@jamezb46 i think your micronutrient deficiency in high androgen state causing hairloss theory is correct
the amount of food required for optimal health is beyond what seems reasonable to normies.
eating clean , whole, “nutritious” foods all day with no junk foods with empty calories, one has to be eating what feels like constantly, every few hours, to hit micronutrient targets. I’ve seen it theorized that copper RDA in usa (0.9mg) is actually up to 10x too low, for example. When I eat mainstream foods like chicken, rice, brocolli, potatoes, I barely hit 2-2.5mg. Only with the addition of seafoods, organ meats, cocoa powders, etc do I get approaching the higher target.
now add athletes/bodybuilders to this. your theory that the androgen receptor agonism requires more nutrients makes sense. also, what happens when someone suffers a major physical or even emotional trauma. their hair falls out, or turns white/grey.
add to that the poor foods people choose, and how this makes it so they can’t eat enough. with bloating and stomach discomfort.
I think calorie and nutrient needs are way higher than commonly thought. The fasting meme and OMAD is mostly a mistake . sure sometimes it’s cool to fast or skip meals but in my opinion many people could do with alot more food, like alot.
ive had this theory that a way for chronic illness sufferers to recover is to aim for basically a bodybuilding lifestyle and diet. with multiple meals per day, anabolic steroids, and training. then once recovered they can stop the gear and by then they will know what food intake is required and also what normal euphoria from day to day living feels like and should feel like