Random, interesting studies
Vitamin A supplementation in third world countries drastically reduces mortality.
"Among children aged 12-71 months at baseline, mortality in control villages (75/10 231, 7·3 per 1000) was 49% greater than in those where supplements were given (53/10 919,4·9 per 1000) (p<0·05). "
(Mild)Vitamin A deficiency still affects almost a billion people
"In 2019, VAD and mVAD affected 333.95 million (95% CI = 253.00-433.74) and 556.13 million..."
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10416138/92% ofChildren with measles had Vitamin A deficiency. Giving them Vitamin A reduced their mortality by 50%!
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2194128/From: "Endocrine Physiology" by Constance R. Martin, Ph.D. :
"Laboratory mammals maintained on Vitamin A-
deficient diets stop growing, acquire numerOuS epi·
the]ial cell and connective tissue disorders. and be·
come blind and sterile. ""However. retinol or a precursor is needed for
spermatogenesis, for the ability to sustain preg·
nancy, and for the formation of visual pigments. ""Vitamin A supports bone remodeling. In defi·
ciency states. the passageways for nerves and blood
vessels do not enlarge sufficiently. Infants deprived
of the vitamin have detective loolh formation_"