Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects
@Mr-X Why? What makes porn inherently harmful?
@shedim Coomers do not belong here
@shedim Hi, from my experience, i suggest:
People can feel better in some aspect from emitting, such as feeling more "relaxed" specifically in the short term,
In the long term, emitting too frequently, relative to the person's capacity, can have negative effects, such as less energy, less serenity, less sovereignty, less well-being, more worry, more shame, more guilt, more impotency, a higher feeling of needing help from an external source such as "god"Considering the way the idea of "Semen retention" is promoted on social medias and youtube, such as:
Certain words/ideas commonly used in a sensationalist and exaggerated way, such as "journey", "aura", calling each other "king", "these women are not worthy of your seeds", "keep grinding", "Brahmacharya"
The association with ideas such as "sigma male", with practices such as cold shower, the use of characters from religious books or people considered "high status" to legitimize the practice, the net effect in part seems clear:
Increased division, pride, feelings of superiority and/or disdain towards women and men who engage in sexual acts, the tendency to go against one's own instincts to follow theories which in part are potentially fictions, and less tendency to create childrens
In this context, it's anti-life, anti-unity, anti-masculinity, and can be seen as a potential psyop, at least in part
@Sugar As I said before I dont give a fuck about coomer studies. Only thing that needs to said that porn is a population control tool that makes people docile and making them to waste their energy surplus into degenerate activity instead of starting a revolution and raising up.
Enojoy your cooming.
@milkgains_bro Just clear things up, Im not anti sex or anything like that. That some twisted prudent logic of nofap stoic retards. Stop jerking off and go fuck real women.
Im just anti porn/anti coomer and I will beat anyone with with a stick who will post any shit that promotes this degenerate behaviour. Go back to 4chan if you want to enjoy your anime gooning bullshit.
By the way: Mindgeek was bought by a company with the name "Ethical Capital Partners".
You can't make this shit up.
The main issue is the sharp increase in prolactin although the better your metabolism the better you'll be able to handle that increase and go back to baseline quicker.
I believe porn, in its current state, is also a psyop. The type of content that is being pushed to people is the psyop. Porn used to be somewhat tasteful back in the 90s and so. Nothing compared to what the internet offers to young guys nowadays.
@peatyourmeat ye just made thread on that Reich pill
@milkgains_bro said in Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects:
makes people docile and making them to waste their energy surplus into degenerate activity instead of starting a revolution and raising up.
Also, many young guys who find their way to NoFap have PIED and/or low-testosterone (ironically). They need to treat the physical & bioenergetic cause before the perceived psychological cause (i.e. the symptom). NoFap doesn't have a 'bioenergetic' understanding and so its rightly critiqued for promoting endless streaks while the underlying causes - societal (as your attached image indicates) and individual (e.g. hormonal, etc.) - remain unaddressed and so the problem never goes away.
And as for the societal problem, this could be addressed with internet censorship as many countries have done. Or, even better, shutting down such industries that are deliberating provoking degeneration of the populace. And neither of these need to have a religious overtone, yet further unfortunately, religious communities are the only ones of any size and scale with anti-porn convictions. So any anti-porn positions are reflexively interpreted to be religious in nature and draw fire thusly. And then that's bringing us into another psy-op.
@shedim said in Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects:
This study shows that masturbation heavily boosts pregnenolone, testosterone, DHT, and more. It does also show that it boosts cortisol and estradiol, however I would say the DHT boost would solve that.
This also reminds me of a haidut article which states the following:
If the government holds the firm belief that sexually satisfied soldiers are happy, anti-war, and disobedient and the govt has openly pushed the incel “phenotype” on its soldiers as far as back as WWI, then it does not seem too much of a conspiracy to assume the same would be (or has already been) attempted on a nationwide scale, and not just in regards to military service.
@milkgains_bro Never implied PORN wasn't harmful, porn is definitely a big no, I just said masturbation isn't the devil you make it out to be. I find it interesting how you immediately assume someone's pro-porn the moment they say masturbation isn't unhealthy. Porn is definitely an entirely different issue which has a plethora of negative effects, however if ones endocrine system was in a good state they wouldn't get any "side-effects" from it the same way they wouldn't get any side effects from sex (unless they are unhealthy and have POIS or something), ejaculation is ejaculation.
Judging by the year the study was made in and the fact it's not mentioned it's also implied that porn wasn't a factor here, so again the topic is solely masturbation. Not touching your dick isn't gonna give you superpowers and if it somehow does, you're suffering from a bigger issue.
@basednigga2006 I am absolutely shocked about the amount of effort that went into this thought-provoking and paradigm shattering response of yours.
Like I said, you can edge without ejaculation and actually increase libido and sexual energy and testosterone.
@Ecstatic_Hamster why not creating babies at the same time?
@jwayne Thanks for your comment. What do you think Is good and healthy way how to educate someone about the harmfulness of pornography.
Lets say you would like to teach your son about this. But you dont want to a ve prudent, victorian nofaper. Blocking the internet access might work for a while but its maybe gonna make things worse. You may want them to find the reason not to do it themselves.
@Truth said in Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects:
@Ecstatic_Hamster why not creating babies at the same time?
not while masturbating, I don't worry about that.
@milkgains_bro said in Masturbation has Androgen-Boosting effects:
@jwayne Thanks for your comment. What do you think Is good and healthy way how to educate someone about the harmfulness of pornography.
Lets say you would like to teach your son about this. But you dont want to a ve prudent, victorian nofaper. Blocking the internet access might work for a while but its maybe gonna make things worse. You may want them to find the reason not to do it themselves.
I have children and I have discussed this with my son. It's really just a practical issue once he reaches a certain age -- why it can mess up your sex life. Just education.
I really think its a matter of balance and frequency. Keep the pipes flowing but keep pressure in the pipes. I coined this phrase myself.
Can we all just agree on 0-3x per week, no porn?