Head mirrin!
We all wish we were Werner Heisenberg.
please feel free to share science on how the physiology of the head/brain correlates with different cognitive functions.
What is your favourite head in history?
Langan, Plantinga, and E. Michael Jones have all great heads!
The heaviest human brain ever recorded weighed 2,850 grams (6 pounds 4.5 ounces). It was measured by Dutch pathologist Gerard Christiaan van Walsem in 1899, during the autopsy of an unnamed young man who died at the Meerenberg Asylum in Santpoort, near Haarlem in the Netherlands. ![alt text]
Probably not best to post it in this thread (I’ll expand on the effects of brachycephaly on the brain later), but there seems to be a trend of Eurasian populations having their skulls shortened after the adaptation of agriculture/feudal systems. -
@Rex Thanks for posting. The Neolithic Revolution and it's consequences...
What are the racial and sex differences in brain size? It seems to me that white males have the biggest heads. Is this correct?
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in Head mirrin!:
@Rex Thanks for posting. The Neolithic Revolution and it's consequences...
What are the racial and sex differences in brain size? It seems to me that white males have the biggest heads. Is this correct?
Brain Size I can’t say too much about, but head sizes amongst Europeans can vary. Nordic and Insular Celtic heads tend to be pretty large.
@Rex I do have a large head
Therefore, I should advise my sagacious countrymen, if ever again they wish to trumpet about for thirty years a very commonplace person as a great genius, not to choose for the purpose such a beerhouse-keeper physiognomy as was possessed by that philosopher, upon whose face nature had written, in her clearest characters, the familiar inscription, "commonplace man." - Schopenhauer.
Heisenberg with the best head of all time.
Wilhelm- and Jacob Bjerknes. Two geniuses.
Polo nationalism.
one can well believe the anecdote told by Squarzafichi in his life of Petrarch, and taken from Joseph Brivius, a contemporary of the poet, how once at the court of the Visconti, when Petrarch and other noblemen and gentlemen were present, Galeazzo Visconti told his son, who was then a mere boy (he was afterwards first Duke of Milan), to pick out the wisest of the company; how the boy looked at them all for a little, and then took Petrarch by the hand and led him up to his father, to the great admiration of all present. For so clearly does nature set the mark of her dignity on the privileged among mankind that even a child can discern it.
This is why I put some weight on the theory that large European skulls are a factor in some hairloss because it disrupts blood flow to the scalp. And why anything that increases peripheral blood flow seems to help with this type of hairloss. -
@Norwegian-Mugabe Still laughing about what you said to me the other day
So true!