Bioenergetic AI Labs: The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set
The way I personally approach “Ray Peat” eating is use what works for you and throw out the other stuff.
I’m finding tremendous benefit from adding collagen/ certain amino acids. I have Ray Peat to thank for that.
Just like I did with other eating approaches. I like Ray’s approach in that he didn’t demonize carbohydrates like the keto diet does. Now the ketoians are coming around to adding carbs. So go figure. Soon they won’t even be Keto anymore.
The hormone/pregnenolone/ progesterone thing that Ray endorsed did not work for me. Really threw my body off so I stopped it.
To me:
- Just eating all low carb, or no carbs = unhealthy. Screwed up my sleep. Your brain needs sugar/ carbs to sleep properly. A tbsp. of honey to me is the perfect sleep food. And glycine/ taurine throughout the day.
Taurine has me sleeping like a baby. - Just eating all carbs = unhealthy
- Just eating all fat or too much fat =unhealthy
- Just eating simple sugars all day ( like it seems a lot of peatians were doing) = unhealthy
- Just eating all vegtables ( aka vegitarian diet) = unhealthy
6)Pufas…soy, canola, corn etc= unhealthy
7)butter, coconut oil, lard etc. = healthy IN MODERATION
*7) the thing I get out of all the info is that BALANCE is the key. For me anyway. In other words, it’s ok to have “some” carbs, “some” healthy fats, “some” protein ( i tend to eat a little higher protein now) “some” veggies, “some” fruit, “some” simple sugars, “some” exercize ( but not strenuous all the time which stresses the body and contributes to serotonin)
But eating just “one” way, and saying it is the ONLY way, in my opinion, is a recipe for disaster. Of all the approaches of eating and lifestyle, Ray Peats ideas seem the most open minded.
If people can get back to a common sense approach with food, exercize, lifestyle choices, we all might be a little healthier. In my humble opinion.
- Just eating all low carb, or no carbs = unhealthy. Screwed up my sleep. Your brain needs sugar/ carbs to sleep properly. A tbsp. of honey to me is the perfect sleep food. And glycine/ taurine throughout the day.
@Kvirion OK bro.
You have the right to think what you want
@yerrag I liked.
I can say from my experience, that the digital age is a combination of heaven and hell. I almost died as a result of 15 intense years in the digital field and then I was exposed to Ray Peat and I saved myself thanks to the knowledge he spread.
Then again I fell victim to digital and again saved myself. It happens all the time for the reason that I am addicted to accumulating knowledge and give up every time the understanding that staying away from the digital is the basis of good health.
And yes, people who don't understand, think of AI only in terms of robots, aliens and evil. It's just like Google for example, just allows faster progress of good and bad things.
I'm sure Ray had time to test the AI capabilities and would have used them chronically for his research if he was still alive.
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
I almost died as a result of 15 intense years in the digital field and then I was exposed to Ray Peat and I saved myself thanks to the knowledge he spread.
Then again I fell victim to digital and again saved myself. It happens all the time for the reason that I am addicted to accumulating knowledge and give up every time the understanding that staying away from the digital is the basis of good health.
@ThinPicking said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
I understand that there are also people who have studied for many years the knowledge of Ray Peat and relevant knowledge and they are also a little afraid that other people will acquire this knowledge and even more, in 1/1,000 of the time it took them.
Honestly man I sincerely doubt the afraid part of that. If they've assembled a piece or a whole of the biscuit they probably needed some heart and humour to do it. And some of that probably rubbed off from Ray. Seems likely to me the only thing they'll fear is someone trying to distort the opportunity for others so they can make it appear 'proprietary' and monetise on that basis. Which no one (I've seen) having some success in this 'space' is doing. Because it's all replicable, except the conduct and personality of a person currently doing it.
(This is not anti IP propaganda generally. I just think 'health' ought to be open source-ish.)
It's because you haven't reached that point yet that you understand how the world really works and maybe you also got everything on a gold spoon, otherwise I have no explanation why you think that everyone who is involved in sharing knowledge or making it accessible should do it for free and you don't see the other side of the currency: I need to make a living, I can do it by continuing to be active in areas such as digital marketing for businesses or I can do it by making a huge contribution to the world, by allowing researchers to expand their knowledge quickly and share it with others (in many cases paid, to earn a living)
I can tell you that during the last 15 years, my level of professionalism, knowledge and experience have allowed me to earn more than is necessary for a good life, with much less effort than it took me in the last year, in which I stopped working only to invest every minute in continuing Bioenergetics research and helping people at no cost For me to continue professionalizing, including the work required to establish such an AI infrastructure and all because with everything I had in the field of digital marketing, it made me very sick because I felt like I was wasting my time without contributing anything vital to the world.
