. On vicious cycles instead of virtuous cycles. One is low energy and shorter lived. The other high energy and longer lived.
It's better to keep your confused comments on the other post, you clearly said weeks ago that the practical application of an "optimal sugar metabolism" is what's missing from Raymond Peat's ideas, and didn't answer when I asked if you reached it practically, and now you claim you reached it through Ray Peat's ideas, no sense.
That's what you said weeks ago, either you're confused, or you're lying, or you don't know how to express your ideas:
@yerrag said in Banned from RP forum : Can you do better than this.:
RPF, as I said in previous a previous, has been a failure. Its main pillar is that optimal sugar metabolism is the key to health. Yet the site is vexed and stuck in not knowing how to make its members transform themselves from being poor sugar metabolizers into optimal sugar metabolizers. Ray Peat spoke only about the superiority of having optimal sugar metabolism, bit never spoke how to go about making that transformation. The site could have provided that a workable blueprint on how to go about that transformation, thus enabling many members towards the path to metabolic health. But it never got that going. There was a member named Cirion. He was piling on weight taking in lots of sugar because he believed sugar was good, but his body did not metabolize sugar well, and so he suddenly dropped out never to be heard from again. We don't really know if is still alive.
I feel charlie would be better off refocusing the website towards making the transformation to optimal sugar metabolism be a key goal before he embarked on his anti-peat mission
No sense at all talking sense to you. You've drawn a line in the sand. My attempts at correcting your abject lack of comprehension fail because of your insistence that your interpretation of what I said is what I meant. How is that for being exhibit A for being anal? I am the source of a ststement that you ask me to clarify, and deapite my doing so, you doggedly insist on tour interpretation.
I will just shake the dirt off my sandals and say anathema with you! May I be the last to cast you as good riddance! Have a nice life.
Don't be a liar, or continue your confusion, if you genuinely believe that what I'm saying that your comments from weeks ago imply, doesn't correspond to your ideas or what you meant, you simply didn't convey your ideas in a way that corresponds to what you had in mind. My claim wasn't delusional at all, considering that's the most logical way to understand your comments, your non-answers to my questions about practical application, and your return to animosity and attempts at name-calling right after those questions. I didn't ask you to clarify
@dan-dominic said in Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave:
A lot of great points in this video:
Great video! Well worth the time.
@yerrag well reasoned.
I have been wondering how low can you go. An the long term consequences of going too low. This study was an eye opener. Eggs are a source of vitamin A.
Consumption of eggs and the 15-year incidence of age-related
macular degeneration
Background and aims: A naturally rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin are eggs. There is scarce epidemiological data on the temporal association between total egg consumption and age-related macular
degeneration (AMD) incidence. We aimed to establish the prospective and independent association
between consumption of eggs with the incidence of AMD over a 15-year follow-up.
Methods: In this population-based cohort study of 3,654 participants aged 49 Ć¾ years examined at
baseline, 2034 participants had complete information on baseline egg consumption and AMD signs over
15 years. AMD was determined from retinal photographs. Egg consumption was assessed using a semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire. Total egg intake was calculated through summing up intakes
in all forms e.g. boiled, poached, fried, scrambled and/or omelette. We summarized total egg consumption into the following categories: 1 egg/week; 2-4 eggs/week; 5-6 eggs/week; and 1 egg/day.
Results: At baseline, participants who consumed 2-4 eggs/week compared to those who consumed 1
egg/week (reference group) had reduced risk of incident late-stage AMD after 15 years: multivariableadjusted odds ratio, OR, 0.51 (95% confidence intervals, CI, 0.28e0.92).
Participants who consumed 2
-4 eggs/week versus 1 egg/week at baseline had 62% reduced risk of developing neovascular AMD.
Among those whose AMD onset was at or before the 10-year follow-up, consumption of 2-4 and 5-6
eggs/week was associated with 54% and 65% reduced risk of incident late AMD**, respectively. When
analyzed as a dichotomized variable, participants who consumed >1 egg/week versus 1 egg/week at
baseline, had 46% reduced risk of developing late-stage AMD 15 years later: multivariable-adjusted OR
0.54 (95% CI 0.3e0.90). Non-significant associations were observed between egg consumption and
incident early AMD.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that moderate consumption of eggs significantly reduces the risk of
developing incident late-stage AMD over 15 years. -
@DavidPS I wouldnt be suprised if you can go many many years without it. All in all, Im skeptical of the mainstream view of what defines a vitamin or a nutrient. The thing is that what the deficiency studies on Vitamin A show is that this nutrient cures certain symptoms wihtin the organism. It is also a cofactor for steroids. And since I think that writing off good symtpoms as "stopping the detox" or "stress hormones" has no basis in reality, I accept all substances that promote recovery, strength, and stamina.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet on the horse called Ray Peat. He's not going to win all races, but no horse will.
@DavidPS said in Beware of the Low Vitamin A Zealots- New Thorough Video by Mike Fave:
I have been wondering how low can you go. An the long term consequences of going too low. This study was an eye opener. Eggs are a source of vitamin A.
Consumption of eggs and the 15-year incidence of age-related
macular degeneration
Background and aims: A naturally rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin are eggs. There is scarce epidemiological data on the temporal association between total egg consumption and age-related macular
degeneration (AMD) incidence. We aimed to establish the prospective and independent association
between consumption of eggs with the incidence of AMD over a 15-year follow-up.
Methods: In this population-based cohort study of 3,654 participants aged 49 Ć¾ years examined at
baseline, 2034 participants had complete information on baseline egg consumption and AMD signs over
15 years. AMD was determined from retinal photographs. Egg consumption was assessed using a semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire. Total egg intake was calculated through summing up intakes
in all forms e.g. boiled, poached, fried, scrambled and/or omelette. We summarized total egg consumption into the following categories: 1 egg/week; 2-4 eggs/week; 5-6 eggs/week; and 1 egg/day.
Results: At baseline, participants who consumed 2-4 eggs/week compared to those who consumed 1
egg/week (reference group) had reduced risk of incident late-stage AMD after 15 years: multivariableadjusted odds ratio, OR, 0.51 (95% confidence intervals, CI, 0.28e0.92).
Participants who consumed 2
-4 eggs/week versus 1 egg/week at baseline had 62% reduced risk of developing neovascular AMD.
Among those whose AMD onset was at or before the 10-year follow-up, consumption of 2-4 and 5-6
eggs/week was associated with 54% and 65% reduced risk of incident late AMD**, respectively. When
analyzed as a dichotomized variable, participants who consumed >1 egg/week versus 1 egg/week at
baseline, had 46% reduced risk of developing late-stage AMD 15 years later: multivariable-adjusted OR
0.54 (95% CI 0.3e0.90). Non-significant associations were observed between egg consumption and
incident early AMD.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that moderate consumption of eggs significantly reduces the risk of
developing incident late-stage AMD over 15 years.Interesting study.
It probably wasnt only the Vitamin A, but also (maybe even mainly) the B-Vitamins:"One randomized controlled trial showed that a daily supplementation of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 reduced the risk of AMD by 40% [22]."
@Mauritio - these are the carotenoids in eggs that I was thinking about with regard to the macular.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin and Their Roles in Age-Related Macular DegenerationāNeurodegenerative Disease