Niacin now toxic according to GG
Poor charlie must be shitting his pants now, since he's been advocating niacin on RPF as the greatest thing since sliced, niacin-free bread with its "500 detox pathways". I wonder what Garrett Smith's reply will be.
Meanwhile, I have started small doses of niacin again, after being scared off of a 500 mg dose that gave an insane flush many years ago. Feels like it might have some positive effects.
This for now.
I don't know about form for fortification without looking in to it but gg's article is still jumping to conclusion for other reasons mentioned by j&p (good spots, nice work).
Same @revenant as this? Nice exit if yes, style to it.[users]=revenant&o=date
Very disappointing that Grant decided to take the side of Satan when it comes to niacin. Oh well, we'll just have to press on and take back God's country without him.
GG is in his own world? He asks "What am I missing here?"
Well, maybe he is borderline vitamin A deficient and the small amount of niacin in bread taken over 8 months finally had an effect on his scalp and ...
... as we know Vitamin A deficiency is also expressed as dandruff.
The niacin probably accelerated the depletion of niacin in his stores because niacin led to an increase in NAD+ and increased metabolism, and increasing metabolism also uses up Vitamin A.
That answers his question, but he finds it hard to admit Vitamin A is needed and is not a toxin.
After all, my mom had her dandruff disappear after she began eating beef liver once a week.
I no longer needed to wear bifocals after a weekly serving of beef liver for 5 years got my eyesight so much improved. This, plus having good CO2 production which is also needed for the eye to maintain its transparency, the result of good mitochondrial metabolism which requires Vitamin A to play a contributory role as well.
As for niacin, I had slowly built up my tolerance for niacin, starting out at 30mg daily to now at 100mg. I was having rashes and it was itchy, but I persevered because I appreciate the mechanism and the beneficial effects of the inflammation it generates. I don't have rashes anymore . Nor do I itch anymore. We should allow our body the benefit of adapting and give it time.
I used to itch when in my childhood I get cuts and lacerations. Itching is a natural part of healing, I would learn that young. That lesson is still relevant now, though I wonder why I don't itch as much when healing. Maybe I should pause and think "Is this a good thing - that I lost the itch reaction when healing from wounds?"
@ThinPicking of course Charlie finds a way to avoid the issue. He has been beating the drum of his new guru and all of a sudden said guru comes out against Niacin which Charlie has been aggressively pushing as the cure for basically all diseases. Sad to see someone devolve into delusion but not surprising as he basically sounds like a cult leader now.
And now the forum is down.
@revenant Yes, I've had some nasty flushes with Nicotinic Acid, mainly swelling of the throat and trouble breathing, I had to lay down on a cold floor one time. Niacinamide is much better; no flushing or inflammation, many benefits and no problem with bigger doses.
What’s the over under on Generoux coming out in favor of Vitamin A at this point? “Man all these years I’ve just been wrong. My issues with Vitamin A were just detox!”
I find it interesting that GG is now playing into the religious elements that Charlie and other folks in the Toxic Bile cohort are expounding.
It seems that like how carnivore is related to conservatism and veganism is related to leftism there is now a push for the Toxic Bile to be related to Christianity reinforcing the cult like nature of the community. Mangoes are now the forbidden fruit and those that eat them are sinners.
The issue becomes one is discarding inherent systems like a hack. For cultists like Charlie and his gurus he follows, to put in their language, they are dismissing their own god's intrinsic design: the kynurenine pathway. Where helpful kynureinic acid and ultimately niacin (NAD) is produced in a healthy system from tryptophan.
D DavidPS referenced this topic on
Grant’s conclusion is weird.
Goes from rice -> fortified sourdough + honey. Calories increased from the paltry ~1600 he ate previously. States he hasn’t exercised much either.
8 months later gets dry itchy scalp.
Switches to German non-fortified buns + honey, recovers fully in 5 months.
Conclusion is… blame niacin? What about everything else in fortified flour? Why not switch back the working diet and supplement nicotinic acid to isolate affect? Also, isn’t niacin in fortified foods really niacinamide? What?