Who’s read Huxley’s “Brave New World”?
Relevant and so importantWhat Ray said to me
Him to me
A first person factual accountWas it was important to END DIGITAL CULTURE.
Digital culture:
The values, beliefs, behaviors, and technology that shape the way people work and interact in a digital-first environment.
Including mindset, collaboration, innovation, and technology adoption.Do your thing Shark guy
But I see cognitive dissonance, misunderstanding or denial -
Wait what. That's not what I'm saying at all. Hardware costs. Computation costs. Time (and heart) for archiving costs, curation costs, monitoring, and development costs.
As does time (and heart) any existing Peat related product or service anyone's providing. I was saying they don't appear to be involved in protectionism. And if they have a fear it's probably that some might try at some point.
And sharko. I've been forced to work my arse off in life. While now being able to explain in considerable legislative and 'economic' detail how the world 'really works'.
@Peatful said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
Who’s read Huxley’s “Brave New World”?
Relevant and so importantWhat Ray said to me
Him to me
A first person factual accountWas it was important to END DIGITAL CULTURE.
Digital culture:
The values, beliefs, behaviors, and technology that shape the way people work and interact in a digital-first environment.
Including mindset, collaboration, innovation, and technology adoption.Do your thing Shark guy
But I see cognitive dissonance, misunderstanding or denialBelieve me I know very well how destructive the digital age is and I wish it didn't exist. But you can cry while using the tool you hate so much or you can accept the situation and use it for the future you want so much for the world
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
@Peatful said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
Who’s read Huxley’s “Brave New World”?
Relevant and so importantWhat Ray said to me
Him to me
A first person factual accountWas it was important to END DIGITAL CULTURE.
Digital culture:
The values, beliefs, behaviors, and technology that shape the way people work and interact in a digital-first environment.
Including mindset, collaboration, innovation, and technology adoption.Do your thing Shark guy
But I see cognitive dissonance, misunderstanding or denialBelieve me I know very well how destructive the digital age is and I wish it didn't exist. But you can cry while using the tool you hate so much or you can accept the situation and use it for the future you want so much for the world
Are you a dad?
No need to answer
I respect that is quite personalI prefer to fight for my kid’s freedoms and the Truth
You are so righteous. Must be hard to live under the tutelage of a fundamentalist mom like you. You follow the letter, but the results come out hollow when you act in a Luddite manner, and in so doing, if your will be done, people will be deprived of finding out many truths buried under the weight of the tyranny of propaganda made more powerful by the use of AI.
You understand very well that AI is a double-edged sword, and you would prefer to have the sword used against us, and not to protect us, just because you earned the right to interpret Ray's meaning in what he said against digital culture, simply because you had personally broached the subject with him. Yet you never asked what he meant, and I think it is because you had concluded what he meant is what your mind had prejudicially formed as what he meant.
You are just acting like a Karen that people have come to despise.
To be fair @Peatful I auto 'hated' 'digital culture' before I hated corporate law. I just see it (as it currently is and has been for 20 years) as a by-product now. But in many ways so are the semiconductors. I'm not an arsonist, there's a lot about corporatism that works, and doesn't involve a Faustian relationship with subjects (in my opinion). A tweak or two could (possibly) go a long way in changing culture.
I already had some experience for the pivot. Having turned over medicine long before my Peat era for losing a love. I wondered at that point why 'protocol' is so fixed and why 'certified' pros are so bound by it. Inevitably I arrived at a legal industrial complex, right beside the medical one.
If there was one thing I could discuss with Dr Peat, it would be this.
@yerrag said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
You are so righteous. Must be hard to live under the tutelage of a fundamentalist mom like you. You follow the letter, but the results come out hollow when you act in a Luddite manner, and in so doing, if your will be done, people will be deprived of finding out many truths buried under the weight of the tyranny of propaganda made more powerful by the use of AI.
You understand very well that AI is a double-edged sword, and you would prefer to have the sword used against us, and not to protect us, just because you earned the right to interpret Ray's meaning in what he said against digital culture, simply because you had personally broached the subject with him. Yet you never asked what he meant, and I think it is because you had concluded what he meant is what your mind had perjudicially formed as what he meant.
You are just acting like a Karen that people have come to despise.
