If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. I've got all of my labs and more on the way as I figure this out. My hope this thread can add to the ever growing knowledge of the forum. I will also do a full synopsis once I have this completely figured out and "cured".

Posts made by Lob
RE: 22yr old male presents with estrogen levels of 1525 pg/mL
RE: 22yr old male presents with estrogen levels of 1525 pg/mL
@gg12 testosterone is low, it's being theorized right now that the estrogen is mainly responsible for suppressing the testosterone in my system. As for the testicles they are thankfully normal. Something like this would have been picked up upon earlier in life.
For reference testosterone is at 343 ng/dL.
RE: 22yr old male presents with estrogen levels of 1525 pg/mL
@Rah1woot No, likely not since the things I took had to do with the process of methylation and and inflammation. The most likely cause is a genetic condition or a tumor in my body or against the pituitary gland either makes the body produce estrogen.
I won't lie this thread I'm making is going to be more of a case study than anything I'll post regular updates as I get them. I'm quite sad I'm going through this but on the upside I think it's a very interesting puzzle.
22yr old male presents with estrogen levels of 1525 pg/mL
I am the 22 year old male btw. What are your thoughts on this bio-bros? Am I fucked or what.
I recall Ray Peat treating a woman with a similar issue once.
For reference "normal range" for men is 10-40 pg/mL, and around 200-400 pg/mL for women.
All natty btw, there has nothing I have taken to achieve the new heights in estronergic manhood.
RE: How I Overcame Asthma
@Lob it's been over two weeks now and this is what I've found works for me. In the morning I take 2000mg of boswella extract (this one is the main one that works for me), 125mg of ginko biloba extract, and 100mg of rench artine bark extract. I repeat this process in the evening after dinner and it seems to give me 24 hours coverage but that can vary a bit depending on what I eat. As for the Phophatidyl choline(PC) I've had to cut that out. I have a very low PUFA diet and have a constant PUFA intake was really messing me up and I think actually giving me asthmatic flares. I cannot get a good read in how much PC really helps me since finding a saturated fat version of PC is basically impossible, I may reincorporate it in the future but what I have right now works. What really really seems to be doing the heavy lifting for me is the LOX inhibitor Boswellia extract I may or may not incorporate another LOX inhibitor in the future. Also eating shit food I noticed fucked up me a little but taking just a little more Boswellia extract around when I had the food cancelled the asthmatic effects. All in all the wheezing is no more.
RE: How I Overcame Asthma
@Sophocles I'll be giving all three of those together a try soon. I'll also post a two week update where I take everything you recommended so that I may be a good anecdotal case to other asthmatics.
RE: How I Overcame Asthma
@Lob also sorry for any grammar mistakes I am on my phone writing this during work.
RE: How I Overcame Asthma
I am currently giving this a rigorous test right now. I've had asthma since my early childhood and have been on a steroid inhaler for a good number of years. (I got rid of my asthma one time before doing intermittent fasting and a strict keto diet. This unleashed it's own set of problems of which I am recovering from). I am taking PC and boswellic acid and I definitely noticed a different I am going on 4 days without my steroid use and I am quite stable. I will say this though I've also been eating some more inflammatory foods as these past 2 days and noticed an "asthmatic flare" but it was completely manageable and should I say very minimal, after a night's rest it was gone. For me 2,700 mcg of PC and 2,000 mcg of boswellia extract seems to be working wonders i am still having some slightly acute asthma but I suspect a bit more clean eating and perhaps supplementing a LOX inhibitor will help.
450 MCG of PC - what works for me right now is 3 pills in the morning and 3 at night
2000 MCG of Boswellia extract - I take one pill in the morning and night
I will post some more additions and changes if anyone would like more info.