Urgent overdose (b1, prog)
What if the B1 depleted my iron stores? Which is why I had an averse reaction to the progest E (vitamin E). Did I become iron deficient? My diet isn’t high in iron to begin with
@bioenergetical could have yeh worth a minerals test to see what metals went down , but progest shouldnt have had an extra effect acutely i dont think if that was the main problem, the acute effect is likely sending the co2 too high , progesterone boosts co2 further from metabolism increase and increases lung sensitivity to co2, people with hypercapnia hyperventilate & get shortness of breath
@bioenergetical was it 1.2g thiamine or 12g?
@cs3000 12g plus the amount in energin
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Not sure if it is iron cause I’m no craving meat
Don’t understand why progest E worsened symptoms for me
@bioenergetical Im glad your okay that sounds scary
I’ve been drinking oj. I took 4g sodium bicarbonate and I felt weird. Shortness of breath
No, I’m not really okay. I’m tense, on edge. I don’t know what’s gonna happen
I feel warm and im not convulsing. But I feel like I can’t breathe that great. It just feels off
I took a manganese capsule and I feel more relieved… I did see something about excess B1 causing manganese deficiency. Not sure if it depleted anything else
@bioenergetical Try magnesium and riboflavin.
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the manganese seemed to have stabilized me for the night, my blood pressure normalized (slightly lower than normal but that’s fine). But now I woke up with higher blood pressure. Feeling kinda desperate
@bioenergetical how did you take that much especially transdermally
I don’t know if doctors will be able to help regarding this situation. Bioenergetics is a more obscure practice. Wouldn’t they put me in a more critical state?
Should I take more manganese?
I took manganese, made me feel relief. Later on, I started feeling cold and stressed. Maybe it’s because the B1 is stimulating my metabolic rate and causing other deficiencies