Urgent overdose (b1, prog)
I don’t think iron is relevant. I have heavy metal toxicity, low glutathione status…
Right now, I’m not sure. I just know that I’m scared of eating anything. At least anything that will stimulate the metabolism or cause a displacement in nutrients. The only thing I really had today were egg yolks. Before that, I felt like I was suffocating.
I’ve been thinking that I would die… right now I’m more stabilized. I’ve tried:
– Riboflavin
– Niacinamide
– Pyridoxine
– Biotin
– Folic Acid (unnecessary, test came high)
– B12 (unnecessary, test came fine)
– Magnesium
– Manganese
– Chromium
– Vanadium (toxic, I thought it was over)
– Vitamin E (I wanted to protect against Vanadium exposure, felt a sense of relief after taking)Haven’t tried:
– Boron
– Molybdenum -
Sometimes I actually noticed an improvement. But it only lasted shortly. I thought I was gonna be good, next thing you know… I’m thinking I’m gonna die
You were onto something with the low carb. I was basically fasting yesterday, only had eaten stuff like avocados and nuts. Later that night, I tested my blood pressure before and after drinking a bit of orange juice.
before OJ: 108/84
after OJ: 107/74
few minutes after OJ: 122/87
I felt bad afterwards and I was losing my coordination. I had some fish and it calmed me down.
It’s not a cure ofc, but I’m not so sure about consuming carbs
I would stop trying to chase what individual supplement you should take unless you want to get a full nutrient panel... which is expensive, turnaround time is a couple weeks at least, and full is really a misnomer because no panel I've found literally tests everything. Thiamine clears the system pretty quickly, especially a high dose of supplement, so the worst should be over. If you can pin down some specific symptoms that might point to a specific deficiency, that would help, but it's hard if you mostly just feel stressed, off-kilter, general bad, etc. It's so hard to find supplements in sane doses that you're effectively mega-dosing everything you try in an attempt to fix bad after effects of a super-megadose of something.
I'm not a doc or any kind of health-related professional. But having been through a similar experience with thiamine, what I wish I would have done first is just focus on having the most balanced, nutrient-dense diet possible, especially in terms of balanced macros, and avoiding thiamine-fortified foods. In particular I wish I could have gotten myself to eat beef liver, which is ofc a good source of B vitamins but not particularly high in thiamine, and it IS a very good source of molybdenum. The nutrient panel I got didn't test molybdenum so I didn't end trying it until months after my thiamine troubles when I was feeling mostly back to normal, but it did seem helpful. I don't eat legumes or dairy so I really should be eating liver, just haven't found a palatable method yet.
@bioenergetical hard to navigate this unique situation there isnt any precedent for it but i was thinking the lower carb just while the thiamine is active so more co2 wasnt being produced as much temporarily. (its interesting u mentioned vit E relief, thats 1 of the things shown to counter some of acetazolamide effect, or vit C). But now the thiamine should be mostly gone out of your system i'd think its been a while, if it was hydrochloride form
whats left might be after effects if things dont settle around this time, ,
does the test show minerals too or just vitamins? -
No, it only shows some things. I’m still waiting for the B1, B2, B6 results.
(4 days after initial overdose)
I began consuming carbs again. Some cookies, orange juice, lentils (molybdenum)… eventually I would start trembling and getting desperate again. I took certain supplements (which stabilized me for a bit) and now I’m trying to fast again
I’ve noticed that my hands can change
This was a few days ago (yesterday it was also like that)
I took this just now (fasted)
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