Blood flow/ Erection strength, please help
Ive struggled with erection problems for years/months ( 26, almost 27), i am doing nofap now, my erections just feel so weak while masturbating. i have morning wood some days, its not 100% strength tho, i feel i hvae to edge very hard to even get close to 100% erection strength, but that goes away very fast.
I think i am very desentisized from yearse of masturbation etc, i am just wondering how to heal it.I am taking vitamin d/zinc/magnesium etc. Any peaty protocols to help me? I am very scared it is venous leak, urologist prescribed me cialis which i obviously dont want to be taking .
I would apprecioate any help, its been plaguing me for years. I know the first step is nofap/ no porn, but besides that is there anything ican do? thank you
@crwn1 take pansterone + androsterone
Beef liver seemed to improve my erection quality from good to great and increased my libido. Probably because of steroid hormone effects. But I would not recommend it if you are hypothyroid because of vitamin A toxicity concerns. Measuring temperature can help to analyze that.
And yeah. Erections have the biological purpose of filling out a vagina. I think over time the brain just gets bored of pornography when there is no such connection. Make no mistake, it knows what's going on.
I think being obsessed with sexual function without considering the whole-body function can be a pathology in its own right. Ray Peat wrote about how hypersexuality is basically a response to what the body thinks is a death coming somewhat sooner, i.e., a tree struck with an axe will produce more pinecones, and girls under stress have earlier menarche. I think whatever you do to make progress will ultimately make you healthier in pretty much every way. Not just your device. Judging from your limited post history you seem like a somewhat unhealthy guy in general rather than having a specific penile mechanical problem. Nothing at all wrong with that, the only way to go is up.
Is your cardiovascular health trash?
Improving that usual helps with weak erections.
@crwn1 Pentoxifylline may help you if you can find it/get it prescribed
@Rah1woot no tbh, the other post about inflammation was for my brother. besides this, i feel liek im in good health , all blood tests i ever did came back goodm, i think i can definitely imrpove my cardiovascular health and sleep /diet though. thank you
@Jaffe its not the best i would say, when i used to do more cardio it was slightly better yeah