A quick reminder to all, that if you do the 3 or 4 year strict PUFA restriction, get your carb intake up, get metabolic rate up, you have to look at any PUFA exposure as being rate limited as far as its damage. I'm not saying go back to eating PUFA. However, as an optimized "peatarian" specimen, one can afford the occasional pufa exposure. Again, NOT to engage in a full pufa meal, but some amounts that would come with the occasional chicken meal, and that is a good quality, whole food chicken meal at that, shouldn't be fret about. When you are in this state, your vulnerability should not be, ideally, 1:1 to your average person eating the average western meals. There is a thing of resilience to keep in mind, BY virtue of this optimized system.
I'm not saying willy nilly get into the PUFA when you want. I'm simply being more so a voice of reason. And this is after the 4 years or so of depletion and a kind of strictness.