Hating everything everywhere all at once
I also have to add that my skin felt clearer this morning. I don't know if the carrot salad and the orange juice that could be the reason for it, but I suppose it is since it's the only change of diet I've had in the last few days.
My skin is still peeling at some places though, from my cheeks to my brow ridge. I don't think I've seen Peat say anything about skin peeling, but I don't know Aajonus considered this to be a sign of detoxification. Now, I'm not a "just eat real food bro !" advocate, but if skin peeling in the face correlate to gut/liver health, I guess I really have a problem in there. Will try to get my hands on Harleem oil, T3, bamboo shoots as Mauritio said.
@IkeIkeforever yeah it's good to be conscious and not always have music. It's kind of a medicine. Check out Wagner and Bruckner, very good for existential and or anger/confusion pain.
@IkeIkeforever not sure what country you're based in but https://www.meds.com.mx/product_reviews_info.php/products_id/2931/reviews_id/39 is where i got my cynomel. really one of the most impactful sups I've taken. progesterone also helps greatly with a sense of general rage I felt (I work in the service industry, no shortage of retards whose head one might want to rip off)
it might be worth swapping the d3 with a chicken lamp and a red light setup, I find i get a comparable sense of well-being getting blasted by lamps when the sun isn't available.
Alright, thanks Corngold.
I've listened to very little Wagner in the past, in fact, "Tannhauser Ouverture" is the only work I know from him. I'll look into him.
@samson Thanks for answering
I live in Europe ! What does cynomel do to support the body ? I don't know much about progesterone, wouldn't it be kind of dangerous to take it just like that, without knowing what I really have ? People on my topic have been talking about hypothyroid, or guts/liver/gallblader issues...I'll look into what progesterone is, and what it can do for me. Many thanks.
Sorry if I keep messing up the "reply" and "quotes" functions, I'm still not used to the U.I of this website...
Yes his preludes and overtures are fantastic. Bruckner's symphonies are sacred. I love death metal but it usually makes me happy and gives stress relief. Different for different people, but there are studies linking metal to increased blood flow in the brain and better stress reduction. -
@IkeIkeforever progesterone is pretty safe and sold in any vitamin shop in the US. if you're interested in cynomel (T3) Danny Roddy has some good stuff simplifying it.
here's rays article about progesterone as well
https://raypeat.com/articles/articles/three-hormones.shtmlYou can also use the low-toxin forum as a resource for testimonials. used to be the ray peat forum but got bought by a crazy retard, unfortunately.
"______ low toxin forum" in google or whatever will bring up relevant forum posts, since you need to pay to search in site.
@samson said in Hating everything everywhere all at once:
having good gut motility really does wonders for the mind
Thanks for the insights samson ! I'll read the articles you've sent me.
Hahaha yeah I remember the story about the old Ray Peat Forum...shame that charlie started to push some kind of vitamin A/low-toxin diet right after Peat's death. He even banned any one saying that his views were wrong right ? Horrible, horrible man...
Going back on the needed mindset to improve/setting goals.
I didn't say it in my original post, but I've been learning Japanese for two weeks now in autodidact with a book. I have to say that after today's session, I feel good. I'm really glad to have held on on learning a new language despite the mental state in which I was in (I'm still far from being in a really good state of mind, but I already kind of feel better) . Now, thinking about the satisfaction I get after finishing a lesson and its exercices is one of the things that really keeps me going.
@IkeIkeforever Have you looked into whether there are any free/low cost places you could take Japanese classes in person where you live? Easier said than done, I know, but you might really get something out of doing the activities you're enjoying alongside other people. Language classes are an excellent place to meet people in a natural, engaging way. You're all struggling through something together, and that sometimes produces a comradely feeling. Also, the instructors are often from elsewhere, and then you get to meet interesting people with varied life experience/backgrounds. Just a thought. It sounds as though you are being very diligent with your diet and health and may want to incorporate gradual environmental changes in a complementary way.
Ray Peat always talked about the importance of finding like-minded people with whom you can share a sense of reality--a tall order in the hell world we're living in, but ya never know what new and interesting humans are out there. At the very least, you know they're not in your house.
Also, progesterone is very safe, especially in small doses, and RP consistently recommended it to everyone, for just about everything. It has a calming, stabilizing effect and might be helpful if (like me) you're dealing with trying to tip the scale away from serotonin and toward dopamine. You could always try just a tiny bit and see how you do--easier and safer than experimenting with thyroid, IMO. Just make sure you're getting it from a very good source. I'd recommend idealabs or Kenogen.
@peatlegal Sadly not...but there is an university cursus that would allow me to study and learn Japanese. It's 1 300 euros though, so I would need to work to be able to join this class. Good reason to try harder to find a job...
Thanks for the info on Progesterone ! I'll try to buy some when I get the money, since I suppose I'll have to pay a crazy tax fee to pay customs...
Went for a walk to the library today. It felt good to walk, but I grew more and more depressed as I kept walking. Trash everywhere, poor people everywhere, sub-humans everywhere, closed shops everywhere. Kind of forgot about it when I started reading.
I felt like I was about to cry when I was nearing home. No future, no opportunities, constant poverty. I still want to annihilate everything, but I also want to fight for a just cause. Sadly, there's no such thing where I live. Ray's works on learned helplessness bogled my mind. I don't want to just die, I want to fight.
It feels like I've been fighting for my own life all this time. All this effort can't be in vain...
@IkeIkeforever said in Hating everything everywhere all at once:
I've also been listening to lots of negative and harsh music in the past month.
Hardcore, Deathcore, or albums like "Abandon all life" by Nails.Listening to one joy division song in the morning can put me in a bad mood for the whole day.
I prescribe you a minimum of 5 listens per day to Pharrell Williams' classic, "Happy," for the next 2 weeks.
@IkeIkeforever Hm. I don't know what to tell you. I think you need some kind of Work in your life (easier said than done). Not necessarily a formal job but something productive that you're intentionally doing and are good at. You can't build a good life out of solipsistic observation of others, "Catcher in the Rye" style. You will find no hidden secrets at the public library. It would be best to drop that whole flaneur thing for a while and get down to work.
Love your hatred because it's sacred. I have used my hatred to be built like a Greek God. Hatred is the great in-equalizer. People always ask me how I built this body, and I tell them that I carry sacred hate in my heart. The caterpillars have been instructed to keep my body as a monument to life's potential.
@ThinPicking said in Mortality in the United States, 2023:
I wonder where oncogenesis really begins.