@NNight this was many years ago, I don't recall!
As for absorption, silica does not absorb as silica but rather as orthosilicic acid. This is produced by the reaction of water on silica, though the presence of acid increases this conversion.
The absorption of silica is very poor so I found the best way to take it is by adding [DE] to water to begin with. I put a large spoonful in a gallon of water and let it settle out. Once it settles out you cannot taste it. The water will dissolve a tiny amount of the silica to form the orthosilicic acid. The more pure the water is to begin with the more it will dissolve.
By adding it to a large volume of water you will also get more in to your system as opposed to supplements. If you take a capsule of silica the vast majority will never be absorbed and will just pass through your system. When added to water and drunk throughout the day you will absorb a little each time you drink your water. So in the long run you will end up with more silica entering the bloodstream for use by the body.