Orange Juice Recommendations
Hello Peatfrens, please share your thoughts on orange juice. Does organic matter? I'm currently drinking the whole foods brand, but it's a bit expensive, so I'm curious if the cheap, nonorganic ones are still peaty enough.
Toxinless has a pretty good description of a lot of OJ brands -
@izkrov Thank you! Great resource.
I think 365 brand at my Whole Foods is okay. I'm not sure organic really matters with the juice, what's more important is making sure you got good ripe orange juice. The sour stuff is no good. If you want to make marmalade, then you need to use organic oranges because you're actually eating the peel.
Full disclosure I rarely drink orange juice, because the stores closest to me don't carry good stuff. And Whole Foods is like a 40 minute drive from me, so I'd rather find a replacement. Apple juice is a great replacement for me.
@Brandon I vouch for the Kirkland Organic Orange Juice, it tastes so much better than normal OJ, but can't say it has a different effect physiologically on me. It runs a little less than 12$ for a 59oz 2 pack. Absolutely worth paying extra for.
Find a supermarket where they offer fresh orange juice using a machine like this one
I tried one of these once. It was really sour and unripe. Bit sad
@questforhealth They will sometimes use poor quality oranges to compensate for the price of the machine unfortunately.
@Appa Sad. Bit of a shame as it’s such a nice idea...