@Lovesickhs18 gosh, it’s hard to keep someone away from the doctor. People are so conditioned and they are so scared.
There is good literature out there about outcomes and it’s being updated all the time.
Doctors always OVER estimate the benefits of their treatments, and UNDER estimate the risks. You can’t get a straight answer from a doctor.
But if you dive into the literature you can find some good statistical outcomes that can guide you.
If I had a melanoma, I would use topical high grade THC on it. I might resort to blood root if that didn’t work, although it usually works. Blood root can get rid of the cancer but can create a lot of pain in the process and scarring. THC usually doesn’t.
Next on the list is prostate cancer. 40% of men are going to get it at some point and many never know it and live to a ripe old age if they aren’t treated for it.
Prostate cancer can I think be dealt with using high grade THC for a few months, like 1g a day, split into 3 divided doses as a rectal suppository.
Radiation and androgen deprivation therapy are very bad for prostate cancer sufferers, destructive and of no real value statistically speaking.
Breast cancer — the high THC, surgery is often useful. Radiation can prevent recurrence. I think the THC can be used for miantence and in hormone positive breast cancer can result in not needing something like high dose aromatase inhibitors or SERMs (Tamoxifen) that are reoutinely prescribed.
You can go down the list, blood cancers, brain cancer, colorectal cancer — and the THC suppostitories shockingly are usually very effective.
A plant based diet is very helpful because it lowers methionine and lowering methionine is a very easy and useful way to slow or stop tumor growth and support over all health.