Bioenergetic AI Labs: The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set
@Kvirion This is not a Ray Peat AI bot that claims to replace Ray, this is a quick way to learn all the knowledge he spread and even expand it.
Messing around like this just causes a lack of progress, instead of taking the legacy to a whole new level and if Ray was against it, that means he had an interest that was not in the common good.
Otherwise there is no reason why he would not have been in favor of using his knowledge to reach the truth by any acceptable means and as quickly as possible
Is it viable?
I doubt people would spend so much money for long.
If it works to help their health, it might be worth it, but then they don't need it anymore.
If it doesn't work, then they won't pay more than a few months.Good luck!
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
reach the truth
Only humans can do this really sharko. Model based statistical inferencing can't resolve conflict or contradiction. Nor can it coherently 'reason' at the edge of its training corpus or vector store. Because it's fundamentally crude and stupid.
Still, personally I don't think there's anything wrong with using elaborate compression and natural language search. Which is what PearBot is doing really. Preferably the output would include citations and a nudge for the user to actually read what's been sighted. But whatever man.
@sharko I'm interested.
Haven't you heard what OpenAI CTO is claiming:
GPT-3 had the intelligence level of a toddler, while GPT-4 was equivalent to that of a high-schooler. The next generation of the model will have the intelligence of someone with a PhD for specific tasks.
@NNight For me personally it was not enough to fix my health, I became addicted to the knowledge and power it provides.
Also, it is more for researchers and people involved in the health field.
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
taking the legacy to a whole new level
No, this is not a new level, a stochastic parrot can't compare to Ray's in any way. He had a unique ability to comprehend and connect things/dots on a level unimaginable for an average human.
As wisely described by @ThinPicking above.I also have nothing against a smart search through Ray's archives, but an LLM can't give "answers" to naive folks and should not be advertised this way...
And if one thinks that LLMs are an advancement, it's also good to consider their cost and unintended consequences. More about it can be found here.
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
power it provides
Be careful with this notion my good man.
In the end we may discover a dormouse or a house cat knew the Truth all along.
I quite enjoy listening to sales patter from Murati and Altman tbh.
This is good science fiction. -
@NNight said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
This is good science fiction.
Just a fantasy...
If you want a good sci-fi I can recommend a classic "Forbidden Planet" movie...
BTW What real science thinks about LLMs:
"We conclude that sensational and misleading claims about LLM agency and capabilities emerge from a deep misconception of both what human language is and what LLMs are." -
@ThinPicking Peat bot is great, I just take it to another level.
It is a tool to speed up research processes and that's all. It's not like you press Enter and it reveals everything to you, and of course a good researcher knows that everything needs to be verified several times.
@NNight Who cares, the main thing is that it speeds up research processes for those who know how to work with it. Many people don't look at it correctly and miss the point
@Kvirion You are looking to get smarter and I understand perfectly where these thoughts come from because I was there.
If you want to spread and expand the field of bioenergetics, this is the fastest way today.
As I already mentioned, this is mostly for researchers and not for people looking for an AI to tell them how to cure Hashimoto
Sounds like a good idea to me. The way the former RP forum was set up, the information was all over the place. You had to go searching and searching and so much info. was contradictory.
I think all the RP info being in one place in a clear and concise manner would be good.
@ThinPicking By power I mean that the more I learn and experience, I see the world in such a way that almost nothing can affect me negatively or frighten me, I learn to accept everything
@Amethyst Right. And it goes much deeper than Ray Peat. This makes it possible to quickly start connecting all the relevant dots from the basic bioenergetic approach.
I understand that there are also people who have studied for many years the knowledge of Ray Peat and relevant knowledge and they are also a little afraid that other people will acquire this knowledge and even more, in 1/1,000 of the time it took them.
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
also a little afraid that other people will acquire this knowledge and even more, in 1/1,000 of the time
LOL! This advertisement is getting embarrassing...
A living person can add context to a situation to reinterpret it, synthesize opposing views, etc. LLMs can't.
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
nothing can affect me negatively or frighten me
I personally don't think Ray means digital culture to mean anything that has to deal with the physical machinery that processes information that attempts to do better than the brain does. It means the change in society where we lose our ability to use our mind creatively to solve problems and to bring us to a higher level of refinement and understanding by surrendering our mind to having it replaced by artificial intelligence, which would make us less capable by failing to exercise our mind, and by disuse we forfeit our ability to develop wisdom, which comes with our attachment to the spiritual nature in us.
Already we see this at play in masterpieces that are never equalled in contemporary times. Paintings. Architecture. Music. Classical works in literature. But this may be a debatable point.
But can we compute with our minds when we had no calculators nor computers as our parents did? Can we use our minds to approximate or are we now held captive to precision that requires a digital instrument. Think about a billiard pro or a golf pro or a Steph Curry. Do they approximate or do they digitally triangulate for precision?
A lot of our thinking is an endless labyrinth of approximation at play. It is an endless connecting of dots where we use our faculties of reason and logic . When we spot a fake in an artwork or in Grecian sculpture, we use our senses. When we find faults in logic, we rely on our minds even though we can't really put in words why we think the logic is flawed, although the rules of logic have been figured out already though we haven't come across them.
If you know Ray, and I don't claim to know him that well, I think it is enough to know him as not being of the Luddite variety of preferring tablets over paper, or of horses over cars, nor of typewriters over word processors, nor of an abacus over a Casio calculator. I don't even think he would object to AI over pre-AI computing. Especially where it comes to helping us sort thru the falsehoods where we face the prospect of being overwhelmed by propaganda by the powers that be that already make me feel that at least half of what I believe is true is false.
If you use AI for bringing light to where there is darkness, it is only long overdue and not a moment too soon, for we can be sure that your AI machine is only attempting to at most achieve parity with the AI mega monstrosities out there, in the hands of the evil empire at large, who would use AI in the worst way possible- to give us bliss through ignorance.
Yes, if Peat were alive, I believe he would bless your efforts and wish you Godspeed. For having a foundation of truth is where we can start to fight digital culture and thus continue to fight to end oligarchy.