@donovan i already use all of those including that exact paste ^^ beyond coincidence lol

Posts made by Juri
RE: wisdom tooth trouble shooting
RE: Idealabs on your ball sack?
@a-serious-man only gonadin and the fat-soluble vitamins are really safe, i would not recommend interfering with the hormones and fats in their unique concentrations in the testes in any other way.
wisdom tooth trouble shooting
Hey guys, any peaty remedies for a wisdom tooth that i havent had removed together with the others 8 years ago? It‘s causing some chewing discomfort.
I know Peat spoke about localized DHEA application, allowing the tooth to break through properly, as well as the importance of keeping the site clear of any infections.That being said, x-rays and/or surgery are not options for me. Do you guys have any ideas how i can mitigate any potential damage, or stop pain and discomfort altogether?
RE: Dialectical and Historical Materalism - J. Stalin (1938)
This idiot again with his unironic Stalinism and Leninism, philosophically interpreting two people that had no time for philosophy themselves and would have a pondering moron like you shot on the spot. Intellectually dishonest. Your writings are serotonergic.
For anyone actually interested in what Stalin‘s life really revolved around, and why his personality so drastically changed in the summer of 1941, read this book:
https://ia601205.us.archive.org/0/items/TheChiefCulpritStalinsGrandDesignToStartWorldWarIi-ViktorSuvorov/SuvorovViktor-TheChiefCulprit-StalinsGrandDesignToStartWorldWarIi2008.pdf -
RE: DNP=DANGEROUS, high dose aspirin instead?
@grymsky90210 if you take 5-6g of aspirin with no effects for days, then you don‘t need it, for uncoupling-like effects at least, and that also implies you probably don’t need other uncoupling agents or DNP. There comes a point where most interventions are just not necessary anymore, just like a euthyroid person doesn’t really profit from a thyroid supplement, a normal metabolism doesn’t noticeably profit from aspirin. Not to say there aren’t beneficial effects though. I think it‘s helpful to stop thinking about substances like DNP in categories of „good“ or „bad“, and start thinking about them as useful or not, and that depends on your goals. If you want to shred to 4% bodyfat, then yes, DNP is useful. If you want to increase uncoupling, induce hyperthermia and that‘s it, DNP is not as useful as other substances. Honey + pyrucet might do the job just as well without risk.
RE: I will teach you to grow taller
@1L thanks, i tried all of those and am now a midget. Cant reach the accelerator or brake on my car anymore. Screw you.