Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists
I'm just glad I never have to deal with oxalate issues. I don't even think I've heard of anyone in my circles in the Philippines ever mentioning a problem with oxalates. Then again, it may be that it exists and that our doctors and healers here are just unaware of it.
Thanks for your effort at trying to clear the confusion on oxalates, but it's more likely that you are simply aggregating information you can scour off the web, from sources that are just as dependent on you for prior research from putative experts who are no more authoritative than having some credentials from some hallowed institution which do no better than Sherlock Holmes in finding the real culprit. For if they really were doing a better job, fixing oxalate issues would not be something that equates to being a modern day Gordian knot or a vexing riddle no one can solve.
It's a nice effort but a lot of value that I expect to get from health forums is the pooling of successful experiences in fixing a health problem common to many in the hope of being able to start with a hypothesis of how a health issue is cured and end with the hypothesis being validated. This has not been happening at all.
Instead, we share what published research says with each other like we have no choice but to rely on such research. Yet I am aware that as much as 3/4 of such research is willingly gamed to confuse and to mislead. The research that arrives at true solutions are never granted funding, and the ones that do are word salads that further litter us with garbage from which we dig the little nuggets of gold that we occasionally find.
While I applaud your earnest efforts to aggregate information, I wish there are more among us that don't just come to the forum to learn something only, but to share something of value that comes from good research, and thinking and connecting the dots, and applying this synthesis into their own context, and sharing true successes in healing themselves.
True learning and sharing cannot come with a vacuum of successful experiences at healing. We have no shortage of health issues to heal from. But we have seen little healing from what information we get from sharing in this forum.
Most of us here face their healing journey with the path laid out by modern pharma without realizing that path leads to a dead end. Relying on single compounds as a magic bullet is one example.
Healing is like cooking. You can't just mix a few ingredients together and heat and serve a nice dish. There is a process that makes a dish good, just as you need a process for healing to really happen.
Instead, we can be likened to a bunch of groupies flocking to listen to a rock star. And all the rockstar does is to tell us take this take that. In this sense, there is really not much of a difference to seeing a regular doctor where all he does is dish out a prescription that also says take this and take that.
@LucH There is a lot to absorb here. I scanned through your posts attempting to glean if supplemental calcium should be dealt with in the same way as dietary calcium, with regard to balancing calcium with oxalates and supplemental magnesium. Until I dig further to confirm otherwise, at first glance it seems supplemental calcium would not warrant the same oxalate concerns.
You may find this study interesting: Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation and Their Association with Kidney Stone Disease: A Narrative Review
@Insomniac said in Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists:
Is there any reason to avoid oxalates if it's eaten along with lots of calcium and sulfur to neutralize the oxalate?
Short answer:
I won’t bother much if you drink milk and your daily intake for calcium turns around 800 mg Ca.
Why? Your ratio Ca / Ox is higher than 1/3 (1/3 Ca is sufficient).Context:
You consume between 150 – 200 mg oxalate as most people, although our liver can only manage 50 mg oxalate a day. The rest of the oxalate will theoretically be captured by the Ca and form a soap which will be excreted via the stools.
But then you’re supposed to manage well how to avoid lithiasis.
Taking some sulfur (MSM = 34 % sulfur element) is interesting when detoxifying. Or you eat some vegetables of the alliaceae family (mind getting enough selenium and iodine, Se before / first if you thyroid is borderline).You haven’t yet got any CaOx but you manage well when eating spinach or rhubarb. You don’t eat a lot of almond, except if you limit it to 30 gr / 1 oz. (23x), not every day and if possible sprouted (without the brown husk)
Even if you don’t perceive it, you weaken the tubules of the kidneys and the walls of the intestines with CaOx.
So, nothing to worry about if you digest well, you don’t bloat, have no gas and flatulence. Once every 3 months is not problematic. Question of frequency.
But personally, I would act differently, not waiting for the problems to arise.Concrete example (my case report):
- I’ve had one CaOx in my urine 5 years ago.
- I’ve dealt with suspicion of SIBO/SIFO last year. Under control (histamine, bloating and flatulence).
When I eat potato puree (mashed), with a small onion, frozen spinach – or broccoli flowers – and one egg + butter, I take the following supplement if spinach (> 600 mg Ox) - Potassium citrate 1.3 g x 2 doses.
