New "Mission" of RPF
He also completely ignored the most important part of the inquiry from @TheSir.
This POS is just taunting and gaslighting day after day.
ICANN's procedure to relinquish the domain isn't even that expensive or complicated. And it makes subsequent invocation for attempt at similar registration easier still. Maybe you should stop goading David.
@risingfire said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@S-Holmes and you can't pretend your forum stands in the spirit of Ray Peat while quashing any dissent or questions.
Wow I just found the thread you guys are talking about... just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse over there!
“Man of integrity” hahahahahaha
So we’re just supposed to take his word for it that Ray gave permission, no proof required... question it and you get banned of course. -
Uh huh. Maybe it is time to quit giving this cretin any sense of importance and let the new Ray Peat Forum stand for the absolute joke it has become. -
of course he is willing to lie that Ray endorsed his trash forum when Danny already posted screenshots showing Ray had no clue who is running the forum. Charlie will ban you if you ask for the emails though, he's such a good and honest man it's an insult to suggest he has to prove anything.
@C-Mex on the contrary, he needs to be exposed. Obviously this thread is getting to him or he wouldn’t feel the need to post that fake statement today.
Yes, you are right. I"m just frustrated with the situation.
Pretty soon he will have banned anyone who dare question him. I would suppose there are any number of members on there who hesitate to speak out for that very reason, trying to figure out if there is any reason to stay anymore.
What is this?
Who is this?
Who talks like this?This only makes me ask more questions
Absolute sus
Prove me wrong
@C-Mex said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Pretty soon he will have banned anyone who dare question him. I would suppose there are any number of members on there who hesitate to speak out for that very reason, trying to figure out if there is any reason to stay anymore.
I'd love to be able to log in and rip him a new one, lol. I just can't because I'm not a paid member nor am I ever going to contribute to his forum again. I'm debating about never ordering from the lifegivingstore again either! It's my understanding he's affiliated with that company isn't he?
I think the 'store' is his 'family business'. There was a discussion about it here a little earlier today.
@Mulloch94 yes it's his, he admitted it recently too but i don't think i saved the post, it happened after his involvement in the store was discussed on the raypeat subreddit, i guess he felt he had to finally admit it with people digging into it.
Yeah, Charles definitely doesn't have any alt accounts
Quite amazing how he seems to be unable to even slightly alter his writting style/choice of words. -
@Kvothe They always post at the same time he's online too, and he's immediately in the comments, totally not suspicious at all. It doesn't make sense for him to push this so hard unless he's set to financially profit from converting them.
@C-Mex so he just confirmed it's him lmao. These really do read like cringey infomercials.
@Barghest That's a shame, because I actually liked their magnesium hydroxide. It dissolves real well into carbonated water. But I don't give a shit now, I will search for a comparably good product elsewhere.
@Kvothe said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Yeah, Charles definitely doesn't have any alt accounts
Quite amazing how he seems to be unable to even slightly alter his writting style/choice of words.Bro that shit is cringe but funny af. It reads like one of those paid reviews in the Amazon comment section lmao.