Doubt there will be a good source for that.
Sunscreen absolutely prevents aging of the skin.
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
Doubt there will be a good source for that.
Sunscreen absolutely prevents aging of the skin.
I wonder if he is on TRT. A lot of people report accelerated skin aging on TRT.
I took 500IU a few times. By itself, it was only estrogenic. With enclomiphene, it felt androgenic. I’m only able to tolerate it with enclo, so I won’t take it long term.
The positives when taken w/ enclo were mostly mental and libido. The combo is more powerful than just taking enclo.
My doctor prescribed me a full course of Clarithromycin. After three days it’s giving me some insomnia and hypoglycemia. I want to stop taking it because of these side effects. The infection feels better anyway.
Doctors always say we have to finish the full course to prevent resistance, but I’ve read this may not be true. Could I just stop taking it?
None of this happened from exposure to a single 1mg dose of anything.
Starting about three years ago, I began feeling as if my adrenaline or cortisol has elevated exponentially. No matter what I do, it doesn’t go down. It’s an overall wired, on edge feeling. Very unpleasant.
Me and my girlfriend like to take walks in the park in the evenings. These are just slow paced walks in a natural park, maybe two miles at most. By the end, I can feel the adrenaline rush: narrowed vision, heart rate increase, sensitivity to noise, jumpy. Sometimes even watching tv in the evenings I can feel like this.
My recent labs showed TT at 870, free t at around 2.3%, tsh 1.3, free t4 and free t3 above average, prolactin at 6. If it was thyroid, it seems these numbers would be worse.
I don’t generally have high levels of mental anxiety. I’m not particularly stressed about my job or other areas. It feels purely physical, which does lead to mental distress. I’ve never encountered anyone else having this issue. I was almost thinking I have a pheochromocytoma, but my blood pressure isn’t high.
My diet is pretty good: mostly real corn tortillas, potatoes, fruit, beef, and eggs.
Any ideas for what the hell this is and how to alleviate?
To clarify, I am also a Christian, but Charlie is misguided and illogical.
Trump is behind operation Warp Speed.
The government clearly had first-hand knowledge the vaccine was poisonous.
Said Vaccine kills and otherwise harms millions, as expected (planned?)
Trump continues to take credit for said vaccine and refuses to denounce it.
…Trump is anointed? How does anyone arrive to this conclusion given the above?
2024 Election: In one corner, we have Commander Poison Shot, and in the other we have…a different Commander Poison Shot.
We have a zionist “finish the job (kill the rest of the kids?) poison shot tv show host squaring off against a dementia ridden “I love kids more than people” geriatric how also supports Israel and the vax.
How can so few see that this is a sham?
The problem is not the lack of instructions, but who they are receiving the instructions from.
Janitors is a gracious label. I believe “exterminators” is more fitting.
The talk of Trump being anointed is too much.
The Godfather of Operation Warp Speed is going to save everyone he didn’t successfully euthanize with the poison shot.
If a Western citizen still believes these clowns aren’t on the same team (not ours), and still gets fired up about voting and politicians, they fit firmly in the mid-wit and below IQ category (despite delusions of their intelligence).
What do y’all think of topical mag chloride?
I’ve heard it can increase mag levels quicker than oral mag.
What effect does pure fat consumption have on TT levels before a blood test? Say a good amount of pure heavy cream in a cup of coffee.
I know generally the test should be done fasted, and studies show glucose lowers T for a period of time after consumption.
I haven’t been able to find any studies regarding pure fat consumption without protein or glucose.
The people I’ve known who smoke a lot of cigarettes all look old and worn out. I think cigarettes age you faster.
I do usually take 400mg of mag glycinate per day, but I’ve read oral absorption is low. Maybe topical absolution is better?
Good to know. Interpreting these results isn’t easy. My physician knows nothing about hormones, but still orders the labs anyway.
My blood sugar taken with the same set of blood tests was 64 after eating the other day and her note says all good. Heh.
Magnesium glycinate for me. 400mg of the doctor’s best product knocks me out.
My Vitamin D was 34 ng/ml on a recent lab.
The range is 30 - 100.
This lab, as some of my others, makes little sense to me. I thought low vitamin d caused low T, but I have higher T.
I am caucasian and spend quite a bit of time in the sun, so I was expecting this to be high.
What do you think is going on with this? For a good chunk of the summer I spend an hour per day in the sun.
Will supplementing vitamin D even increase it, and is it safe? I’ve read some negative stories from vitamin d supplementation.
Thanks for this, I do think frequent feedings will be better.
I’ve been mostly eating two large high carb meals and one snack per day. Those gigantic meals were probably flooding my system with insulin.
Unfortunately no. I think it’s a genetic issue, as my dad is similar (high T, perfect labs, but gut issues and low energy).
These lab results don’t always tell the whole story.
I’m naturally at 800 - 900 total T, tsh of around 1.5, free T at 3%, T3 in the upper range, waking temp of 98.6, prolactin at 6, perfect heart function shown on EKG and echo, and I still feel like complete ass.
Keto, carnivore, “Peaty”, fasting, frequent feeding, no improvement with any sort of diet.
Point of the anecdote: blood tests aren’t everything. Friends of mine with T in the 400’s are bouncing around with shit eating grins while I’m barely awake.