=> It makes a smooth salt, 100 x less solid than calcium oxalate. So less aggressive since the salt has no sharp edges. - But if I hadn’t eaten dairies I would have handled it in a different way to avoid exciting PTH.
Last evening, I saw my Cronometer log at 270 mg Ca, with a weak intake of magnesium, and a sufficient ratio Na / K. Not enough vegetables and fruits. So I decided to prevent night cramps …
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) stimulates bone resorption by acting directly on osteoblasts cells.
PTH is going to increase calcium levels in blood by increasing osteoclastic activity. Principle of opposites. When the blood calcium level is too low, the body responds by secreting more PTH. This causes the calcium level in the blood to rise by breakdown of bones.
TSH should be kept between 0.5 and 2.5. Not 5.
Link: Bone remodeling by osteoclast when TSH is activated.
=> Bone remodeling and modeling. Video 4’
Bone resorption is resorption of bone tissue, that is, the process by which osteoclasts break down the tissue in bones and release the minerals, resulting in a transfer of calcium from bone tissue to the blood. => Ca is needed to assure the right pH. balance in blood, when the right acid-based balance is not optimal (between 7.35 and 7.45, I think).
*) What did I do?
1 hour before bedtime (more convenient for me)- 100 ml mineral water (low mineralized)
- 1 big caps calcium citrate 1000 mg (330 mg Ca element) (Kal brand). Need some coconut oil to swallow it (otherwise difficult). (1)
- 2 doses of potassium citrate (1.3 g x 2) (21 % K by weight)
- 1 dose Magnesium bisglycinate (2.5g) (14.1 % Mg by weight)
- 1 speculoos (snack 6.7 g). Not necessary but easier to make supplements move downwards.
Source and References
- Am J Ther. 1999 Nov DOI: 10.1097/00045391-199911000-00005
Results: Calcium absorption from calcium citrate was consistently significantly higher than that from calcium carbonate by 20.0% in the whole set, by 24.0% in Category A, by 27.2% on an empty stomach, and by 21.6% with meals.
Conclusion: Calcium citrate is better absorbed than calcium carbonate by approximately 22% to 27%, either on an empty stomach or co-administered with meals.
Note1: it’s better to absorb small doses 200-250 mg Ca element if you can.
Optimal vitamin D levels are necessary to increase the efficiency of calcium absorption. No supplement Ca if no K2 hasn’t been taken, if you don’t want Ca to deposit in joints (arthrosis) or in arteries (clot).
If you’re at risk of AVC, don’t take high dose calcium at the same time as vitamin D3. We found a higher risk, we do not explain how.
NIH 2019 doi: 10.14797/mdcj-15-3-207
*) Useful info (in French, translator needed)
Calcium : Quelle supplémentation ? – Test Calcium Citrate
Calcium absorption from all sources was estimated to be about 30 %.
Results showed that calcium absorption from calcium citrate malate as tablets was significantly higher in these adolescents (p< 0.03) compared to calcium absorption from CaCO3 (calcium carbonate).
The average absorption from CaCO3 was approximately 27% (13 to 40%), whereas that from calcium citrate malate was approximately 36% (27 to 53%). The average difference in absorption was approximately 10% between these two sources of calcium.
Note: Calcium bisglycinate has a rather better absorption rate but it’s not appropriate if you try to manage histamine level. Hydroxyproline from collagen or bone broth is not advised. A high level of glycine is not adviced too.
DOI : 10.1016/0016-5085(91)90024-f
Test des acides biliaires liés à la glycine et / ou la taurine.
Pour une concentration donnée, les acides biliaires non conjugués et les acides biliaires conjugués à la glycine induisaient une libération d’histamine plus importante que les acides biliaires conjugués à la taurine. L’acide cholique et ses conjugués ont provoqué une libération d'histamine bien moindre ou nulle.
NB : Question de fréquence et de proportion de glycine ingérée. -
Yerrag says
I'm just glad I never have to deal with oxalate issues. I don't even think I've heard of anyone in my circles in the Philippines ever mentioning a problem with oxalates. Then again, it may be that it exists and that our doctors and healers here are just unaware of it.
=> The estimated known incidence of hyperoxaluria is between 1-2/10 000 000 per year with no differences between sexes. There are higher rates reported in isolated populations, especially in the Middle East and North Africa.
Note: I haven’t heard HAS reported the incidence of these problems. Underestimated.
