New "Mission" of RPF
With this knowledge, for me personally any value from an online forum for gaining information or understanding a person's work is now gone and the risks of manipulation/frustration/diversion etc outweigh any potential benefits. I also don't want to be an unwitting 'research' subject. I'm going to go back and read all of his work again, listen to as many interviews as possible, just as I did over a decade ago. I also hope to find other truth-tellers along way. See ya'll around somewhere in the Peat-o-sphere. May Ray Peat rest in peace and may his true work shine through the abomination of the Ray Peat Forum.
BTW RFK Jr's VP pick Nicole Shanahan is interested in pursuing research in Bioenergetics and has been incorporating some of the principles of morning sunlight first discussed in Ray Peat's work.
Oh no. “A former user.” I guess the gangstalkers got him for getting too close to the truth.
"if the hype is to be believed" - Mike Benz
So what would it do. Maybe it would share Mike Benz content with the stern tone of a T-1000 and repeatedly tell people not to get distracted.
- benz&src=typed_query&f=media
I don't seem to be able to find Benz bit on the documents that empower a "multinational tech corporation" in the first place. Maybe it would be bad for views.
This post is deleted! -
Imagine if Dr. Peat put his pen down
every time someone peered over his fence
when his college was disbanded
when his home was burgled
He knew he was under surveillance but he continued to work so we can be better informed
What a remarkable man.
Raymond Peat is dead, long live Raymond Peat!
Yes it is true, there is pre-bunking, post bunking, re-directing, nudging, manipulating goin' on!
On the RPF, there is a Thread entitiled "Ray Peat promotes Obesity".
??? WTF
some folks are writing 'against' said thread, but... it is the same 'TACTIC' everywhere you look, listen. Defame the promoters of truth, or promoters of 'illicit thinking', it is irrelevant how false the accusation is, and eventually, everypeep on the MSM train is going to follow the prompts, all the way to the Soylent Green machine, or whatever un-natural fate awaits them.
Critical thinking has been pre-bunked. Follow the Herd..... . -
@AkJono I hope we can do better over here.
Bioenergetic forum: the antidote to the RPF (strapline? @brad )
Two interviews on the role of pufa in obesity. But it's more than pufa, it's the many ways we are being poisoned
My Big Fat Panel: How Seed Oils Cause Obesity
Dr. Ray Peat, Brad Marshall on Reductive Stress, Solutions to PUFA Obesity (Part 2)
“I'm getting really just a huge number of e-mails from young women all the way from teens into their 40s who have a problem with fat around their waist. You can see it in the summer when they're wearing fewer clothes. You can see that teenage girls are getting fat around the middle. Obesity is epidemic and degenerative diseases, allergies and asthma are increasing tremendously as well as the death rate from them. Just briefly explain the links between the allergies and obesity, fat deposition, etc. How that actually works? Well, it hasn't entirely been clarified, but the things that cause obesity also cause inflammation. Asthma is an inflammatory disease and some people see obesity as in some ways an inflammatory condition. The cytokines that regulate metabolism, once you start down the inflammatory pathway, you trigger cortisone production. Cortisone directs fat to your face and abdomen and shoulders. Cortisone exposure increases and causes degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis and obesity and heart disease. The inflammation or allergic reaction is really prior to the chronic overproduction of cortisone.” Ray Peat
@DavidPS have you seen anything from the usual suspects about lipid deposition post rona vax? Just curious. Your links used to take me places.
I'm not substituting a search. Just curious.
A Amazoniac referenced this topic on
Don't forget the heart Mr Europa. We could all do with a hand.
@questforhealth I responded to you in the other thread!
So now they’re not only admitting that Garrett Smith’s diet is giving them grey hair - this guy is unable to sleep because it’s causing so much gas!
A little more time ILTS. With a hundred, thousand lights, timing is everything.
@ilovethesea so have the bannings stopped when people try to question the low toxin diet? That would be a hopeful sign that all this shit could die out and we get a forum back. ???
That means it's working obviously!
@ilovethesea said in New "Mission" of RPF:
So now they’re not only admitting that Garrett Smith’s diet is giving them grey hair - this guy is unable to sleep because it’s causing so much gas!
Ironically vitamin D might be able to fix this issue
No it has not
Not for new members anyway. I assume he will keep old members but slowly fade them out
@Regina He’ll never let us back but yes criticism is allowed now. We all got banned for less than what they’re saying in this thread.