Neomycin alternative for SIBO? concerned with Ototoxicity
I was just prescribed Neomycin and Xifaxan for SIBO, but I'm getting quiet concerned about the side effects of the Neomycin.
I'm not sure it is placebo but after 3 days on it, I believe I'm already experiencing some buzzing sound in my hear and not sure I should keep this up for another 10 days.
what would be a safe alternative to Neomycin?
@GRay said in Neomycin alternative for SIBO? concerned with Ototoxicity:
what would be a safe alternative to Neomycin?
How to deal with sibo / sifo:
Useful info. In French. Translator needed.
See Dr d'Oro. -
@GRay said in Neomycin alternative for SIBO? concerned with Ototoxicity:
I was just prescribed Neomycin and Xifaxan for SIBO, but I'm getting quiet concerned about the side effects of the Neomycin.
I'm not sure it is placebo but after 3 days on it, I believe I'm already experiencing some buzzing sound in my hear and not sure I should keep this up for another 10 days.
what would be a safe alternative to Neomycin?
I made it only 3 days on Neomycin. It burned my intestines so much so that I was in the bathroom for most of those 3 days. Minocycline was far gentler on my gut, but caused vertigo. Ray recommended Erythromycin to me in an email exchange and he used Penicillin VK so maybe those are an option for you? I found herbal antimicrobials to be better tolerated. If I remember correctly, oregano and thyme are used to treat methane producing bacteria. I used a tincture that contained pau d’arco bark, black walnut hull, cat’s claw bark, goldenseal root, olive leaf extract, usnea lichen, thyme leaf, butternut bark, barberry root and raw honey. It worked well at relieving my symptoms until I could get doctors to prescribe me thyroid to clear the SIBO.
@Jennifer there’s also something called Ozonated magnesium that may be a great help. Ozonated magnesium is kind of like a very, very mild form of bleach, and it delivers a good deal oxygen to the small intestine, and this kills the archaea that often cause slow gut motility.
Interesting, @Ecstatic_Hamster. I just did a quick search and will have to research it more but from what I’ve come across so far, it seems promising. Thank you for sharing.
@Jennifer of course. I've found it works well with no side effects.
@LucH thanks!
@Jennifer thank you for the info, as always.
how long did it take you to clear out SIBO with Thyroid? I assume it worked because your bowel movements became more frequent?
I have used NDT for a while, but never really understood fully thyroid until I got to Ray work. Hopefully optimizing thyroid will help my SIBO as well
thank you guys for giving me some input here. I will research a bit deeper what you have suggested and try something instead of the Neomycin
Ozonated magnesium is very weird. It goes back to the Koch days with a very similar story.
This is from Dr. Kory’s article above, which quotes an interview.
It goes to every cell of the body. Magnesium, elemental magnesium, as well as elemental Oxygen, gets across the blood-brain barrier. That’s really the brain—the brain feeds on Magnesium.
Originally, it was designed that way for the Germans. That’s what I found. The majority of researchers and doctors out there talk about medical research, but medical people recognized it many years ago. Then they went allopathic with their drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery routines for cancer.
When you start talking about the real beginning basis of this, it did start way back when, at the very beginning of medicine. But that was back when medicine was looking at toxicity and all the other aspects of detoxification and cleansing. Then they went off the deep end and started drugging it to death. That’s not what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to assist nature in its healing process, not drug it to death.
With Homozon, it starts as Magnesium oxide brought to peroxide, superoxides, and ozonites. There has only been one cited reference that has ever shown that Magnesium ozonite has been produced at room temperature and is available at room temperature. Those were the scientists from our institute in Germany.
People have tried to force Oxygen onto a compound, but you can’t do it. It has to be done catalytically or coaxingly because you have to coax the Magnesium into it. Magnesium loves Oxygen anyhow, so it’s not like you’re coaxing too hard. People have tried to Ozonate and use every kind of method under the Sun. But unless they have the catalytic combination that the Germans and Paracelcius had, all they are doing is talking about it.
Will Homozon enter the brain as well?
Dr. George Freibott : It goes to every cell of the body. Magnesium. Magnesium elemental magnesium as well as elemental Oxygen gets across the blood brain very very for sure. That's really the brain the brain feeds on Magnesium.
How does increasing Oxygen prevent or turnaround cancer?
Dr. George Freibott: Cancer is the cancer according to Warberg, the two-time Nobel Prize winner. He stated that any cell deprived of 60 percent or more of its oxygen approximately turns cancerous and can do so in as little as 48 hours. So when you turn around and use that initial process in the body, in that 48 hours time, that cancer syndrome can be lit up in the body. And if that happens in 48 hours time, then you are looking for a quote cure for cancer.
But the person who keeps their body flooded with oxygen and keeps the speed of their blood flow up high enough—which happens from the oxygen, because oxygen is what causes that blood to be more fluid and thinner so that the blood flows more effectively throughout the body—as long as they do those two things, then there isn't a problem with cancer. A person should be able to deal with it.
Warberg said: Flood the body with oxygen, then take away all oxygenist carcinogens or toxins, and that's what we do. That's naturopathy.
@GRay said in Neomycin alternative for SIBO? concerned with Ototoxicity:
@Jennifer thank you for the info, as always.
how long did it take you to clear out SIBO with Thyroid? I assume it worked because your bowel movements became more frequent?
I have used NDT for a while, but never really understood fully thyroid until I got to Ray work. Hopefully optimizing thyroid will help my SIBO as well
My pleasure.
It took about 8 weeks. I think it worked because every tissue/organ was able to function better thanks to finally getting the energy that the body’s power source (thyroid and our backup power source—adrenals) needs to produce in order to digest, absorb, assimilate and eliminate food properly, keeping the small intestine relatively sterile and the bacteria in the large intestine where it should be. Also, for retaining nutrients. Ray talked about how the body wastes minerals when thyroid function is poor so we can be supplementing high doses of them, but not retaining them if the body can’t metabolize and utilize them properly because its basic need—energy—isn’t being met.
@Jennifer thanks
I heard Ray mentioning that. I feel I really need to figure out my thyroid optimization as a must and still straggling a bit with with dosing and timing. I often get a bit confused about symptoms/side effects.
@GRay, figuring out the dose and timing is challenging, for sure. It took me a year to optimize my dose and then something tragic happened that suppressed my thyroid and no amount of NDT was working because my world had changed in an instant. It took a lot of self-care and release work to get my gland to respond.