HAS = Haute autorité de santé / High authority for health.(…)
It's a nice effort but a lot of value that I expect to get from health forums is the pooling of successful experiences in fixing a health problem common to many in the hope of being able to start with a hypothesis of how a health issue is cured and end with the hypothesis being validated. This has not been happening at all.
=> I agree that waiting for testimony from experienced case reports would be the optimal choice. But the forum won’t be very animated, supposing the individuals could clearly explained the etiology and how they cured. When you feel foggy, having problems to concentrate and discern the accessory from the essential is difficult. Then you should still be able to report facts, clarifying the context, without digressions on latterly symptoms. Might as well dream, most of the time.(…)
While I applaud your earnest efforts to aggregate information, I wish there are more among us that don't just come to the forum to learn something only, but to share something of value that comes from good research, and thinking and connecting the dots, and applying this synthesis into their own context, and sharing true successes in healing themselves.
=> Yes, it would be fine.
Would you say the same from CM or RP when talking about sth they see / learn / analyze? No, of course. They often report on what they have experienced or seen.
Do you think there are many experts who spend time on the internet answering questions following a published article or a report on the consultations? Shortly after yes. And afterwards? They do exist but they are only known and accessible by a minority.(…)
Most of us here face their healing journey with the path laid out by modern pharma without realizing that path leads to a dead end. Relying on single compounds as a magic bullet is one example.
Healing is like cooking. You can't just mix a few ingredients together and heat and serve a nice dish. There is a process that makes a dish good, just as you need a process for healing to really happen.
Instead, we can be likened to a bunch of groupies flocking to listen to a rock star. And all the rockstar does is to tell us take this take that. In this sense, there is really not much of a difference to seeing a regular doctor where all he does is dish out a prescription that also says take this and take that.
=> I understand your deception.
Note: Knowing how to listen is already valuable. Discerning or trying to circumscribe a problem with a view to directing you to a health practitioner if appropriate would be welcome.
Should we throw the baby out with the bathwater because the situation is not optimal? No, of course, provided there are safeguards. That’s another problem.
Please, do not answer, except if you don’t agree or see a problem with the initial post about how to manage to avoid hyperoxaluria. Thanks for comprehension. -
A reply of word salad.
At RPF, you made little sense.
At bioenergetic, same same, but with more words courtesy of your heavy use of AI.
In both forums, it seems you know very little of Ray Peat and hardly mention him or principles of bioenergetics.
Have you shared any personal experience in healing that comes from experience? As opposed to lifting it from your research?
I have just read the randomized study on the concomitant taking of Ca and Vit D. you posted. Interesting. Thanks.
I’ll come back soon to give a report because there are biases. The author recognizes that there are “gaps” in certain studies (some parameters being not mentioned or forgotten) but he draws conclusions, even though it is well known that a higher dosage Ca should not be taken above 1000/1200 mg. In addition, the authors did not take into account all the activation factors (vitamin K2) or factors that soften/temper the effects of high dose Vit D (thanks to vitamin A, retinol).But as you could read it, from one influent and insightful (?) forumer, the latter attributes me a copycat reasoning (IA) and a lack of knowledge of RP literature. I agree to concede to him that he has a better grasp / understanding of the “philosophy” of RP’s writings. My knowledge is only partial. And I maintain a certain independence. Too long to explain why here. And I don't really want to argue (sterile and unpleasant).
By the way, my forum has been existing for more than 10 years, and AI is only available from 2 years, less here in Europe.No hard feelings, but the one_whose_name _I _won't _mention has just dropped in my esteem.
What a pity! But hey, I can admit that we all have bad days, except that it's not his first time, when he has someone in his sights.
NB: I intended first to analyze the whole study but I won't do it now. Guess why ... -
@LucH said in Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists:
I have just read the randomized study on the concomitant taking of Ca and Vit D. you posted. Interesting. Thanks.
I’ll come back soon to give a report because there are biases. The author recognizes that there are “gaps” in certain studies (some parameters being not mentioned or forgotten) but he draws conclusions, even though it is well known that a higher dosage Ca should not be taken above 1000/1200 mg. In addition, the authors did not take into account all the activation factors (vitamin K2) or factors that soften/temper the effects of high dose Vit D (thanks to vitamin A, retinol).But as you could read it, from one influent and insightful (?) forumer, the latter attributes me a copycat reasoning (IA) and a lack of knowledge of RP literature. I agree to concede to him that he has a better grasp / understanding of the “philosophy” of RP’s writings. My knowledge is only partial. And I maintain a certain independence. Too long to explain why here. And I don't really want to argue (sterile and unpleasant).
