Dht, testosterone pre workout...
@sneedful you take dbol alone? any thoughts on anavar same dose ?
@thyroidchor27 The proviron and the T should harmonize really well, was this your plan with that protocol
@onliest Yeah instant strenght beastin. Also makes working out alot healthier so big double win
@Uncover yeah but i might do anavar instead of proviron. Proviron crushes my shbg too quickly , i think anavar is prolly better (also a bit more hair safe i think) and some people even do anavar only cycles at low dose for 4-6 weeks. I will prolly have some T gel on hand tho incase estrogen gets driven too low
@thyroidchor27 DHT dont cause hairloss if you make sure to have low enough estrogen and stress at the same time all the while eating enough carbs and good nutrition. In that case DHT would increase your hairgrowth above that enviroments baseline hairgrowth without DHT. Balding men do not have high dht on avarage. They just have a enviroment that makes their DHT switch role in the hair follicle. This is my interpretation but it fits into what we can observe both in real life and in studies more than the other arguments. The fact the avarage balding man does not have high DHT is something pretty much all the research I have seen shows.
Yeah I tried anavar but something I dislike is how majority of even reputable underground labs underdose Anavar. I heard that pharma grade Anavar is insanely potent. That would make sense since its almost metabolize resistent. I will try to get my hands on pharma grade someday to see how it feels
I agree Proviron is perhaps too potent at lowering SHBG. Sucks cause it increases dhea ALOOOT without increasing estrogen so it feels really good and I like
@Uncover yea the honeymoon period w proviron lasts 2 days for me then quickly becomes bad, i become flat, no libido etc. Although i used low doses (20 mg) i didnt run w a test base so theres that. Im considering dbol as well, apparently it doesnt need test base comparitively
DHT dont cause hairloss if you make sure to have low enough estrogen and stress at the same time all the while eating enough carbs and good nutrition. In that case DHT would increase your hairgrowth above that enviroments baseline hairgrowth without DHT. Balding men do not have high dht on avarage. They just have a enviroment that makes their DHT switch role in the hair follicle. This is my interpretation but it fits into what we can observe both in real life and in studies more than the other arguments. The fact the avarage balding man does not have high DHT is something pretty much all the research I have seen shows.
@Uncover That's the best explanation ive seen, im gonna send it to anyone who asks me about dht and balding from now lol.
Chiming in on the thread, and wanted to say DHT is amazing preworkout. If you're going for a pr, you WILL get it, If you're not, you'll be suprised how easy the weights move and still hit a pr. It gives you increased stamina and better neuromuscular coordination, more primed nervous system.
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@pannacottas ever stack dht with progesterone?
@thyroidchor27 anavar is not hair safe according to my nigga taeian clark
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@thyroidchor27 you don't need any test base with nandrolone, dbol or halotestin and probably lots of other steroids. the latter 2 orals won't even shut the user down appreciably in cycles.
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@sneedful Haven't tried it, could be too sedating... but i'm gonna experiment now you mention it
@pannacottas what dosage do you use for pre workout? Oral or topical. Thanks
@BeamsOfEnergy Most of the time 50mg.
@pannacottas topical or oral? Thanks
@BeamsOfEnergy I did both, i think oral was more immediate