Love handles
What’s your take on love handles — why are some more prone to them and what can one do to eliminate them?
Walking and fasting. -
niacinamide and avoiding wheat
@zaaku high estrogen in my experience and understanding
@deliciousowl there are some who niacinamide helps you lose weight and other the exact opp
I'm coming off a dirty bulk this past winter and definitely gained some fat. I've trimmed my waist from 41.5" to 38.5" in about a month. By mid-late march I'll be looking like an absolute twink.
Most important is high sugar, low fat, moderate protein diet. Calorie deficit 500-700 cals/day. Lift weights 3x a week and do light cardio. Do not burn yourself out on exercise.
I'm also running 4g aspirin, 1g thiamine, 400mg riboflavin 500mg niacinamide, 12 drops tyromix, ADEK to keep metabolism high.
@onliest 4g of aspirin per day or per week? If it's a day, what effects are you noticing?
unfortunately, based on experience, I believe that no matter what it is, it boils down to temps and pulse. if those are excellent, do anything you think will help, and it'll fall off.
Are your temps and pulse up to snuff?
@voldtzeig per day. I've noticed a mood-lifting effect. Feel a little "lighter". Nothing crazy.