I don’t name call
I don’t attackI am direct
Can be a bitch at timesI say what I believe
My behaviors equal my words and values
My husband is awesome
We are a happy family
With tons of grace hereI do not see AI as a double edged sword at all
I believe it to be all bad
ReallyCall me Karen
Despise awayMy issue is with someone saying Peat would think this is good
Or “bless” itPeat’s response was pretty clear to me
My frame of reference was years of email correspondence with him- not about solving health issues
Personal things
Life…You have heard it said?:
Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth -
@Peatful I am a father who puts his children before anything else and fights tooth and nail to be with them every possible minute. Instead of spending time trying to fix the world for them, I invest in what matters most to them: the present. And while I strive to earn a living by helping other people feel better and also to be exposed to the truth and this is my little help to the world and their future
@yerrag said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
You are so righteous. Must be hard to live under the tutelage of a fundamentalist mom like you. You follow the letter, but the results come out hollow when you act in a Luddite manner, and in so doing, if your will be done, people will be deprived of finding out many truths buried under the weight of the tyranny of propaganda made more powerful by the use of AI.
You understand very well that AI is a double-edged sword, and you would prefer to have the sword used against us, and not to protect us, just because you earned the right to interpret Ray's meaning in what he said against digital culture, simply because you had personally broached the subject with him. Yet you never asked what he meant, and I think it is because you had concluded what he meant is what your mind had perjudicially formed as what he meant.
You are just acting like a Karen that people have come to despise.
I was in this place myself when the covid started. I can understand her and it is very difficult to get out of this place.
This usually happens after realizing that our world will not change as we expect, before it crumbles to pieces.
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
@Peatful I am a father who puts his children before anything else and fights tooth and nail to be with them every possible minute. Instead of spending time trying to fix the world for them, I invest in what matters most to them: the present. And while I strive to earn a living by helping other people feel better and also to be exposed to the truth and this is my little help to the world and their future
Strong dads build strong families
Strong families build strong communities
Strong communities build strong societiesI stand with you
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
@yerrag said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
You are so righteous. Must be hard to live under the tutelage of a fundamentalist mom like you. You follow the letter, but the results come out hollow when you act in a Luddite manner, and in so doing, if your will be done, people will be deprived of finding out many truths buried under the weight of the tyranny of propaganda made more powerful by the use of AI.
You understand very well that AI is a double-edged sword, and you would prefer to have the sword used against us, and not to protect us, just because you earned the right to interpret Ray's meaning in what he said against digital culture, simply because you had personally broached the subject with him. Yet you never asked what he meant, and I think it is because you had concluded what he meant is what your mind had perjudicially formed as what he meant.
You are just acting like a Karen that people have come to despise.
I was in this place myself when the covid started. I can understand her and it is very difficult to get out of this place.
This usually happens after realizing that our world will not change as we expect, before it crumbles to pieces.
Ok -
@Peatful Thinking is good, but what about doing?
There are currently AI technologies available to the general public, which allow learning very quickly (and making mistakes just as quickly).
These technologies are constantly learning more knowledge, from the correspondence of hundreds of millions of users every day.
I will tell you a short story:
I have been corresponding with Claude AI for a long time on medical and health matters.
All these tools, just like Google, put the "authoritative" sources first and those who ask them questions about medicine and health, will get the usual narrative.
But because I've been talking to one of the leading tools for so long and correcting him with proofs for so long (to try to verify everything multiple times), I got him today to answer other people with information that is compatible with the bioenergetic approach on certain topics.
Think if we all did that and then hundreds of millions of people would start getting new answers about medicine and health?
@sharko said in Bioenergetic AI Labs
The future of Ray Peat's legacy is already set:
@Peatful Thinking is good, but what about doing?
There are currently AI technologies available to the general public, which allow learning very quickly (and making mistakes just as quickly).
These technologies are constantly learning more knowledge, from the correspondence of hundreds of millions of users every day.
I will tell you a short story:
I have been corresponding with Claude AI for a long time on medical and health matters.
All these tools, just like Google, put the "authoritative" sources first and those who ask them questions about medicine and health, will get the usual narrative.
But because I've been talking to one of the leading tools for so long and correcting him with proofs for so long (to try to verify everything multiple times), I got him today to answer other people with information that is compatible with the bioenergetic approach on certain topics.
Think if we all did that and then hundreds of millions of people would start getting new answers about medicine and health?
This is helpful
Thx for sharingThe difference is im defending Ray whom I felt like I had a relationship to and or understanding with
And you have an understanding of or with ClaudeSo
If you have a minute
But first
Search for the story of (AI) Loab
And the Swedish artist…But if you have a minute
Thanks everyone
Thanks for tolerating me! -
The 'open' local models have a surprising amount baked in already as well. You can preprompt many to roleplay as 'Dr Raymond Peat'. Mistral, Guanaco, Hermes etc, 3 - 70b have enough to form reasonable (and entertaining) answers.
Whenever I can get to it on a ridiculous list of side stuff. I'd like to do Peaty fine tuning on a 3b and put that model and a preformed vector store (so it's sharper and able to produce citations) on HG or other with some Windows, Mac and PC instructions.
Obviously it wont touch cGPT's API or other majors capabilities. But a miniature, local and static peatbot would be cool.