Amantadine is goated.
@latin Nice! That's beautiful. People have reported a feeling a deep satisfaction on diamant.
I think it was Constantine who said that he noticed he loved who he already loved more.
People talk about libido. But they need to consider the satisfaction piece. Without the garbage estrogen, fear, and pituitary swill, people can know what love is.
@Regina Love is definitely how I would describe it. Compassion, understanding, patience, all the good things associated with love are increased. I'm having feelings that I can't remember having since childhood, which I think I sort of lost the ability to feel through trauma and self-inflicted behaviors.
@latin Amazing. You found the right puzzle piece.
@latin What did you get Amantadine prescribed for?
@ATP depression/energy
@latin I think a missing link in so much research on mental health is just assuming that symptoms are in a vaccum. If you give a psychopath SSRI's and they say it makes them "feel better"... but what if it's just supressing their awareness of what they do? How many of these drugs that they say "decrease depression" are actually being tested in disordered individuals who interpret good feelings such as sorrow and regret for bad action as bad feeling? I think also when it comes to anxiety, if a drug makes you stop caring about getting your work done in time and/or honoring your parents, that gets reported as "alleviating anxiety".
I came to this realization after taking this anti-depressant drug that seemed to have a lot of popularity due to it negating the anti libido effects of SSRIs. I always just took it for granted that libido is always a sign of health. It turns out, after noticing a lot of other bad symptoms that coorelate with libido, Im not sure at all whether it is something we should see as a sign of health.
Your analysis is really spot on in what I'm looking to achieve out of health and also you're judgint the drugs affects in a very good way.
@latin Did you have any struggle getting this prescribed? My GF has been struggling with her depression/ OCD big time since coming off SNRI's and I've helped her supplement some things that make it manageable but when I had her bring up Amantadine to the doctor he shot it down immediately and tried to get her back on SNRI's. I really think Amantadine might be the ticket though. Any tips on getting the doctor to approve a prescription? I will for the time being probably just order Diamant from Georgi, also have looked at ordering Amantadine from Mexico but I think it would get stopped at the border.
@latin Nice might ned to try
Have you also tried bromantane? I wonder how it compares to amantadine.
@pannacottas No but Ive tried memantine, and I prefer to amantadine on every metric except the long half life (makes sleep impossble for me). Bromantane might be my saving grace though since its half life is not as much and I heard is more dopaminergic than either memantine or amantadine.