Bacteria creating overgrowth of b12
@LucH I need to work out why my hands and palms of my feet are orange too, when i compare people hands are more pink, I dont even eat much carotene, what else can it be?
Also how do I know if a rash is from high histamine or not?
@Samyo have you dont any food sensitivity testing? Sounds to me like you have a histamine response and have a food sensitivity to mushrooms likely due to intestinal permeability. Histamine will interfere with sleep it binds to H1 receptors and H3 in the brain and decreases acetylcholine signaling interfering with REM sleep and it is also a neurotransmitter which promotes wakefulness so will keep you up. It is why anti-histamines make us drowsy they interfere with histamine binding to H1 in the brain.
I would say you should run a GI MAP, find out what is going on in your gut, run a food sensitivity test and find out what you are sensitive to (other than mushrooms which is clear) and get an OAT (organic acids test) to identify any other possible stressors contributing to your symptoms (which I am sure there are more this reaction is not the only one). HTMA would be helpful here since minerals play a key role and sounds lik your mineral balancing is skewed, esp with the skin sx and immune sx. Once you know what foods you are reactive to you can remove them for 90 days, you can optimize your gut health and intestinal flora and get rid of any pathogens identified in the testing, and address any imbalances found on the OAT. Then your clear immune flares to certain foods and imbalances will likely clear up. -
@Kat Histamine is probably what gives me the rash
Orange juice, ketchup, coffee... icecream (a1 dairy)