Looking for advice
@ilnyarienàfaire said in Looking for advice:
I’m dealing with pretty severe depression right now, and it feels worse than ever. I think this should be my main focus, as it has led to anhedonia. This should be my main priority as this is a life threatening issue.
I have some GI, like bloating and gas, especially in the evenings.=> You probably suffer from leaky gut (zonulin) and your microbiota is upside down (gas and bloating). Impact 70-80 % on immunity.
Your brain lacks useful nutrients (deprived by overgrowth) and it impacts neurotransmitters.
Make a search with;- Dr. D'Oro and SIBO
- Dr Lonsdale: The Gut-Brain Axis and the Microbiome.
e.g. Thiamine and the Microbiome – Dr. Lonsdale
https://www.hormonesmatter.com/thiamine-microbiome/ 03/23
Thiamine and the Microbiome 02/23 – Dr. Lonsdale
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What is your waking temperature?
What is your morning temperature in a relaxed state 20-30 minutes after eating breakfast? -
@ilnyarienàfaire said in Looking for advice:
What would you recommend to treat these kinds of issues? Thanks!
Too soon to give a direction.
- White tongue = candidiasis supposed.
=> Control with the glass of water and saliva.
If positive, it’s the first thing to deal with. - I need to get more information on the bloating and gas symptoms.
- How do the stools smell, form and frequency.
- Fermentation in the stomach or in the second part of the colon.
Note: If you try to begin a treatment before targeting the right bacteria, you’re going to enhance a selection. You won’t kill all the bacteria and some bacteria are going to hide behind a film, waiting to come back and stronger. Have you ever heard of quorum sensing? Association and selection of some bacteria, overgrowth and unbalanced to the profit of some leaders.
- Enflamed gums are the entry point for bacteria. You will also need to find out how to get rid of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in order to avoid overloading the liver and feeling unwell.
- Pain in different parts of the body could be due to stress. But excess histamine and oxalates are going to make things more difficult.
In summary, don’t undertake a cure before having a large view. It would be better to be followed by a health practitioner, even if you tell him what you want. He must be open-minded, to accept suggestion. Of course, you’ll have to explain him why ...
- White tongue = candidiasis supposed.
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The reason I wanted both temps is because I need to compare them
Before your response to me
It was likely that you are in a stressed metabolic stateHaving a waking temp of 98.4 combined with your symptoms
Does indicate a stressed driven metabolismInteresting if you knew your reverse T3
Although not paramountTo beat to the chase
Knowing what little data we have on you
What may be causing or definitely adding to your complaints
You may simply be too lean for whatever your energy needs are
It may have you in that stressed statePlus
Blood sugar regulation is important tooAgain
If your temp is 98.4 waking
That may be a cortisol driven thingMore data needed
@ilnyarienàfaire Am mid 20s now but have felt the same way as you when I was 17-20 at times. Do you smoke weed? Do you have a vision for your future?
@ilnyarienàfaire said in Looking for advice:
I have a lot of dreams, though I’m not entirely sure if that’s good or bad.
Sign of not getting deep sleep.
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@ilnyarienàfaire said in Looking for advice:
What is a proper treatment for candida in your opinion? Would caprylic acid work?
It could be but only as a part of a plan.
Caprylic acid, combined with other antifungals of natural origin:
Short-Term Antifungal Treatments of Caprylic Acid with Carvacrol or Thymol
DOI: 10.33594/000000139 2019 -
Vitamine D3 5 000 UI (with take of K2, otherwise no) (10 000 UI at the beginning 2 days) for immunity.
doi: 10.18502/cmm.2023.345062.1416 2023
Candida and fungus tactics
Here is what I said to a forumer (see link underneath)
We need to structure before beginning, structure in terms of strategy.
We hit the nail on the head again and again: Just because it’s good doesn’t mean it’s right to do it. It must be organized and coordinate to avoid withdrawal (protection) behind a biofilm. It’s during the first attack that the opportunistic bacteria/yeasts must be weakened.
We hammer/ cosh them, kick them off or shoot them down. Afterwards we consolidate and finally we have to occupy the place with probiotics.
NB: Get informed on Herxheimer crisis when LPS toxins will saturate the liver. Or you'll panic + stress ...
In summary: Weaken – kick and push out.
Coordinated and planned tactic, which results in a structured scheme:- Weaken (deprivation of resources but not complete abstinence)
- Organize to knock out (limiting the ability to adapt)
- Machin-gun (with increased die-off) + assistance to evacuate LPS endotoxins
- Consolidation (nutrients useful to ensure diversification of commensal bacteria).
- Occupy the place (diversified menus and possible contributions of specific strains depending on the terrain).
SIFO => Fungus / fungi (contamination with yeast)
SIBO => Bacteria (contamination by bacteria, without yeast)
• Sifo = presence of fungal opportunist(s) or in the form of yeast (dismorphism) +... other species that may be related to bacteria or microorganisms
• Sibo = the same thing but without the fungal element.
Useful link : My forum (in French, Translator needed)
*) Contain candida albicans with phytotherapy
*) Witnesses from forumers
https://mirzoune-ciboulette.forumactif.org/search?search_keywords=candida&typerecherche=interne&show_results=topics -
Usually low blood sugar iirc
This was in reference to the Dream comments -
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@ilnyarienàfaire On dreams, I think Kilgore is right. I typically have a lot of dreams and feel unrested from them. I almost always oversleep because I am so fatigued from my dreams that I feel too groggy to get up and just go back into the dreams, if that makes sense?
I've noticed that when I do sleep and don't have dreams (or at least don't conciously process I've had them) I feel A LOT more rested when I wake up and waking is a lot easier. I wish I could give advice as to how to dream less but this is my current biggest problem for myself also.