How Come I can Gain Strength, but not size?
@Pooooop if your goal is hypertrophy, more is more. Every study on the topic has shown continual growth (however diminishing) \ even up to 50 hard sets a week depending on certain muscle groups.
@RawGoatMilk88 mike miser and his stupid ideas need to go away!!! bro was blasting roids and died before he turned 50!!
He is popular here because training once or twice a week keeps stress hormones down in comparison to training intensely everyday.
I’ve been training for over 10 years naturally and have had better results with the High Intensity approach than I ever did with a typical PPL
This is why you will never win the Olympia
@Orindere I take nothing but I do take Vitamin D3 supplements sometimes. I know the pills are made of soybean oil, & I know that's not right, but I don't know where else to get 625% of my D3 needs in one pill.
@pannacottas I recently hit a pretty intense upper body day. How much of my 1rm should I be doing & how often should I do it?
I second this. There is no way I could move the weight I do if I didn't train high-intensity. I think a lot of people doing 3x12 regimens don't get close to failure. Maybe in your teens and early 20s you can get away with tons of sets but it is an immense stress on your body and will catch up with you.
@samson the lamb cannot know the heart of the lion
@pannacottas I mostly focus on doing 1-6 rep ranges for upper body & regular 101-2 reps for lower body, although I think I hurt my shoulder this past week, so I'm taking a break from the gym & will revise my approach. My issue is that upper body days need so much volume & lower body days don't. I might mix & match.
Been training for over ten years, used to be super skinny and now I am 215 with around 12% BF. for me at least, training 6 days a week doing chest/back one day, squat the next, arms next and deadlift last has worked more than any PPL bro split I ever did. I do lots of reps and squat heavy. 425 squat max, 405 deadlift max, 355 bench max. Just lift heavy ass weight frequently and eat a lot of food esp if you aren’t taking any help
@pannacottas I just watched this video: am I supposed to be increasing weight on excerizes every week? I'm not sure if I can do that...
@ricksaban When did you start?
@Pooooop 2014, I am about to turn 27