By the way, my forum has been existing for more than 10 years, and AI is only available from 2 years, less here in Europe.No hard feelings, but the one_whose_name _I _won't _mention has just dropped in my esteem.
What a pity! But hey, I can admit that we all have bad days, except that it's not his first time, when he has someone in his sights.
NB: I intended first to analyze the whole study but I won't do it now. Guess why ...It's very hard to understand the workings of the body in general, let alone the unique state each of us are in, and what it would take to truly help and rejuvenate us to a better state, one that would objectively take us over the threshold from subpar to flourishing. So, I keep an open mind — and as you know by now, ask a lot of questions. For those of us who are not doctors or scientists, we wing it and go with the anecdotal experiences of ourselves and others, as well as doing our due diligence in research and gaining more expert knowledge. So, I don't expect all that I read on forums will be the last word and the best advice. But hopefully at some point our understanding will grow and our hunches and educated guesses will lead to more reliable and fruitful results.
Thanks for treating me like a god, where you can't call me by my name. Perhaps I'm reading you wrong, but I'll do the tango with you as you sashay with in our tete a tete.
Very likely I could be wrong seeing you develop into a much better poster this year in this new forum, as compared to your RPF self. Perhaps I'm the only one to take notice. As you are getting replies noted with thankfulness for answers that are truly helpful. I would be lying if I didn't say you were a different person in your stint at RPF, where you were incoherent. You are now more armed with citations whereas you were more like me in RPF in lacking references. As my weakness is in citing research citations given it slows me down.
Yet I suspect you use AI in doing your research, which makes you appear more thorough with lists, but the tradeoff is it has the hallmark weakness of AI where it lacks the ability to assign weight to what is more important and relevant. And this becomes a liability when it comes to finding the one answer needed to solve a problem posed.
If I were a poster in search of an answer, I would have difficulty finding the piece de resistance when I am given a buffet instead of the maitre d'hotel suggesting to me the specialty dish a restaurant is known for.
And that is my pet peeve with you. You are like a maitre d' that hasn't had a taste of the dishes asked recommending a dish.
But you try your best but you're like an author that writes from vicarious experiences instead of having undergone the true discovery and emotions and thrill of having lived through an actual experience with it's peaks and valleys.
It doesn't matter if you've had 10 years of running another health forum. One look at Charlie and you know that it means little.
It's alright if the forum isn't acculturated to stick with everything Ray Peat and bioenergetics, but it's still necessary to have the identity that starts and ends with the idea that all diseases are metabolic in origin. It's an idea that for beginners would seem fantastic, but as one sticks long enough to see the successes he himself would experience in improving his health, he would see the wisdom I'm that idea. Even in a world seemingly bombarded with toxins and infections and trauma physical and psychological.
If one is convinced of that foundational thought, one would approach bioenergetics like Ray approached it, seeking that thread of coherence to put disparate concepts in alignment and in a unity that allows us to connect dots. In so doing, we see what needs to be done in ourselves to bring our health to where we no longer are fixing endless petty small fires that look insurmountable in and of themselves, but are actually developing ourselves to a better organism and a better species.
It would be nice if your contributions could bring us closer to coherence with Ray's overarching mission as lived by him, rather than make us more perplexed in facing the multitudes of lies and half-truths set up to keep us helpless. If I have to be direct, stop with needlessly helter skelter pulling up research that bears little earnestness in advancing truth to our less discerning minds.
@LucH I watched Sally Norton speak. She wrote a book on oxalates. I don't think she talked about food pairing or adding minerals, just oxalate avoidance.
It's good to have another take on the topic. I've started eating cheese with high oxalate foods.
@Insomniac said in Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists:
It's good to have another take on the topic. I've started eating cheese with high oxalate foods.
That's the right attitude. However, people who don't like Greek yoghurt, white cheese or Gouda (Vit K2 for the latter), eating round 800 mg Ca the day long is still adequate (from food), according to one study I read (=> 40 40 720 mg Ca). Not optimal but OK. The study did not find a problem, but it was over a fairly short period, I think. People not at risk.
To be reminded: broccoli and oat are rich in Ca. Just to vary.
When I eat spinach with mashed potato, I add 1.5 tsp raw butter and 1 tbp coconut oil and one egg yolk or the full egg.
And as I am careful (I've got one CaOx 5 years ago) (I sometimes speak from experience, without expressly specifying it)I care for it through my day log. I correct it with the evening meal or 1 hour before bedtime with a shake, if necessary.
@Mossy said in Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists:
I keep an open mind — and as you know by now, ask a lot of questions.
I've be discussing the link you gave there:
Why weird recommendations about calcium supplement?
I had an interesting discussion with Mossy on Bioenergetics Forum about oxalates problems.
“Clearing up the confusion about oxalate lists”
But as I'm not in the best position there to speak freely, I decided to post here, to better control the deviations and digressions. -
L LucH referenced this topic on
@LucH said in Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists:
@Mossy said in Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists:
I keep an open mind — and as you know by now, ask a lot of questions.
I've be discussing the link you gave there:
Why weird recommendations about calcium supplement?
I had an interesting discussion with Mossy on Bioenergetics Forum about oxalates problems.
“Clearing up the confusion about oxalate lists”
But as I'm not in the best position there to speak freely, I decided to post here, to better control the deviations and digressions.I will take a look as time allows. Thank you.
I have a word of caution about such aggregation of research. Knowing the source of recommendations would be very helpful. Not knowing but relying on their word on account of the putative wisdom and pedigree of such research based on titles is risky business, distracting you from finding an actual solution.
One of the doctors cited there, for example, is Carolyn Dean, whose advice to avoid or minimize calcium intake is really ignorant. Without any qualification, her low calcium dosage recommendation leads people to become osteoporotic. She says high calcium leads to calcification. We know she is half right only at best. Because high calcium intake leads to calcification only for the hypothyroid peeps. She lacks understanding of this.
@yerrag Hi Yerrag,
I appreciate your concern, and I think to a large degree you're justified in voicing it. For words simply published on the wild west of the internet shouldn't just be swallowed blind. Given my history of poor health and many years of trial and error with supplements, with about a 1% success rate — no matter who the advice comes from — I remain fairly open to various positions. If something is too outlandish it will usually stick out to me, and I do attempt to use Peat as a measuring rod against what I read. Though, sometimes I will stray from that where it might make sense to do so. I welcome your caution and comments, and will take them to heart as I venture forward in my healing quest.
@yerrag said in Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists:
If one is convinced of that foundational thought, one would approach bioenergetics like Ray approached it, seeking that thread of coherence to put disparate concepts in alignment and in a unity that allows us to connect dots. In so doing, we see what needs to be done in ourselves to bring our health to where we no longer are fixing endless petty small fires that look insurmountable in and of themselves, but are actually developing ourselves to a better organism and a better species.
This is a neat thread. I've been wondering about oxalates and oxalic acid for a while. It started when I was reading Peat 1-2 years ago and tried eating a salad. The salad made my stomach hurt for the night and some the following day. Romaine lettuce and/or spinach or other greens I think. I tried it again a few other times, and each time I tried a salad it was really upsetting my stomach. It's funny how salads are worshipped as a health food, but I don't remember reading anything about salad/greens in Peat's writings except for some comments about phytoestrogens and probably oxalates or sulfurs in cruciferous veggies.
If other people can eat it, great. But I'm convinced there's something going on with oxalic acid/oxalates in fresh greens like these. Of course it could be pesticides and other things given industrialized agriculture, but I'm not sure. Most fruit I eat settles well.
On the theme of "coherence" that's what I find interesting. Common wisdom in these times is leading people astray and into darkness as a feature, not a bug, of institutional authoritarianism... anyways, the idea being something like "greens are a super food and good for you." It's the same logic guiding "seed oils are good and heart-healthy." "Nuts have omega-3s and these protect your brain."
If salads are good for one person, fine, but it's a fact for me that almost every "health" food I tried eating regularly left me cold, tired, irritated, etc. I guess it's also a feature of the Peatarian opposition that most of us probably seem like culinary pariahs to those unaware of the cultural dietary inversions going on.
I see the real insanity when so-called experts criticize fruit as "sugar" or "empty carbs." Morons! Sure, don't be a fruitarian, but imagine the vitality awaiting people who started replacing pufa-slop with grapes, apples, dates, oranges, and good fruit. It's unnerving to see the simple solutions don't work I think partly because an addict doesn't simply quit heroin because sobriety is better.I know that PUFA / SAD foods are addictive as most processed food is designed to be addictive. Is there anything published on pufa withdrawal, or pufa-deprivation causing stress?
@Corngold said in Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists:
On the theme of "coherence" that's what I find interesting. Common wisdom in these times is leading people astray and into darkness as a feature, not a bug, of institutional authoritarianism... anyways, the idea being something like "greens are a super food and good for you." It's the same logic guiding "seed oils are good and heart-healthy." "Nuts have omega-3s and these protect your brain."
So much money has been spent on the wrong "healthful foods" that I used to wonder each time I go to a health food store I began to notice many customers lacking the radiant youthful glow and instead see aging in dry wrinkly facial skin and naturally unkempt and tangled white hair in these stores. It's not a place I'd go to cheer me up with the sight of good looking healthy people not filled with raging hormones.
Well said.
Even a certain hippie co-op used to sell raw milk, at least I think it was raw because there was like an inch of cream on the top and my milk I've ever had. But then the rest of their wares are vegan or eastern veggies and herbsAs for your observation about visible signs of health...
that's an interesting topic.Even the people who eat a lot of pufa, for them to be healthy, it seems like they're generally excited about life. But that's rare. I rarely see or know of anyone who has energy and enjoyment in life who also eats heavy PUFA, processed foods. And, as you said, many people who follow keto / vegetarian-ish food-ways I feel are generally unstable energetically.
Not exactly the right thread but:
Have you heard of these two things? Maybe you can help or I could start a new thread.
The latter one is interesting, in that the author, T. Colin Cambell, claims dairy and meat are driving heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.
This would be similar to the "Pure, White, Deadly" Yudkin book/thesis that "sugar bad." In one book, he strengthened an anti-meat anti-dairy agenda. I'm sure it's connected in some way to WEF / Gates / CFR type funding to lay the psychological groundwork for de-growth and destruction of farms.Since Peat was apparently hip to China and Communism, I wonder why he never talked about this book?
@Corngold said in Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists:
Since Peat was apparently hip to China and Communism, I wonder why he never talked about this book?
I think it's about economy. I like that he never preached about organic. It's already known to people that organic is good, and him talking about it does less than him talking about the dangers the "organic crowd" are frequently not aware of. Such as sugar is not evil. And PUFA is not all healthful.
He also prefers to talk about under the radar but toxic substances involving persorption and toxins such as endotoxins. And soluble fiber not being the right answer to poor bowel movement, but adequate magnesium stores. -
I don't know, yerrag. He did hours of shows with Roddy & Dinkov, where they got in the weeds in terms of politics, finance, conspiracy, and other "fear-mongering" for lack of a batter term.
All I'm saying is I remember this stuff, "Forks Over Knives," Michael Pollan, and the big food/health complex existing for years before like 2020.
I believe he did mention it a few times, or commented on it or similar Chinese studies.
Anyways, it's just strange to me, given that I would expect him to want to defend meat and dairy, generally, and possibly find where the study went wrong in their assumptions (if it did!). I wonder if soy feed is the culprit as far as how pork and cows are being fed. The overconsumption of protein cuts and dairy could in fact be bad. But, the study was in 1983.
I wonder if the areas in question were electrified yet following Firstenberg's observations of electricity and cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. But, once again, I sense that pufa oil and soy feed, rural diets, and electricity are all acting in concert around the time of the study.
This paper seems to have some info on rural electrification of China.
@yerrag said in Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists:
organic is good, and him talking about it does less than him talking about the dangers the "organic crowd" are frequently not aware of. Such as sugar is not evil. And PUFA is not all healthful.
Only issue I have is that "organic" I think is fairly fraudulent. I think it's been shown by many people that the products are either the same, or differ only in very slight variations in production... i.e., grass being thrown to indoor dairy cows, the grass probably being tainted and sprayed anyways; things like this. It's a money-grab.
I agree with your other points. I still wonder about the difference between walnut pufa and canola oil pufa; it seems inaccurate saying walnuts are just as damaging as canola oil. That said, I usually get mouth sores and irritation eating walnuts or almonds and therefore avoid them.